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Quark (2/13)
"aaaaaah hes confusing me with logic... im just gonna go tell on him so this scary subject cant be discussed anymore!!!"
Is this a childrens science forum? Tattle tailing... really? That would explain some of the viewpoints being spouted
If you read back through the thread I started off not looking to insult anyone but I was met with hostility instead of intelligent conversation. I'm simply defending myself from close minded bullies. Give me alittle credit here! Ive been backed into a corner by a mob for days with insults flying at me from all directions. I can't throw back a few zingers? I'll stop cursing though. <<< Feels like a heretic thats been reported to the catholic church in the 1400s. Are you going to waterboard me now?
Guess it doesn't matter though... If I'm right and they really created us theyre going to very upset that were destroying this rare planet and probably exterminate us (again). OR if I'm wrong were going to destroy the planet and kill ourselves anyway... so in a way I'll probably end up right in the end...(victory dance)
Instead of studying these obvious facts, lets continue to destroy the planet and worship false gods and money. All while thinking theres nothing else out there because were so special and unique in a universe so vast it cant be measured by our mathematical system................................................................................................... I havent brought up any building aspects in days.. you all keep going back to that because you have no defense against all the stories of the "Gods" that can only be explained by human and other species with technology from other planets Of course I could be wrong and the 1000s of stories were all made up by ancient man (and possibly the devil) to fool us in a giant conspiracy spaning thousands of years. Now that I think about it... that makes alot more sense than everything I was saying before... my bad
To not believe in the ancient astronaut fact is to not believe in reason, logic and scientific fact. Its very simple. Like I said before, anyone that doesnt believe in gods and magic believes in this.. they just may not know it yet. Its simply a mental block thats been socially developed since we could understand our language. When in reality a person that says theres nothing else out there and we've never been visited is either insane, arrogant, or brainwashed by some religeon. (sometimes all 3) How do you people not understand that humans could evolve on another planet and be exactly the same? What year is this? did I travel back to the 1500s!?!?!?... Oh wait I still have my laptop and I'm connected to the internet... guess its just the idiocy raining down in the forum.. making my mind feel that way....... Its ok though.. the truth is always met with anger and disbelief. Humans tend to be know it alls... terrible trait. It really holds us back and in this case from finding out our true origins and the secrets of the universe.. but I guess its not THAT big a deal... Right??
I don't even know how to respond to the things youre saying.. I guess you just dont get it... Alien - Belonging to a foreign country or nation. Your rabid belief against this closely resembles the belief that the earth is the center of the universe. You would have been one the a**holes that refused to look through the first telescope because it was black magic. Its people like you that have held us back from evolving mentally. You'd fit in very well in the dark ages.
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"No human alien hybrids are possible" Are you serious? So if I were to take a mexican wife we couldnt have a child? Sir, that is extremely racist! MY point being, is a person from another planet may be an alien but if they are human it is no different than some one in the US and some one in mexico. If you didnt get it. To make an assumption like that is extremely close minded and I will no longer be responding to your nonsense.
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Thats what most people dont understand. Most ancient cultures described their Gods as looking like us. Part of the problem with the theory is the world alien. It cant help but sound like science fiction. Allthough the simple idea of people from another planet is not so crazy. The "sons of gods" spoken of in the old testament that were always impregnated earth women were described to look human. They were just much better looking than normal humans, taller, blond hair blue eyes ect. The mayans described their gods as being very similar. Back to the starchild skull. Once again we have a problem with opinion. Your opinion is that wiki is telling the truth. Lloyd Pye claims hes currently fighting with them because they changed all the results hes submitted. If you acutally watch the documentary they show you the real results and the people that did the testing explain everything to you. So I guess its up to you who to believe. I just say read the wiki AND watch the documentary so you can form a real opinion. How can you even really form an opinion if you dont know both sides? Ive spent my whole life hearing your side, learning it in school. How much do you REALLY know about all this? Enough to truly form an opinion, you may think so but I highly doubt it. Like I've said before in a way its like politics. Depending on what news channel you watch the "truth" is VERY different. Its up to you to do your own research and form an opinion. The problem though, is that 90% of people pick a side, learn a few tid bits about the other side and just go ahead and dicide what they believe. Thats why the US might elect a president that believes in the most rediculous religeon you can choose from and they think hes going to save us with his special underwear that protect him from demons.
