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Everything posted by dapifo

  1. Is it really sure that the total amount of matter+energy is constant in the Universe? What happen with antimatter and dark matter & energy?... and with neutrinos?
  2. Which % of antimatter there are in the Universe?...Is it constant also?
  3. My opinion is that there are billions of Universes (bubbles) like Ours ...and at the same scale... with different amount of matter and energy (but out of Ours Universe boundaries......then the constants of the phisical laws are different......See the AVATAR. But I beleave that also other Universes should be in other scales (larger and smaller)... with different (but deppendent laws) ... and that they act as open Systems that transfer energy and matter.
  4. Are mainstream sure that the matter+energy of Our Universe is constant since 10^-32 sec after Big-Bang? Is it not possible that some matter+energy comes in or goes out (enter or leave) of Our Universe? Or matter+energy will be created new (as in the Big-Bang), or destroyed due to the same effect than matter-antimatter?... Does it goes against the Laws of Termodinamic?
  5. Then the answer is clear.. no discussion...the observable Universe is finite, and it has aprox. 100 billions year light of diameter and 10 exp 80 atoms...and started 13.700 millions ago. But this Observable Universe is not All and the Whole Universe.
  6. When you discuss about the finite and infinite of the universe...you allways think only in Our Universe. But why we don´t consider Our Universe (finite?) like that Universe that we know (from 10 exp -27 to 10 exp +27 meters), where we are just in the middle. And we consider the Global Universe as the Total Universe. (infinite or finite)?...were we could supose higher potencials (from 10 exp <-1000 to 10 exp >+1000 meters)?
  7. In the Big Bang was created matter and energy out of nothing. It is assumed that currently the amount of energy+matter is constant, and that expands isotropically...only by the spacing of matter between them? Then... at what moment after the Big-Bang was stabilized the amount of matter and energy in the universe?
  8. You are too closed to the current state of the art...and you are accepting as absolute that light speed can not be exceeded....but sure that will be methods for it...when another Einstein...wil climb one step more at a physical. Please, don´t you think that now we know every thing of the Universe and its laws?.... sure we don´t know more than 1 per billion ....of whole
  9. Do you think that following concepts are correct?: EM Waves of wavelength of 10 exp +10, would be a frequency of 30 mHz (This is just a 30 second wave, nothing special actually,similar to the frequency of magnetic field line resonances in the Earth's magnetosphere). They could be detected, messured and registred with a Multimeter attached to a strip chart recorder, and with a very good isolation from any sort of interference, which may involve going into interstellar space.
  10. CERN physicists report strong evidence of Higgs boson (w/ live video from CERN) CERN experiments observe particle consistent with long-sought Higgs boson At a seminar held at CERN today as a curtain raiser to the year’s major particle physics conference, ICHEP2012 in Melbourne, the ATLAS and CMS experiments presented their latest preliminary results in the search for the long sought Higgs particle. Both experiments observe a new particle in the mass region around 125-126 GeV. “We observe in our data clear signs of a new particle, at the level of 5 sigma, in the mass region around 126 GeV. The outstanding performance of the LHC and ATLAS and the huge efforts of many people have brought us to this exciting stage,” said ATLAS experiment spokesperson Fabiola Gianotti, “but a little more time is needed to prepare these results for publication.” "The results are preliminary but the 5 sigma signal at around 125 GeV we’re seeing is dramatic. This is indeed a new particle. We know it must be a boson and it’s the heaviest boson ever found,” said CMS experiment spokesperson Joe Incandela. “The implications are very significant and it is precisely for this reason that we must be extremely diligent in all of our studies and cross-checks."
  11. Escuse me, but I´m agnostic about the possibility that aliens visit the Hearth (as well about the existence of God). Yes, because I don´t have evidences of both thinks. But I leave a possibility for them !!! Who I see very obsessed in don´t believe are you : D.H., Studiot, Moontanman,... And I think that this is very few scientific and profesional...It seams more a matter of religious faith than a reasoned scientific conclusion.
  12. D.H. Why are you so obsessed with defending that aliens have ever visited Earth? Do not let even a small chance that this happens?
  13. OK ... you are right ... everything is easier than others want to see: - Out of nowhere the universe was done 14,000 million years ago - From there came the Milky Way Galaxy, the Sun and the Earth 5,000 million years ago - For chemical mechanisms the life appeared 3,000 million years ago - Through evolution went from a unicellular to humans 200,000 years ago. - During these years humanity has been hunter-gatherer to 7,000 years ago civilizations who settled in ... and even now. And now in an absolutely normal way. here we (alone in the universe) around in this ball .... all that easy (!?) Those who do not see it as simple as are stupid and ignorant... LONG LIVE THE SCIENCE!
  14. I see no difference between my comments and those of other participants...they are mocking all time !!!!! Yes, I laugh, may not I?. I think you have a nonpartisan vision of all this.
