I am seriously lost with Proofs. I am allowed to use Rules of Inference (MP, MT, HS, Simp, AD, Conj, CD, and DS) and Rules of Equivalence (AB, Dem, Com, Assn, Dist, DN, Cont, MI, EX, ME, and RE)
Here are the ones I am working on right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1. (A∨B)∙(A∨G)
2. M→~A
3. ~Q→(~B∨~G) ∴ M→Q
1. Y∙(~N∨A)
2. ~Y∨N
3. (A∙Y)→~~K ∴ K
1. ~G→~F
2. (~F∨G)→(H∨J)
3. H→Z
4. J→~P ∴ P→Z
1. (D∙E)∨(~D∙~E)
2. (H∙J)→~(D↔E)
3. ~~H∨J ∴ J↔~H
1. (~E∨Z)∙(~E∨W)
2. ~K→E
3. ~K→(~Z∨~W)
4. K↔U ∴ R→U
1. (R∙S)∨(R∙~E)
2. (Y∙O)→(E∙~S)
3. (O→~Y)→L ∴ L
1. ~E
2. ~(E∙D)→F
3. (~F ∨ B)∙(~F∨C) ∴A∨(B∙C)
1. T →R
2. R→S
3. ~R↔S ∴~T∙S
1. (~K→K)→~L
2. ~(~L→~M)→L
3. M ∴ K↔~L
1. W
2. ~Y→(~W∙~X) ∴ Y∙[(~W∙~X)→Z]
1. F∨~I
2. I∨H
3. ~(G↔J)→~H ∴ [(~G∨~J)∙(G∨J)]→F