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Everything posted by yojojo12

  1. i belive it is 50% .250 x 90degreesx4 = 360degrees x 4 = 360 cubed remainder 1 squre.025 1 squre of 360 = 360/4 = 90 i belive the .025 is a mathmatical anomily of energy disapation as in heat disipation from converting rotery energy in to electric energy while under a load. P.S I have know idea how the maths of this works, I know how the concepts work. I worked this out on a calculater. I have Dyscalculia and Aspergers Syndrome + other lerning disabilities and such Currently Im working towards an A for when I retake me GCSE's
  2. Ok so I think I already done this as I got one running right now, its actually an X-RAY Vacuam Tube, but its pretty bright, when you pass 120kv at 600w 1200f 120a through it i would love to know what the amplitude and modulation between the anode and cathode is. It gives of alot of heat as well, and makes some intresting pictures on a pice of negitive photographic film. please note i use Lead is used to protect against radiation.
  3. Did it occer to anyone that even if you get in to space the moon is around 6 months travel from us in a nasa built space ship. I would be happy if i could just be burried in space, and know that would be a fact for when my time comes. As for flying to the moon, Liquid Oxegen, Liquid Hydrogen and lots of it.
  4. i suggest insted of submerging an alternater, build a water wheel that is capable of being attached to the alternater by drive shaft built out of steel. The main boddy of the water wheel should consist of a wheel made out of steel and blades made out of steel for higher rate of rotary energy to hydro electric energy convershion. the alternater should still be incased in a compleatly water proof enviroment, sugest dont submerge it. Water flow can cause corroshion due to contaminent and sediment in the water with will lead to water leakige and failiure of the system. Having the altinater on the end of a drive shaft is much safer. Shure building the system is laber intensive, but if you dont put your back in to something you dont gain its full potentioal..
  5. done it before, I built a dome out of magnifying glases and materials used in a soler cell, then used lenses to direct the heat in the form or a laser to a focal point to cook what ever i wanted. I got tempritures of 560 degrees F wouldent exactly say it was good cooking the first time i tried it, but when you tried frying something using a soler powerd laser that way after submerging it in a water bath, it worked out ok, i might try it again for the purpose of this compotition and cook a curry.
  6. ever thought of sticking it in an orange, more voltage from an orange then a 12v car battery, and one orange + one stone + plenty of dry leaves + one dry stick = fire an orange = essential part of any survivel kit. 13.2v = 1 large orange
  7. ok i think you people are nerds and not true geeks (no offense intended thats autistic / aspergers sarcasim for you) Enter Geek Heavy Water is the Primary Fual Source used in Cold Fushion to genirate electricity , you will genrally get more electrical energy output then you will input. You can expect the container to make a lot of noise and move about while current passes through the heavy water. The water bath will help keep things cool.
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