  15. I said to you....it is incredible the FANTASY and IMAGINATION you have to find any escuse to try to explain evidences in terms of academic history (melamin ?? and Egyptians...!!!..hahaha !!!). "Afrocentrists, on the other hand, claimed that the Dogon could see Sirius B without the need of a telescope because of their special eyesight due to quantities of melanin (Welsing, F. C. 1987. "Lecture 1st Melanin Conference, San Francisco, September 16-17, 1987"). There is, of course, no evidence for this special eyesight, nor for other equally implausible notions such as the claim that the Dogon got their knowledge from black Egyptians who had telescopes." Do you know that the Egyptian civilization comes 20.000 years ago from Sahara land...before it was a dessert?... If you use your FANTASY and IMAGINATION for creating more than for destroying....you will get better results !!! So many people and strings to move so small stone???....HAHAHAHHAHA...HAHAHAHAHAHAH !!! What do you think about the contens about Bible: - Giants (Goliat) - Miracles Jesucrist,...) - The flood....Noe (Gilmangeish in sumerian)...The Ark Why all the religions and mithologies (Sumerian, Indu, Egyptian, Greek, Inca, Maya, Hebrew,Islamic, Christian,...) talk about Gods, Semi-gods and Humans an in the same range of ages/years?
  16. Do you know the subject of Dogon religion who adores gods that came about Sirius? And that they known for hundreds of years that Sirius is a triple star? And that they know the period of revolution of them? I would like to see your fantastic imagination to demostrate that it is normal...or false (!!?) I think that is necesary to be more MAGIC and FANTASTIC to refuse the evidence than for to accept the really, but ... it happens !!!
  17. It is clear that we don´t know what happend and there are out of the limits of Our Universe (10 exp -35 to 10 exp +27).... All what we can do now is give suppositions...Several Possible Hypotesis...that involves eliminating other hypotheses that beginning they and are assumed incorrect and impossible. Then try to test these Hypótesis and for that we should establish the test system and the necessary tools (and budget). But if you do not give any initial Hypótesis ... you have no idea to try. .. and look for evidences.... This is what happens to the Higgs boson is a Hypotesis being peobando at CERN LHC.
  18. The first (older) ones (the blue ones) comes from the same quarry from North of Wales. And the younger one comes from closed quarries
  19. 1 Why the first constructor of Stonehedge bring from so far (hundred miles) the firs blue stones ?...there are no sense !!! 2 Please, name some 3 Hohgs !!? How do you do the MultiQUOTE?
  20. Do not worry, it's just an "crazy" idea that I wanted to discuss with someone with a solid knowledge of physics. All your explanations have been very useful for me, and I appreciate your time. When you will be able to read this thread, please, let me know your opinion and point of view. Thank you very much
  21. Ok, so we could detect and messure large waves (with amplitude and lengh up tu 10 exp +20 meters) using systems that invoke processes such as the electro-optical Kerr effect. As these waves cannot be emited/issued inside Our Universe ... that will evidence that there are other universes out there (!!??) Please, have a look to the following thread: http://www.sciencefo...__fromsearch__1 It could be a way to prove/evidence this Theory (!!??) Please, could you tell to me if you see any sense to all it?,,,Thank you very much.
  22. First of all, I would like to stress that this discussion would be in a positive and constructive "aim". I'm not claiming that aliens visiting our planet formerly or currently. I´m claiming that there are a lot of things that do not fit into the current history. And I´m giving some ideas and possibilities... and aliens is a so good and feasible possibility than other. What would think the people of Easter Island when they were several centuries without seeing other beings outside the island ? Their religion said they arrived on ships for many years. You think they thought they were the only beings on earth?
  23. OK..OK...Doesn´t matter, just because people say 13.7 and other 14.3 ...(?)...I don´t know !!! Thanks very much for your anwers, They have been very clarifying for me. If these lage waves exist, then it could be a system to evidence if there are other universes out of the Our Known Universe. If we are able to detect large waves that only could be make/issued out of Our Universe ... then...other universe may exist (!!!) The problem is to know how we can detect these large waves (?)...and if it is technologically possible nowadays (??)
  24. If you read the wikipedia says: "Current interpretations of astronomical observations indicate that the age of the universe is 13.75 ± 0.17 billion years" If we consider that the observable universe is only one of the other could exist. (Multiverse) ..then will be possible that any EM wave larger could come from outside of Our Universe?
  25. Did you see in Stonehedge that the oldest stones (the blue one of the center since 3.000 BC)...they come from quarries 400 miles far away? And the following come from close quarries... t is a little estrange !!!...possible they were not aliens...but those persons were very rare.... The same happen in Peru (Machu-Pichu...Sacsahuaman)...Bolivia (Tiwanaku) ....The oldest part is the better constructed and stones are better cutted and assemblied. Look to the Google map or Wikipedia...you have to go there to heve an serous opinion..
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