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Everything posted by danie
How did all the fossils we find on earth formed. Is it not possible to be the remains of a silica based lifeform that exist in the past. How is it possible for a tree trunk or dead animal to lie for hundreds of years in the water in such a way that it dont get destroyed. How can silica that are so insolloble get inside a tree trunk with a diamitar of owerone metre and replace the wood(carbon) layer by layer
The intenlegent grid wil be part of our lives in the future. People will be able to generate electricity on roofs and use what they need. The extra power can then be fed into the national grid. This consept of "grid storage" will eleminate the use of batterys. A single household wont generate much electricity but if you multiply it by a million you can replace one (nuclear) power station. The techonology is availeble in most countries.
My information is that the bebble bed project was terminated(after spending $1billion) The problem i see in nuclear power stations is that you have a 10 year construction period and escelating cost while renewables ar getting cheaper by the day. It seams that nobody take the disposal of spent fuel and the decomissioning of the plant into consideration when comparing cost. (as well as evacuation/relocation in case of an accident) If sealevels rise in the not to distent future , how will it impact on power stations near the coast. I think we need opjective reasoning to plan for the future. Ower children will have to live with the dissions we make today.
I want to start a debate on renewable energy versus nuclear energy. Topics to consider. politics, cost , safety, spent fuel , fuel reserves etc.
Plants nead nitrogin, potasium and phosphate to grow. Animal waste contain a small amount of nitrogin.Why dont you try to pass your water throuhh a ozone generator. The ozone generator also produce a small amount on NOX which is good for the plants.
If you have an old amo bunker full of amo dating back to WW11 and the bunker is to unsafe to enter due to tnt that leached from the shels and crystalised on the outside. What can you do to make it safe.
The reaction is controlled by injecting small amonnts of water into a pressure vessel contaning the sodimm. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedThe reaction is controlled by injecting small amonts of water into a pressure vessel contaning the sodium.
I am trying to use sodium as energy carrier for an electric viechle. I use electricity from a windturbine to prodoce sodium. Then i react the sodium with water to produce hydrogin. This gives a bigger volumetric energy density than hydrogin. Can anybody comment on this.
I am building a wind generator with a car alternator. It has a three blade 2.8 m diameter rotor made from plywood (4mm) covered with glassfiber. The altenator is driven by a fan belt and a 1: 4 pully ratio is used. Does anybody have any expirience on this kind of design or can give some advice
Could a Stirling motor be used to power an automobile?
danie replied to cameron marical's topic in Engineering
How do you plan to power tht engine. You will nead a heat saurce. gas., wood ,focused solar etc. How big will the silinders be. -
What is the net energy gain in biofuel production from corn. If there is a gain of 50 %. and an internal combustion engine uses only 40 % of the availeble energy it dont make much sense to take this route. Can anybody comment on it.
What will happen if you concantrate sunlight on a solar panel. Will you get more electricity from it or will it only heat up.
I dont know if the plasma cutter thing will work. As you know in nature nitrogin is fixed during thunder storms. A I understand it the lightning ionises the air mulecules whitch then recombine in other molecules including NO x Thats why plants always grow better after a thunder storm. I a plasma cutter a stream of compressed air is passed through a nozzle in which the air is ionised in a plasma. The ionised air stream is then used to cut through metal. I think that if you bubble the ionised air stream through water that water can contain some fixed nitrogin . How much and in what form I dont know. As you have correctly calculated you only use the electricity for 30 days during the planting season. The idea is to use the electricity to make fertiliser during the period in which it is not used for planting crops.
Lets try some basic calculations on the economy of the electric tractor: 5Kw windmil $ 8000 10 x 200 W solar panels $10000 Regulater and batterys $ 2000 Total $ 20 000 The tractor costed about $ 3000 to build. With a one row planter at 6 Km per hour and 1 m between rows I can plant between 2 and 5 ha per day. I use 3 battery banks that I can change. The batterys is also charged owernight when the wind is blowing. To plant the same are using a diesel tractor you would use about 20 liters of diesel . You can now use the interest rate and diesel price in your country and do some comparisons. Also allow for a rise in the oil price and take the value of carbon credits into acount. NITROGIN FIXATION I am not sure of the reaction. maybe somebody can help.
Thanks for reminding of the prevous thread. I almost forgot about it. Maybe it will be good to explain what I am trying to demonstrare. I want to show that it possible to produce food without fossilfuel. (As in the past with horses and donkeys) So started to produce Biodiesel from and and used that for planting etc. The problem is that you use 10 % of your land to produce fuel ror the other 90 %. I then came up with the idea to use electricity instead of diesel. The electricity can be generated on land that are not used for crops (and less area) I build a small tractor with a 10 kW forklift motor. It has a little plough , rotovater and planter. The batterys are charged by a wind turbine and solar panels. I am now trying to determine the economics of the process. Carbon credits could be an aded bonus. I am also looking at ways to fix nitrogin with plasma (by sending air through a plasmacutter and pump the ionised air through water ) If anybody are interested I will make theresults availeble.
Can anybody comment on electric tractors . If you use an electric tractor to plant corn for instance and generate the power by solar and wind can that qualify for carbon credits. If you compare biodiesel with electricity generated by wind and solar you will use a much smaler portion of land to generate your energy needs.
I am trying to make biodiesel from animal fat. The basis prosess involves the following. Collecting the fat from the abbetoir. Heating to remove the water and solids. Treating with 1% sulfuric acid to reduse the FFA 's Reacting it with sodium metoxside. Normal washing and drying. The acid stage reaction is wery slow at 70 'C . Did anybody try the reaction at higher temp and pressure. I see you can use a tipe of risin to speed up the reaction. Do anybody have any experience with it. Can somebody tell me anything about the economics of the process.
I think it is brilliant My view is that you must be able to produce the energy for transport in your own backyard ( solar and wind) The big problem is energy storage and energy density. You can use a windmill to compress the air and solar panels for charging batteries. The problem with transport is the weight of the car. You dont nead a1 ton car to transport you from point A to B . Hopefully they will take that into account in the future
Yes , I am looking at ways to fix the nitrogen. Some crops can (soyo, lucern, peas and some bacteria) can fix it. The electric discharge from lighning can also fix it . What I want to know is if it is possible to use a something like the well known ozone generator to ionise the N2 and then desolve it in water and irrigate crops with the nitrogen enriched water. I know that you can use RF plasma to dissisoate the N2 into ions. I want to know if any work has been done on the process.
N2 is importint for growing crops. It is normally prodused as by product in the oil indistru ad with the Harbour process. As the air contain 70 % N2 why cant we produse it cheaper. Think about plasma reactors. Rf or ac. Is there anybody out there looking at the economics.
At first we can look at small scale farming. Conventional planting use about 30 l diesel per ha. No till can reduse it by 50% but there is still a lot of extra weight to drag along ( Planter + tractor + seeds). Theoreticelly the same amount of work could be done by 2kWh if you use electricity instead of diesel . If you plant 1 Ha oilseed crop and convert the oil to diesel you could plant 10 ha of land. Electric equipment could be more ideal if you for instance use solal energy and wind in combination.
can somebody help with the development of electric tractors and low energy planters for corn