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  1. Hello everyone, i started this new topic because i belive this is the place to do so. I am 19 years old, and though I have a place to stay and a job right now. I am looking for what it is i truly want to do with myself. I ask this question here on scienceforums, cuz i think yahoo answers would have a lot of senseless answers from kids or someone stoned out of their mind. Let me tell you a little bit about my passions so you'll have a greater understanding of who I partially am, and what I want to do/be. To start, I love the ocean. I was raised in southern florida, I love the paradisey vibe that place gives off. I've been thinking about joing the coast guard lately, and have done a lot of research into it. The Coast Guard looks nice but I'm not sure if its really for me. I want to live on an island, not just vacation there one day and be a tourist there. I know vacationing to the places i want to go would never truly satisfy my soul. I am very confused and lost right now. Im trying to gather my thoughts together right now, It seems that i've lost what i'm trying to express. I want to travel places, I want to meet new people. I want to meet a girl that is kind, and caring. (my current gf of 9 months is not exactly kind or caring) I want to feel love and live in a house with a few friends who are like me. Here; where i'm at now. There is no one like me. I lost all of my friends but one by moving to a new high school my senior year. Ive been out of school for a year now, but i haven't met anyone other than my girlfriends old friends. They like me and say im a cool dude etc.. but i dont know, they just aren't the kind of people i want to be around. The one friend that i do still have is leaving for the marines in a few weeks and encourages me to join the coast guard because he feels its the best thing for me, and it'd be a great way to meet new people. I just don't know if i want to sign away my freedom and life away for 4 years. I was about to move to brazil 10 months ago, but i couldnt get my passport due to some "technical reasons" as they called it. Maybe that was the universe telling me not to go. I'll never know. Now if you're reading this and wondering: why did i just waste thirty seconds of your time? I really needed some input from someone other than the peopole around me. & this being a science forum, theres gotta be a lot of intelligence and wisdom to be passed around! If you have anything to say, if you understand what i am going through, or have had an experience like this. Please reply with your thoughts or questions. I would appreciate it so much. Thank you for your time.
  2. Hi, my names Kevin. I like analyzing things, and just thinking all the time. Now that i think about it, i dont like thinking about things all the time. sOMetimes i wish i could just shut my brain down for a few days. i like bananas, grapes, ginger snaps, organic food, and good pizza. other than that i just go on with my life every day and wonder what am i ever gonna do with myself. i see-saw back and forth everyday with my options and as the day gets closer and closer, I am still more conflicted as ever. I like N64 and everything about spanish people, even though im german-american. yeee haw mothatruckaz i wanna go on an expedition.
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