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Everything posted by dapifo

  1. Well..I just answer his question using the ideas of the other thread....I supose tha I can use the same reasons in different threads... I don´t understand what is wrong (??)
  2. When you ask for theory of big-bang you refers to the Big Bang of Our Universe. If you see the thread http://www.sciencefo...tryoshka-dolls/ withthe following proposal: If we consider the Global Universe as the total Universe. (infinite or finite). and we consider Our Universe like that Universe that we know (from 10 exp -35 to 10 exp +27 meters), I propose the idea that we can divide the Global Universe in various (infinite) power of 10 levels or spectra (see attached file). Like a RAINBOW or MATRYOSHKA DOLLS. Then Our Universe, is only one bubble inside other bigger Universe of higher scale. The Big-bang of Our Universe is only one explosion inside a biger universe.
  3. If we consider the Global Universe as the total Universe. (infinite or finite). and we consider Our Universe like that Universe that we know (from 10 exp -35 to 10 exp +27 meters), I propose the idea that we can divide the Global Universe in various (infinite) power of 10 levels or spectra (see attached file). Like a RAINBOW or MATRYOSHKA DOLLS. deletia
  4. Well, It is not my idea to philosophize or speculate here. Only to propose an idea I had and I could not see and read anything about it. And to know if there is something in the state of the art of physics about it (positive or negative). Do you thing that the Multiverses and Levels of Tegmark has some link with it?...I cannot understand very well its concepts.
  5. I don´t understand what you whant to tell me (?) Obviously, we always extrapolate from what we know. And, yes I like the known theories which explain the known universe, they are or seem great. The known universe has expanded over the years, both large (planets, stars, galaxies, Big Bang, ...) and for the small (cells, atoms, electrons, quarks, strings, ...). And I´m sure that this spectrum will extend in the future. When I say that in each spectrum and stretches of the Universe Global scales the laws are different, I don´t say that they cannot be linked. The M theory attempts to unify quantum with astronomical theories (the four forces). But I think that when we know a wider range of the Global Universe, we need to go reviewing these theories and laws. But sure we will could to obtain a Unique one for all the range. Well, It is not my idea to philosophize or speculate here. Only to propose an idea I had and I could not see and read anything about it. And to know if there is something in the state of the art of physics about it (positive or negative). Do you thing that the Multiverses and Levels of Tegmark has some link with it?...I cannot understand very well its concepts.
  6. My very simple point of view is that, at the end, everything in the universe can be reduced to ENERGY (matter is energy) and WAVES (that transmit energy). All the rest are merely statements and forms that take these two concepts....really in very complex ways. People always talk about known Our Universe from 10 -35 to 10 exp exp +27, but if we propose a Global Universe like the one I do (I don´t know there will be another proposal that unknown) I think that opens the possibilities to theories and universal formulas. It is clear that the waves that will govern small levels (< 10 exp -100) will be differents that for larger levels (>10 exp +100), with frequencies and widths shorter or longer, respectively. And also TIME speed will be different (I supose faster as smaller it is). If we look around us, and we realize that everything around us is energy in different states, and that we detect them by waves (sound-ear, electrical contact or electromagnetic-view), is like being in a Virtual Universe. In other level of scale could happen the same, but tese waves will be proportionally smaller or larger, and will be emitted or generated by other states of the energy. Well all these are speculations, that possible don´t have any sense or scientific interest, but I never have heard to talk about an Universe like this. Possible the unique think similar are the Multiuniverses and Levels of Tegmark. If you know any other threads, studies, articles,....about similar topics, ideas or theories...please, tel me.
  7. Mainly theoretical motivation...Why do you do this question? It is an idea I had in mind and I would like to contrast this idea with differnt people to see its opinion. I see that this model of the levels/spectra of the Whole Universe cannot be an Dimension, but I think that give a better (new?) view of the Universe that make it more open. I always hear and read about theories inside Our Umiverse, and some times that other universes like Our are out there, with other science laws but of the same scale than Ours. And never about universes in negatives levels (smaller than the string). But I think that if we open the range...we can improve better our points of view, and will be easy to found a Theory for all. Theory M only is valid for Our Universe...That is very good...but in the future could be insufficient.
