I finished the book well, because i understood the theory briefly before i read it, i can't understand the old theory that dominated the physics in 1800s the ether wind theory. So can some good people help me understand it ?
I didn't really get the Mach's principle , ether wind theory, and in the book says so much how stuff can't travel faster or at speed of light, but a pair of huge scissors can because it is moving on a geometric point, i didn't get that. It was kind of confusing for me to read a English book because I'm Chinese.
and last question, in the book it stated that in a space ship traveling at high speed, lets say 50% speed of c. lets say the ceiling and floor of the rocket is parallel, and a light bulb's from ceiling is going down strait. and reflect up. and it said 2 observer is different. The guy inside see a light go down and up | just like this, but someone out side not moving will see the light go like this \ and reflect up / Yes i understand because the space ship is moving at the same time, but it is because that the time is passing slower for him but the light is constant so this is possible or opposite ?