No, I'm trying to switch the conversation because I believe the current one is a waste of time. You obviously think I'm a jacka** spouting information from unreliable sources and I think the same about you so what are we to do? Continue to try and make eachother believe things we obviously arent going to believe OR agree to disagree and move on to a different aspect? I say move on to a different aspect. I have enough "matter of opinion" arguements that go absolutely nowhere with my wife no know when a cause is lost. I respect your opinion but I would really like to hear it on the other aspects seeing as I'm obviously dealing with bright educated individuals. I'm going to list afew of the most famous gods and stories of gods/technologies and a small paragraph regarding the legend on each one. I believe if you take each "legend" as an ancient man with a limited vocab when its comes to technology and then think in modern terms on what they were trying to describe its very obvious. I assume most of you will skim through these paragraphs and dismiss them without even a though and then just say its fake. Thats your loss, because if any of these paragraphs spark an interest or even raise doubt.. there is a mountain of evidence. The evidence in ancient texts of technology and people coming here in space ships is so concrete and undeniable, it is mind boggling. Ofcourse this is only possible to see from a big picture standpoint. As I've said before 1,2 or even 3 cultures could be written off a science fiction stories or their time but not 100s describing the same things. Then again I guess it up to you whether to see the obvious or shut it out. Just please do your own research! Lets start off with our favorite. The US's lord and savior Jesus Christ. Now I'm going to assume you know there are no such things as angels that impregnate young women with the sons of supernatural beings. This concept is only the act of Gods when ancient man didnt know that with technology an "immaculate conception" is a perfectly normal occurance correct? Right away we see ancient man assuming technology and medical advancements are the acts of "Gods". The young woman then has a child that grows up with the knowledge and philosophical views of some one from a very old advanced civilization that has learned from their mistakes. He then proceeds to perform miracles that can all be explained by science. I would like to bring up Lazarus and how JC supposedly raised him from the dead. Today if some one dies we can bring them back to life no problem correct? BUT if theyve been dead too long they return as a vegetable. If you have advanced medical technology that can repair damaged brain cells, this feat becomes simple. Our scientists are very close to this as we speak. It is a fact that they can reanimate and greatly prolong the life of all our organs except the brain but we are very close. Now not only did he supposedly raise the dead, he died and was brought back again. Now I would like to bring up the shroud of turin. People belive that when there was a great flash of light in the tomb the radiation ingrained his image on the shroud before he disappeared from the cave. This is the explanation of "regligeous scientists". Now if we look at it from a technological aspect. Scientists claim the only reason we cant teleport people is because we dont have the technology to store all the information of a human, but when that changes it will become a possibility. So I say whatever energy caused the imprint on the shroud was a result of technology, not gods and magic. He then "ascends" into heaven in a beam of light. Once again throw away magic and gods and what is that describing? Its up to you I guess Now this is one of the most modern God stories, one that atleast 50% of americans believe in a our government goes to war because of it. I assume the stories have some truth, just totally misinterpreted. The old testatment is one of the best "familiar" places to find description of technology. Ezekiel describes a whirlwind, a great cloud with fire flashing forth, a bright light around it, and glowing metal in the middle. With in it were four living beings. He then describes a giant wheel next to each being. He describes the wheels as metal and being so perfect in workmanship that they were like copies of eachother. He then begins to see what he describes as throne above the four wheels with yet another man who is surrounded by glowing metal and fire. The "God" ofcourse then speaks to him. In the old testament "the sons of gods" are constantly interfering with the affairs of man, and breeding with our women to create demi-gods. Doorways to heaven opening up in the sky and gods or angels coming out to speak to man. This can be explained by technology, not our level of technology but technology none the less. The old and new testament claim to be part of the same "religeon" yet the 2 books contradict eachother on such a grand scale it is mind boggling. The covenant of the arch is also an excellent description of technology. Not only did moses use it to communicate with god but it has also been used as a weapon throughout the ages. It has also been documented that people that went near it were afflicted with all the symptoms of radiation poisoning. Garuda. The basic description is a bird "god" that is big enough to block out the sun. When further described we learn it is made of gold which is metal. We now basically have the description of a "metal bird" that is large enough to block out the sun. From a logical standpoint this can only be concieved as one thing. Especially when people are described riding it to go vanquish their enemies. It has also been said that when the god Garuda visited earth from the heavens there would be a great coulds of smoke, fire, and the earth would shake. The mahabharata also describes countless technologies. Various types of flying machines and descriptions of weapons. There are stories of wars in the sky. Heat seeking missiles and even nuclear weapons. Just do a little bit of googling and you will have countless hours of reading obvious description of technology and people coming here from other planets. All I ask is for you to do an hour of research because with-in that hour you will be able to find so many desciptions like the ones I've just given that even the biggest skeptic must stop and rethink his/her position.
