Yuri Danoyan
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My opinion about Planck units of length and time I hope to explain my suspicions. …. and share my doubts about the Planck length &time Persy Bridgman,American physicist, winner 1946 Nobel Prize in Physics in his book "Dimensional Analysis". very sceptic and critical about Planck units. I have different arguments to support Bridgman's point of view. Does all Planck units have sense ? 1.We doesn’t have guarantee G, c, stay constants or not, during the evolution of the Universe. The Universe is still young(13.7) 2.We doesn’t have guarantee G, c depend of each other or not. Version 1. G and c not depend from each other and not vary. Silent agreement all modern physicists. Version 2. G and c depend from each other and vary. Version 3. G and c not depend from each other, but depended from third value, expanded medium of the Universe(density of vacuum). Likely that G and c simultaneously vary…and have some term. They depended only from time. Nothing lasts forever exept of time. Every exstrapolation (inflation hypothesis, etc) is false. But we naïve used formulas: 1.Schwarshild black hole R radius G/c^2 If G=f©^2 ??? or c=f(G) ??? 2.Planck unit L of length G/c^3 If G=f©^3 ??? or c=f(G) ??? 3.Cosmological constant If G=f©^4 ???? or c=f(G) ??? 4.Planck unit T of time G/c^5 If G=f©^5 ??? or c=f(G) ??? 5.Planck unit M of mass c/G What is correspond to real world? If all, it would be absurd Possible case when Planck unit of mass stay constant (contrary to Planck length unit and Planck time unit) when G and c simultaneously vary. To my opinion only version #5 linear link between G and c is real…. And #1,2,3,4 are fake that only teasing physics. .
Manifestation of the future in the present is not such crazy idea as seem at first glance.Shadow of Parmenides' ideas can be seen in the physical concept of Block time, which considers existence to consist of past, present, and future, and the flow of time to be illusory. In his critique of this idea, Karl Popper called Einstein "Parmenides".[18]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parmenides Notes
That can happen with mass of atom in the future.(Version) Mass of atoms, specially atom of hydrogen, undergo to increasing. Mass of proton Mpr=1.672x10^-24g ; Mass of electron Mel=9.109x10^-28g Mpr/Mel=1836.152 Masses of proton and electron grow up different way from each other. Future of Mpr(fut) =1836.152x12=22033.824 ; additive law. Future of Mel(fut)= e^0 x(exp) ^10=22026.465 ; power low. Future Mpr(fut)=1836.15x11.99=22026.465(more precision) Final value Mel(fut) =2.0^-23g; Mpr(fut)=2.0x10^-23g The value of mass proton and electron become equal. Process of annihilation starting when Mpr/Mel=1.
Developing of idea influence from future consider the values of charged lepton mass and their logarithms. Me=0.510 MeV; lnMe = -0.67; ln Me/ln Me=1 Mmu=105.65 MeV lnMmu=4.66; ln Mmu/ln Me= - 6.95; Mtau=1777 MeV; lnMtau=7.48; ln Mtau/ln Me= -11.64; Quotent 11,64 /6,95=1,6. Close to Golden Mean or Fibonacci number equal to 1.618. It can be confirmation of existence of generations as a aesthetic pattern of Nature.
In the beginning some quote from famous Russian physicist Lev Okun: "As for the fermions of the second and third generations, their role in the world around as appears to be negligible. At first glance, the world would not seem to be any worse if these particle never existed. These particles resemble draft versions that Creator has thrown out as unsuccessful, but that we, using sophysticated instruments have retrieved from the waste basket" L.B. Okun, Particle Physics: The Quest for Substance of Substance,p.33 http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/particle-physics-rachel-lee/1028339663?ean=9783718602285 I proposed idea about sense of generations of particles Mass of proton and electron vary in history of the Universe and increasing during the time. The Generations #2, #3 are the signs of Influence from Future, hints from the Future. They are different manifestation the same particle. Similar idea see Influence from the Future http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/9607375
Did the Universe unwinded by Fibonacci sequence?
Yuri Danoyan replied to Yuri Danoyan's topic in Speculations
If you like you can read http://www.maths.surrey.ac.uk/hosted-sites/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fib.html -
Did the Universe unwinded by Fibonacci sequence?
Yuri Danoyan replied to Yuri Danoyan's topic in Speculations
In addition to observational data must be cleared from the old dogmas such as the Planck length. -
Did the Universe unwinded by Fibonacci sequence?
Yuri Danoyan replied to Yuri Danoyan's topic in Speculations
How about cyclic models? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclic_model Today seem vague... but tomorrow ? http://blog.vixra.org/category/crackpots-who-were-right/ -
Did the Universe unwinded by Fibonacci sequence?
Yuri Danoyan replied to Yuri Danoyan's topic in Speculations
Question about duration of cycle have sense if exist cyclic universe theories. Answer to your next question you can read there http://vixra.org/abs/1212.0080 -
Did the Universe unwinded by Fibonacci sequence?
