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Everything posted by chandragupta

  1. Space is the ' SINE QUA NON' for any kind of existence , be that existence as it may, SINGULARITY or any thing else. If one accepts that SINGULARITY contains the space inside IT-SELF then question still remains who contains the SINGULARITY inside it-self ? Thanks.I agree 100 percent with you. The main problem is : The evolution of present mathematics is still in infancy for it does not allow inclusion of observer in its equations. There is urgent need for invention of a new kind of mathematics by the observer which in future can allow the observer as well in his equations along with matter for universe has two components namely matter & observer.By ignoring observer from his mathematical equations,observer is going round & round in a circle.Your thoughts?
  2. Very difficult to understand your idea.please make it simple.
  3. Observer is the only existence in universe who is not only 'self-aware' but is also 'other-aware'. Here the phrase 'other-aware' applies to matter which is neither 'self-aware' nor 'other-aware'. Even if ONE ACCEPTS FOR ARGUMENT SAKE that matter can exist independent of the observer I.e. in the absence of the observer, the question will remain as to who is going to proclaim 'Hey, look there is THIS thing WHOM I call MATTER WHO CAN EXIST INDEPENDENT OF ME'. Your thoughts?
  4. Thank you & congratulations. You have done an excellent job by stringing together into one coherent thread my various postings (& responses to them) which I posted as ' new topics'. I should explain.I am having a problem in responding to my own threads & other people's threads on your site in that the icon ' add reply' repeatedly returns me to 'science forum...

  5. The particle & its wave function are both phenomena which are perceived by the observer. The answer to your question is hidden in the paradigm as to whether the universe can exist independent of the observer, not withstanding the discovery by the observer of millions of years old fossils & that the universe is 13.7 billion years old. Your thoughts?
  6. Quantum field theory, even though it is a theory, has a solid mathematical foundation which works splendedly in practice in real clasical world .Mathematics,even though an invention of man's mind & an abstract construct is nevertheless picturized by man for the purposes of ease of understanding, in a four dimensional space time,even if this happens to be quanta's infinitesimally small four dimensional space time. So my question is:- Is this Hilbert space,abstract though it is, by being a part of abstract mathematics , is nevertheless a micro four dimensional space time where quanta are points of energy having minuscule electromagnetic fields?£ Their quantum motion has to be expressed in abstract Mathematical terms because they are points of energy operating in infinitesimally small four dimensional spase time.Thus their wave function is not a wave function in the clasical sense but described as amplitude of probability & oscillations as a movement from negative point to a positive point through a point of equilibrium at zero. Thus a photon can be thought of as an oscillation from negative to positive point about the point of equilibrium. In this picturization electron can be considered on the negative side of equilibrium & positron on the positive side of the equilibrium . Your thoughts?
  7. Quantum field theory, even though it is a theory, has a solid mathematical foundation which works splendedly in practice in real clasical world .Mathematics,even though an invention of man's mind & an abstract construct is nevertheless picturized by man for the purposes of ease of understanding, in a four dimensional space time,even if this happens to be quanta's infinitesimally small four dimensional space time. So my question is:- Is this Hilbert space,abstract though it is, by being a part of abstract mathematics , is nevertheless a micro four dimensional space time where quanta are points of energy having minuscule electromagnetic fields?£ Their quantum motion has to be expressed in abstract Mathematical terms because they are points of energy operating in infinitesimally small four dimensional spase time.Thus their wave function is not a wave function in the clasical sense but described as amplitude of probability & oscillations as a movement from negative point to a positive point through a point of equilibrium at zero. Thus a photon can be thought of as an oscillation from negative to positive point about the point of equilibrium. In this picturization electron can be considered on the negative side of equilibrium & positron on the positive side of the equilibrium . Your thoughts?
  8. Motion of an individual quantum can take place in left to right & right to left direction in the form of an oscillation.central point on this arc of oscillation is called the point of equilibrium or rest & it denotes having zero charge. Photon is the point of energy at this site of equilibrium & thus having no charge. When this point of energy oscillates to the left of the site of equilibrium,it becomes electron with negative charge & if it oscillates to the right of the site of equilibrium, it becomes positron with positive(+) charge. But this is not the end of the story. This Mathematical point of energy can also move in an up & down fashion in a four dimensional space-time but when they move up & down, they do this in the form of a wave & not in a straight line. What energy- characteristic this point of energy I.e. quantum, acquires by moving in a wave like manner, I shall attempt to describe in lesson no 3. Your thoughts?
  9. Quantum field theory is an amazing Mathematical invention of man's mind invented to make sense of this amazing universe. In this theory space-time at any given moment of its evolution is pictured as occupied by point-like characters having only charge but no mass with the exception of photons which are inherently without charge & without mass. Each of these point-like characters with charge generate their own individual electromagnetic field & thus interact with each other depending upon the nature of their charge (+or-),either attracting or repelling,thus creating newer & newer point-like characters with charges of different amplitudes (amplitudes which are different from the amplitudes of the original point-like characters from which they were made).
  10. Mathematics is a invention of the observer I.e.man's consciousness.it is lacking in one respect & it is that it doesn't allow inclusion of consciousness in its eqations. There is an urgent need to invent a new kind of mathematics which enables inclusion of consciousness in its eqations. Remember ,onsciousness is the other half of universe(matter being the first half).