  8. If we consider the Global Universe as the total Universe. (infinite or finite). and we consider Our Universe like that Universe that we know (from 10 exp -35 to 10 exp +27 meters), I propose the idea that we can divide the Global Universe in various (infinite) power of 10 levels or spectra (see attached file). Like a RAINBOW or MATRYOSHKA DOLLS. These levels/spectra can be posives or negatives, and we can supose that aprox. every googol (10 exp 100) could be a very different Universe with its own science laws, waves, entities and possible living beings. The shape and appearance of Our and Global Universe is only a "virtual" or "apparent" Univers that we sape or model taking into account the different stimuli that we recive by our senses. In every level or spectra ther will be different stimuli and we will need different senses and receptors. If we want to detect these stimuli, we have to try to recive and capture these stimuli (waves,...)...if they arrive to Our Universe. When we look out for others Universes or aliens, we allways supose they have our scale, but this possibility is very low.Global Univ (Ing).pdf
  9. OK...If it is clear that the size scale is not a dimension as such .... but the fact of considering bands / ranges of exp of 10 give to us other kind universes with their own laws , it does have its logic, no? We never imagined that such a band of 10 exp 900 to 10 exp 1000 can be a whole universe with its laws, macro-entities, macro-particles, macro-waves .... and macro-beings. If we look at it this way, I think if it is understood that, although it is not as a New Dimension, it has has some meaningless if we take it into account as a different way of understanding the Universe Global ... as a series of strips of scales from the infinitely small to the infinitely large. And our universe is in the middle because that is what we envision. How this can link or fit with the Multiverses and Levels of Tegmark?
  10. Be sure that it has more sense than you realize.
  11. Well ... I see it is complicated to explain my point of view, and it is normal, because I thought the same as you for many years and always I was trying out of my mind this idea. But lately, after speaking of both the M-theory, the Multiverse, the 11 dimensions, and read about these last (compacted dimensions in themselves), which convinced me very little, I think the M-Dimension gives a very broad and different of our Universe. Always has been clear to me the dependence of the M-Dimension XYZ spatial dimensions, but there are concepts that the latter do not explain and M-Dimension yes. - You need M-Dimension to found some body in the whole Universe. - It is not the same traveling through the XYZ dimensions that the M-Dimension. ´SETI project is lookig for live out of our Solar System...but what will hapen if these aliens are bigger than us in 10 exp 1000 times? It will be impossible the contact and the comunication. Our live for them will be very short. It is important to understand that these levels of the graph present different "virtual" universes that escape to our senses and technology, but surely allow you to re another universe with objects and possible life. I understand that all these is more parascience that serious and current science....but I thing that give another point of view of the Global Uiverse.
  12. Do you understand it?....for me any level is a different Universe like "Ours Universe"....with the following limits for Our Universe: - A lower limit: the Planck Scale of about 10 exp -35 meters (the estimated length of the superstring). An expected lower dimension can not be treated adequately in current physics models due to the emergence of quantum gravity effects .- And other top limit: the proper size of Our Known Universe about 10 exp +27 meters. So our known Strip or Zone of the Our Universe within the Universe Global has a total size of 10 exp 62 scales, less than a Googol (10 exp 100) . ....really there are not will be borders & horizons, and the colors should fade like in the rainbow. For some body living in one of these levels (eg. from 10 exp +130 to 10 exp +190), his level will be "Its Universe" , and will be the unic one with its laws, waves, energy, matter,...But possible somebody (person?) there have same idea that I am giving here in this thread, but there they will supose that "Its Universe" is the center level or strip...the grey one...Do you understand now?
  13. OK...here I attach a graphic were you can see what I mean....and I think that fits with the Multiverses and Levels of Tegmark. Now I´m leaving for two hours...I´ll see yours aswers later. Thanks.... OK...I hope it is attachedGlobal Univ (Ing).pdf!!?????
  14. How you will describe a point in a Calabi-Yau manifold dimensions??? No I´m not a maths expert, but how I can post a graphic in this forum???...it can clarify better what I´m trying to explian. Two days ago I Attach a File, but I cannot see it????....what happen with the attachments?
  15. I like this affirmation, it is clear and concrete, but it doesn´t convence to me at all. Because it is an convecional statement about something that is assumed...but it is not a reason...Why scale is not a Dimension?...possible yes it is, but it is not independent...and it could be a Dimensional dependent of XYZ? It seems that is different to move through the spatial dimensions XYZ that through M-Dimension. We can move through the XYZ spatial dimensions being in the same scale, strip or area of​​the M-Dimension. Conversely, we can move through the M-Dimension being in the same position (XYZ) spatial dimensions. - Though XYZ, you move of coordinates: fron position X1-Y1-Z1 to X2-Y2-Z2 - Dimension M you have to reduce (for negatives scales) or enlarge (for positives scales) your volume or size: from scale 10 exp -200 to scale +200
  16. What is a TARDIS?
  17. I don´t agree that scale is not a direction, I can move and travel across the scales direction (or dimension). I can travelling making my self smaller or llarger/biger. Do you remember the film ""Fantastic Voyage" (based on thenovel by Isaac Asimov, 1966) which reduces the size of a submarine (Proteus)and crews (pure science fiction literature) to be introduced into the bloodcirculatory system of a person so they can correct the condition that it have (bloodclot in the brain). And..It is different to move through the spatial dimensions XYZ that through M-Dimension: - Though XYZ, you move of coordinates: fron position X1-Y1-Z1 to X2-Y2-Z2 - Dimension M you have to reduce (for negatives scales) or enlarge (for positives scales) your volume or size: from scale 10 exp -200 to scale +200
  18. My firs idea was to clarify the requiremnets for a Dimension, and then to clarify the dependence or independence of it. I didn´t want to talk about M-Dimension till have clear these topics, but like it was not possible to me obtain this info, I hed to ask directly the question on M-Dimension, I´m sorry. This is a duplicate of another thread dapifo opened. Is my firs time here, and I cannot eliminate the other thread....I´ll try now. I´m sorry Two days ago I Attach a File, but I cannot see it????....were happen with the attachments?