Yuri Danoyan replied to Yuri Danoyan's topic in Speculations
Gravity and constant of gravity are different things. Gravity is field Light is electromagnetic field also Interesting what happen with mass when decreased G and c.? To my opinion mass of atoms,specially atom of hydrogen, undergo to increasing. Mass of proton Mpr=1.672x10^-24g ; Mass of electron Mel=9.109x10^-28g Mpr/Mel=1836.152 . Longevity of one cycle of the Universe Ut=10^18sec Masses of proton and electron grow up, but different way Future Mprf =1836.152x12=22033.824 arithmetic sequence, additive law Future Melf= e^0 x(exp) ^10=22026.465; geometric sequence, power low In some point 2 values of mass become equal. Future Mprf=1836.152x11.995=22026.465(more precision) Final value Mel=2.0^-23g; Mpr=2.0x10^-23g Mpr/Mel=1 and possible annihilation. Birth of many photons. Neutron decay n (p,e,neutrino) give birth for next cycle of the Universe. That is my scenario.... -
Did the Universe unwinded by Fibonacci sequence?
Yuri Danoyan replied to Yuri Danoyan's topic in Speculations
Is it possible 2 diifferent things vary with same speed but depend from third entity, from vacuum energy. for example? I try to imagine this situation next way:{CGS units] G vary from 10^-8 until 10^-27 and then stopped.19 order magnitude c vary from 10^10 until 10^-9 and then stopped.19 order magnitude. In the end of every cycle of the Universe constants become: h = 10^-27 G= 10^-27 c= 10^-10 Mpl = 10^-5g. eternal -
Did the Universe unwinded by Fibonacci sequence?
Yuri Danoyan replied to Yuri Danoyan's topic in Speculations
If G and c vary with the same speed, only Mass Planck unit have sense Pay attention to formula Lpl and Tpl where G and c fraction where the numerator and denominator are different indicators It is.absurd... -
Did the Universe unwinded by Fibonacci sequence?
Yuri Danoyan replied to Yuri Danoyan's topic in Speculations
Planck time is the same senseless idea as the Plank length. Only Planck mass is real entity.. Planck mass is the "bridge" between mass of stars and mass of proton. Mstar=10^35g Mst/ Mpl=[Mpl/Mpr]^2; [10^35/10^-5]=10^40=[10^20]^2 -
Did the Universe unwinded by Fibonacci sequence?
Yuri Danoyan replied to Yuri Danoyan's topic in Speculations
The density that you mean is false density because Planck lentgh is false value. How about other idea? Every Fibonacci number mean single dimension....The Universe changed dimensions 11 times until 144 Gyr Is the M - theory right ? -
Please read again my arguments http://vixra.org/abs/1301.0191
Did the Universe unwinded by Fibonacci sequence?
Yuri Danoyan replied to Yuri Danoyan's topic in Speculations
"We don't have any evidence to know that. We don't have evidence also about inflation starting from Planck mass and Planck density http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Big_Bang Planck epoch is stupid idea http://vixra.org/abs/1301.0191 -
Did the Universe unwinded by Fibonacci sequence?
Yuri Danoyan replied to Yuri Danoyan's topic in Speculations
It seems to me ordinary explosion obey to Random Law. But Big Bang is deterministic and superdeterministic. -
The nature of reality at the Planck scale is the subject of much debate in the world of physics, as it relates to a surprisingly broad range of topics. It may, in fact, be a fundamental aspect of the universe. In terms of size, the Planck scale is extremely small (many orders of magnitude smaller than a proton). In terms of energy, it is extremely 'hot' and energetic. The wavelength of a photon (and therefore its size) decreases as its frequency or energy increases. The fundamental limit for a photon's energy is the Planck energy, for the reasons cited above. This makes the Planck scale a fascinating realm for speculation by theoretical physicists from various schools of thought. .
Sorry.... More right word than "environment" is "medium" Laws of variation G and c in the Universe can be different,but medium the same.
Why "tandem" G and c can vary simultaneously? All cosmological models: Big Bang and Steady state, Big Freeze, Big Rip, Big Crunch, Big Bounce, Multiverse suggest variation of density of energy or matter, that mean variation of environment;. Variations of environment lead to variation of G and c. If speed of variation the same for G and c they vary simultaneously. In December 2012, a research team in China announced that it had produced findings which seem to prove that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light. The team's findings were due to be released in a journal in 2013.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_of_gravity
Did the Universe unwinded by Fibonacci sequence?
Yuri Danoyan replied to Yuri Danoyan's topic in Speculations
Paul Dirac provided alternative scenarios for the continuous creation of matter in the Universe 'additive' creation (new matter is created uniformly throughout space) pic.3 (Arithmetic progression) 'multiplicative' creation (new matter is created where there are already concentrations of mass).pic.1,2 (Geometric progression) Possible reconciliation 2 scenarios possible by a spiral as analogy formed from squares whose sides had Fibonacci numbers as their lengths The polar equation for a golden spiral is the same as for other logarithmic spirals, . Wonderful new coincidence occur when age of the Universe 13.7 Gyr compared with Fib(#7)=13.......