  11. Is it true that the universe is filled with all the different kinds of fundamental particles I.e. quanta waiting to be thought of by the observer & then waiting to be measured first Mathematically & then experimentally by the observer-------this is what is a FIELD THEORY. Your thoughts?
  12. Quantum manner is a Mathematical concept & this Mathematical concept is arcane & abstract. My question is: can this Mathematical concept be put in a pictorial manner? For example Richard Feynman's 'Feynman diagram' is very helpful in expressing his Mathematical concept. Your thoughts?
  13. Individual quantum is a particle which moves in a wave like manner. My question is: DOES THIS WAVE LIKE MOTION OCCURS IN AN UP & DOWN FASHION I.e. in the manner of a sea wave OR DOES IT OCCUR IN A SIDE TO SIDE FASHION I.e. in the manner of a side winder snake.your thoughts?
  14. Is it true that an individual quantum exists anywhere & everywhere at one & the same time till it is observed & then at the very moment of observation it withdraws itself from this anywhere & everywhere & becomes one single particle once again at the site of observation? Your thoughts?
  15. Individual quantum is a particle but it moves forward in a wave-like manner, a wave which has a crest & a trough,just like a sea wave.This nature of the individual quantum is in total contradistinction to what happens in the macro world where a bullet moves forward in a straight line.your thoughts?
  16. Universe is a phenomenon perceived by the observer who not only perceives the former but also affirms its existence & disects its structure. My question is: Can this phenomenon I.e. universe exist in the absence of the observer? Your thoughts?
  18. Do the particles of the quantum world with mass warp the fabric of space-time? Your thoughts?
  20. admire your intention to study both I.e. physics as well as biology. Physics deals with only one aspect of existence in universe namely matter but biological world is a package of two aspects of existence in universe namely matter & consciousness. Please remember it is consciousness alone who is "SELF-AWARE" as we as "OTHER- AWARE". The phrase "OTHER-AWARE" relates to matter(physical body). The THEORY OF EVERY THING cannot be obtained without including consciousness in the Mathematical eqations.It seems impossible at present to include consciousness in Mathematical eqations.But please note mathematics is a invention of man's consciousness.This very consciousness will find a new mathematics which will allow inclusion of consciousness in future to create THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING.So go ahead.
  21. Start with the concept that SINGULARITY,the starting point of the universe is DIMENTIONLESS POINT OF CONSCIOUSNESS rather than infinitesimally small,infinity dense & Infinitly hot point of matter.Also conceptualise BIG BANG AS A PROCESS OF CONSCIOUS DREAMING ON THE PART OF THIS DIMENTIONLESS POINT OF CONSCIOUSNESS.

  22. Quantum mechanics gives the concept of singularity,the starting point of BIG BANG (which according to BIG BANG theory gives rise to universe) but it fails to explain where this SINGULARITY exists without cosmic space? Your thoughts?
  23. Consciousness in the universe is primary whereas matter,energy,cosmic space,cosmic time are all by product of consciousness.if we start from this premise universe will begin to make sense because it is consciousness alone who has the inherent ability to confirm the existence of the universe .

  24. Quantum mechanics does not acknowledge consciousness in its model of universe.This is a shortcuming

  25. Despite recent confirmation of God particle,Standard model of universe has two problems. Firstly it is very big & ugly, & secondly it has infinities .

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