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  1. Antigone is some chatbot-human built on some of my writings 9+ years ago between reddit, Twitter, and Quora at least. The only original Alysdexic account was from reddit (I don’t remember why I capitalized that as the name was to be treated abstract.) and the later ones on other sites are this pretender. The three pretenders of my content between Twitter and YouTube never replied to me. My comments on Antigone/Alysdexic’s YT don’t show up so I don’t know if the channel is moderated or if I’m blocked, similar to how Femitheist on Twitter blockd my [former] account during the time that she often used my diction or quotes to talk to randoms. I don’t hit up folk randomly like this chatbot. Antigone even donated $20+ to H3 podcast to publish my altered message about how black holes are a sham. I often forget where these messages come from as they’re so old and may be from deleted posts or accounts; Google has no record of them.
  2. It's not hard nor soft. If you pick i people, you pick something other than people.
  3. It's a square root, not a conjugate root. [math]i = (a+bi)(a-bi)[/math] [math]= (a^2+b^2)[/math] [math]= (a+\sqrt{i-a^2}i)(a-\sqrt{i-a^2}i)[/math]
  4. show, -> show; That's the square root of 2, duh, over 2 plus the square root of 2 times i over 2. If you know the Pýthagorean theorem and vector analýsis, you'd see that as the componends of a unit imaginary vector's square root. Roots of the imaginary trend towards the unity.
  5. But this is a special bag.
  6. You already said so. Percent means /100; therefore 1/i is 100/100i or 100/i %, for each second. And to the other poster swansont, who wasn't so good, yes there can be sheerly imaginary probability. Probability is the amplitude conjugate product: When amplitude is imaginary, such as elèctric currend for elèctric charge, the probability is negative. If you work backwards and set the probability to be imaginary (i), the amplitude is 22/2 + 22i/2. The imaginary merely represents another linearly independent factor.
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