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Yuri Danoyan

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Everything posted by Yuri Danoyan

  1. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v456/n7221/pdf/456449a.pdf Particle physics: Mass by numbers p449 A highly precise calculation of the masses of strongly interacting particles, based on fundamental theory, is testament to the age-old verity that physical reality embodies simple mathematical laws. Frank Wilczek a milestone paper, Dürr et al.1 report a first-principles calculation of the masses of strongly interacting particles (hadrons, such as the proton), starting from the basic equations for their constituent particles (quarks and gluons), and including carefully documented estimates of all sources of error. Their results, published in Science, highlight a remarkable correspondence between the ideal mathematics of symmetry and the observed reality of the physical world.
  2. IMPORTANT DATES Monday, August 4, 2008 – Essay Contest Launched! Monday, August 4, 2008 – Monday, December 1, 2008 – Essays, Restricted Votes and Public Votes may be submitted online Monday, December 1, 2008 – Last opportunity to submit Essays. Monday, December 15, 2008 – Essay Contest Closes – Last opportunity to submit Restricted or Public Votes Monday, January 19, 2008 – Essay Contest Winners Announced!
  3. As you know this, it cannot be what you are thinking of in your original post? or is it? Just question: " Does have sense symmetry between symmetry and antisymmetry ?" Answer from Wikipedia: "Note that 'antisymmetric' is not the logical negative of 'symmetric' (whereby aRb implies bRa). (N.B.: Both are properties of relations expressed as universal statements about their members; their logical negations must be existential statements.) Thus, there are relations which are both symmetric and antisymmetric (e.g., the equality relation) and there are relations which are neither symmetric nor antisymmetric (e.g., the preys-on relation on biological species." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisymmetric_relation
  4. Take careful note of the word analogy. "I think, creative activity of person revealed in capability to see identity of notions,where there nobody can see."(Hideki Yukawa)
  5. sorry "ongoing transformation" is wrong translations from russian "continue transoformation" is correct translation from russian.
  6. My favourite quotation for definition of supersymmetryI never see before "The most important feature of supersymmetry is that it is non-trivial way combines ongoing transformation (such as translations), with a special kind of discrete transformations (such as reflection). While retaining the formal analogy between these two types of changes that are significantly different nature. It is that this analogy is «core» of supersymmetry. "L. E. Gendenshteyn, I. Krive« Supersymmetry in quantum mechanics (http://ufn.ru/ru/articles/1985/8/a/) P. 554.
  7. I think you guys are on different planets entirely From different planet panorama is best. One women lives in Alaska and count Afrika as a country,but not continent.
  8. Wavefunction for fermions-antysymmetric Wavefunction for bosons-symmetric That mean something?
  9. That follow from ajb post...It wasn't my opinion
  10. AB-BA and AB+BA are the same? Fair question...
  11. According to Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symmetry_in_physics supersymmetry relate to discrete symmetry. From other side supersymmetry contain components of both symmetry(discrete and continue). That is correct to call supersymmetry discrete?
  12. then the notion of symmetry and antisymmetry become the same. That mean bosons and fermions the same?
  13. How to call symmetry between symmetry and antisymmetriy? Option 1. Symmetry (S). Option 2. Antisymmetry (AS). I think the right answer is: S-AS-S-AS-S-AS-S-AS ..... etc. I suspect that many of our questions about the World getting such oscillating answers. It look like "Liar paradox". My be it is pessimistic view? Or not, it gives dynamics to the Universe? And did him Cyclic?
  14. Thank you. I left two jokes post on Rovelly in"Forget time". "For best understanding how the Universe working need some time switch of the Time.TIME OUT FOR TIME." "Time- anesthesia help better understanding anatomy of the Universe.I think it is right time and right place forget about time."
  15. The essential fuzziness of time may be the limiting factor for a gravitational-wave detector in Germany http://www.nature.com/news/2008/081110/full/news.2008.1217.html#B1
  16. I guess, reason is poor understanding your arguments.Please more details.
  17. Help me out. Where in the essay are you quoting from? My be here? http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=34689 http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=34831 I remember quote from Lubos Motl: "And yes, I am convinced that the best, most universal description of the degrees of freedom in quantum gravity will have no space - and probably no time - to start with. But because space - and especially time - is so essential to design any system of physics that qualitatively resembles what we know, we will learn some rules that allow you to define what you mean by space and especially time in the pre-geometric structure. There is no guarantee that such a structure exists or will be found in five years or fifty years. But people simply have to keep on trying because such a setup would become an extremely robust pillar of any research of quantum gravity in particular and theoretical physics in general".
  18. http://fqxi.org/community/forum/category/10 There have revealed leaders of the posts number.Carlo Rovelli among them.
  19. If someone read Carlo Rovelli "Forget time" http://fqxi.org/community/forum/"Forget time"topic/237 To my mind only way to forget about the time it is snapshot, a frozen moment in the Universe.
  20. I mean that a pair of discrete-continuous look like a pair of symmetry-antisymmetry, because if we represent them in the symbolic form , they can not be distinguished from from each other: 01 11 or 11 01.
  21. Frozen moment mean: 1.T=0 2.No motion. 3 No continue symmetry. 4.Only two kinds of discrete symmetry P&C 5.P- symmetry;C - antysymmetry 6.Metasymmetry is broken symmetry between symmetry and antysymmetry. Again ratio 3:1.
  22. Recently, I found that the idea broken metasymmetry was discovered Pythagoras and his school 2600 years ago and formulated as "Sacred Tetrada". Fair to say, that they certainly were not known concepts of modern physics, but intuitively ratio of 3 and 1 they had captured very well.
  23. It seems to me that the Universe at the time of Big Bang was in state of metasymmetry, but then metasymmetry was broken and the first "stage actors" were protons, electrons, neutrinos (fermions) and photons(bosons). The ratio of 3:1 survived.Second tethrade were W+-Zo and again photon.3 have mass, 1 photon haven't.They starting play called "Universe"
  24. What do you mean "private"? I mean "My be spontaneous symmetry breaking is particular case breaking of metasymmetry?"
  25. When called recent Nobel laureates in physics, I thought to the issue: "Spontaneous symmetry breaking is private case of violating metasimmetry?"
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