I keep trying to remove the focus from the building aspect and move it to all the descriptions of the Gods. No one will even write a sentence to argue against that.. why? Like I keep saying, lets leave out all supposed physical evidence to support this theory and focus on the descriptions of gods in flying machines. Why will no one discuss this? Theres nothing to say against it except all ancient men came up with the same lies all around the world. Please forget about the building... no point arguing opinions like I keep saying. Its almost like politics.. Different news channels provide VERY different facts. You don't believe my sources and I dont agree with yours. The more I read what I've said and what everyone else is saying I realize how futile arguing all those aspects. I don't neccessarily believe aliens helped build anything I just feel that when all the different monuments are surrounded by stories of ancients gods with what seems like technology has to raise questions and not simply be dismissed because "we think we know". There is no "fact" surrounding all the stories of the Gods, nothing is for certain, no historian knows whats true and what isnt. Allthough what reamains to be true is that almost every culture around the world has stories of a god or gods coming down from the heavens and meddling in our affairs. Many cultures tell of interbreeding, virgin conceptions, people leaving with the gods and returning. When an ancient man describes the earth as it looks from outerspace how do you explain this? how can ancient maps of what antarctica looks like under the ice exist? The building aspect that the show ancient aliens seems to focus on is a mere spec in a galaxy of evidence. Why did ancients all over the world see flying machines with powerful beings?? Why did those beings supposedly teach them language and math ect. Why do these stories exist? Mans imagination on a grand scale? I guess you could say its all a giant ancient hoax but I say theres something to it.
Just go on youtube and put in lloyd pye starchild skull... all the testing and proof is in the free documentaries. I guess the use of the term Non-human is incorrect as the DNA shows humaniod just more DNA. Almost a more evolved human would be the best description. Again its a perfect example. Youre here arguing against the ancient astronaut fact yet you know nothing of whats called the starchild skull. If you acutally listen to the facts about it they are irrefutable and can only be denied by choice not by reason. Not to mention you dont even know that most of the ancient accounts of God's describe them to look like us. All the "religeons" even say they made us in their image, that phrase is used time and time again. Thats part of the problem. People think little green men, meanwhile the stories simply describe humans or what appear to be very close to human arriving with technology and the power of flight. As far as little green men and other creatures that have been described why is that so hard to believe? If we supposedly evolved from primates why on another planet could reptiles not evolve into an upright intelligent species or any other type of creature for that matter? It would depend on which species comes out on top and has the freedom to evolve. Certain species of birds show high intellect and the ability to solve problems, other animals show emotions a anger just like humans. Its actually rediculous to think it hasnt happened on other planets.
