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    Org. Chem

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. addition of a chlorine can either generate another chiral centre , remove the existing one or generate no chiral centre . in the firsrt case we can get a mesomer with two chiral centres that will be opticaly inactive , and i could not get any isomer fitting the second case Remember that fractional distillation can separate diastereomers , other compounds from 1 2 3 cases will be optically active bcoz we will not get a racemic mixture as the starting compound is optically pure. so basically problem reduces to finding any mesomer or compond with 0 chiral centres from the monochlorination of ®-2-chloro-2,3_dimethylpentane . but my morrison boyd book says that 1 optically inactive fraction will be obtained . pls help
  2. ® 2-chloro- 2,3-dimethylpntane is monochlorinated to give C7H14Cl2 . Can anyone tell me how many optically inactive compounds\isomers will be formed and their structures with their rs designation?
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