  19. You don´t have to realize if it is possible or not to travel trough scales. Just 100 year ago every body thought it was not possible to travel throog TIME, and now it is to the future, and teoretically to the past. Do you think that there is theoretically possible that exist other phisics entities within the range scale of 10 exp -1000 / 10 exp -900, or within the ramge scale 10 exp +900 / 10 exp +1000? Which physics laws will govern there? Wich waves will be usefull there?....You don´thing that these a re other Universes that we can only see and feel if we are able to travel there by changing our size? At least, I see this is a different way to see the different universes of our Global Universe ..at least for me. If you know any article, thread, matter that consider this point of view, please tell to me.
  20. I don´t agree with you,...I think you need a more abstract vision, and ability to break the mold...or possible to understand what I´m proposing. It is clear that is different to move through the spatial dimensions XYZ that through M-Dimension. We can move through the XYZ spatial dimensions being in the same scale, strip or area of​​the M-Dimension. Conversely, we can move through the M-Dimension being in the same position (XYZ) spatial dimensions. - Though XYZ, you move of coordinates: fron position X1-Y1-Z1 to X2-Y2-Z2 - Dimension M you have to reduce (for negatives scales) or enlarge (for positives scales) your volume or size: from scale 10 exp -200 to scale +200 You agree with it?
  21. OK, so... which are the requirements to be met by a new dimension to be considered as such? The unique requiriment to be a new Dimension is a new independent degree of freedom. So, my opinion is that the Scales of the Universe are a new degree of freedom, but what I´m not sure if it is INDEPENDENT, or dependent of the sapace dimensions (XYZ) It seems that is different tomove through the spatial dimensions XYZthat through M-Dimension. We canmove through the XYZ spatialdimensions being in the same scale, strip or area of ​​the M-Dimension. Conversely,we can move through the M-Dimensionbeing in the same position (XYZ) spatialdimensions.
  22. A new Dimension that I name "Dimension M" referring to M of the Matryoshka Russian Dolls, and refers to the different Scales of the Universe (expressed in powers of 10 of meters). Our Universe (known so far) cover scales or zones (bands, levels, spectra, bands, ...)from 10 exp -35 (length or Planck scale) to 10 exp +27 meters (which is longer than is considered is Our Universe). This new M-Dimension of the Global Universe give us a compound or divided into different zones (bands, levels, spectra, bands, ...) that form the different scales of the universe. And in each of these scales would apply its own laws of physics. This would link with Tegmark levels. We can imagine other Universes of 10 exp -500 times smaller or 10 exp +500 times larger than to Our Universe, where other phisics laws will exist.
  23. The "Dimenson M" a new Universe Dimension? A new Dimension that I name "Dimension M" referring to M of the Matryoshka Russian Dolls, and refers to the different Scales of the Universe (expressed in powers of 10 of meters). Our Universe (known so far) cover scales or zones (bands, levels, spectra, bands, ...)from 10 exp -35 (length or Planck scale) to 10 exp +27 meters (which is longer than is considered is Our Universe). This new M-Dimension of the Global Universe give us a compound or divided into different zones (bands, levels, spectra, bands, ...) that form the different scales of the universe. And in each of these scales would apply its own laws of physics. This would link with Tegmark levels. We can imagine other Universes of 10 exp -500 times smaller or 10 exp +500 times larger than to Our Universe, where other phisics laws will exist.
  24. Ok...then imagine that you live in a Universe of 10 exp -500 times smaller to Our Universe...Can you imagine?...You have to brake your mind and yhe existing rules....Which phisics laws will exist?...there will be matter, light, radio waves,....? Brake your mind !!!...there will be another type of laws and waves....IT IS ANOTHER UNIVERSE !!!!!...And with other laws. now... imagine that you live in a Universe of 10 exp +500 times smaller to Our Universe...Can you imagine?...You have to brake your mind and yhe existing rules....Which phisics laws will exist?...there will be matter, light, radio waves,....? Brake your mind !!!...there will be another type of laws and waves....IT IS ANOTHER UNIVERSE !!!!! And with other laws. See the Attachments !!!...we follow talking on sunday...good week end !!!
  25. No....that is the difference of this dimension, it give to us new freedom althohg to the small and also to the large. Can you imagine that you live in an electron....as you are now on the earth, how do you will realize that you are belonging to another body? To realize it , you have to travel through the scale dimension geting your self biger / larger. It is not enough traveling within the XYZ dimensions. Is another concept of dimension. The question could be if this dimension M is independent or dependent of the other space ones (XYZ).
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