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Everything posted by Cryptonomicon

  1. Looks like they're going to be at Comic Con in San Diego too: http://comiccongeek....th-six-figures/ Also, they just posted some cool new design pics:
  2. Teeccino is a very tasty coffee substitute! http://teeccino.com
  3. Just came across this new Sci-Fi movie project, it looks pretty interesting: http://www.kickstart...8/space-command
  4. Wow, that's pretty cool. I bet in 10 years time 3D printers are going to be everywhere. I need to get into the 3D model / schematics business
  5. I thought the Water Life (2009) series was pretty cool: http://www.amazon.co...N/dp/B002EZLO0Y The World According to Monsanto is good too: http://topdocumentar...ng-to-monsanto/
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