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Everything posted by sagetech

  1. John, I would like to see you come up with a half intelligent idea of your own. People like you read wikis but people like VTS are followed years later by them. The principles of the universe you so blindly ignore tolerate you; couldn't you be more tolerant of someone you don't understand. Then again, maybe you are only proving belligerance is the "proof" of ignorance. If Edison would have had his way, you would still be using a DC light bulb! Maybe you'd smile then. John, apply these groupings to special magnetic properties with faraday counter-rotating disks and come back and comment as though you are actually basing your observations on real world experience. Swan was appearing to be somewhat cordial but you are just bitter. I will never read your response to this because you are a waste of time. VTS, Whatever you do, don't waste your time arguing with dissenters who do nothing but whine and grumble. You waste a minute arguing with them, and the world around you loses.
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