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I've admitted I'll put aside all the building aspects of the "theory" I was just defending myself against the fact that some one stated I know nothing about building. I'm also not trying to insult anyone I'm just giving my opinion from a psychological standpoint. Telling some one they could be wrong isnt insulting them, allthough for some reason people in our time seem to take it that way. I once heard some one say finding out theyre wrong is more exciting than being right. I do not mean to insult, just to make you think. Plus we must never forget and age old truth! The truth is often met with anger and disbelief before it is recognized. There is no other reasonable explanation for all the stories of the God's. For the longest time as an atheist I believed it was in man's nature to create a god and heaven just like birds fly south but then I learned all the subtle details of all the different religeons and there is a distinct pattern and similarity. Even between cultures where it was a fact they never knew anything about eachother. If it were 1 or 2 or even 3 I could dismiss the AA theory and go back to a psychological answer but this is not the case. The ancient astronaut theory only seems crazy and fantastic because we are brought up to believe the notion of people or creatures from other planets is rediculous and people that believe that are looked down upon and considered crazed outcasts. When in reality its the only logical explanation for 100s of differnet stories of God's coming and going from the heavens.As someone else stated, ancient man was far from stupid. My point is that stupidity and ignorance are two totally different things when it comes to describing what you saw. You could be the brightest and best scientist this planet has to offer but if you see something that our language and knowledge has no way to describe you would have to use what you know to best describe it. In ancients man case, chariots of fire, giant metal birds, whales with bronze ribs, people with wings ect. The list could go on for pages. How can we trust education from a government that subscribes to a religeous theory that the earth was created in 6 days and 7 nights by a supernatural being? We cannot. Its like believing everything a used car salesman tells you. You have to remember the same institution that believes that is what monitors american education. My point is that we are taking education from an institution whose way of thinking hasnt gone past the 1900s just because they dont want to let go of a false faith. I take as an insult to our intelligence every time I look down and see "In god we trust" on our money. Why do you think NASA isnt funded as it should be? Because of religeon. Even though exploration of space is the most important challenge facing humanity it is pushed aside because people are afriad to find out theyre wrong. The stuggle of Lloyd Pye is a perfect example. A Non- Human skull was found and through various studies it was proven to not only be a totally different shape but proven not to have been modified by any known methods found around the world. The skull was also made of a different type of bone than that of a human with very strong threads weaved with in it. Every aspect was proved to be non-human and it allowed them to get funding for extensive DNA testing. When the results came in (which were double and triple checked) they proved that 2 non-humans used a human female to have a baby just as we do today. Also coinciding with the hundreds of "immaculate conception" stories. When Lloyd Pye presented his evidence he was told by the scientific community that he was wasting his time because no matter what he found they would write it off as a natural genetic mutation. I use this as the perfect example. DNA is what we use to decide whether or not some one will be put to death in this country. Science considers it unquestionable. Yet when it is presented in a case that goes against everything we are told all of a sudden DNA means nothing. Just like carbon dating is used by scientists all around the world and considered to be fact, but when structures come up as being much older than they are supposed to be the mainstream community says its incorrect. The scientist that dated the carvings on the kensington rune stone that proves sinclair was here before columbus was told he was incorrect even though he was entrusted with all the testing on meterials for the 911 tragedy. Again, showing the scientific and historical community only letting through facts that go along with our government education. Its the same reason certain political parties say that the notion were destroying that planet is a huge scam.. money, power ect. Then once again we trust this institution to educate us!
My Point exactly! To not subscribe to the ancient astronaut fact is to believe in gods and magic. All the ancient stories are either a giant collective lie to fool modern man into thinking we were helped along by people from other planets or theres something to it. To me even a simpleton could understand the evidence. I dont even understand how some one could read the sumerian texts, the book of ezekiel, ect with out thinking of people from other planets. The only explanation I could come up with, is that they dont want to! Its very suprising to think that a physicist, some one who believes all things can be explained (correct me if I'm wrong) wouldnt atleast have to admit if the stories are true they werent about Gods but about ET's. Maybe youve become so literal and mathematical you've lost touch with reality? I dont know. Ancient man could not have made compound miders that you cant shine a laser through. If you honestly believe they could have then that simply sounds like youve never tried to cut a compound mider using wood let alone giant stones. I actually have. Thats why i bring up the precision, its impossible without sophisticated machinery and tools. There have been more than a few machining and building experts that stated they could not duplicate the accuracy. Sounds like most of the poeple on this forum have only seen a few minutes of the show and made a snap decision based on a few moments (a bad trait of man). The more I hear people reasoning behind not even listening or trying to understand the ancient astronaut theory the more I realize its mainly a psychological problem with most people. Its like during WWII when the SS ran propaganda about the jews in the newspaper and on the radio for long enough and the people eventually bought into it and went along with genocide. Its seems that through out the ages governments have figured out that if you just keep repeating lies eventually people will believe them and it will be very difficult to convince them of anything else. Every day at work I see building on a massive scale. I see cranes and men with sophisticated machinery and tools struggling to do a descent job (compared to ancient man). I absolutely understand why people with no experience in building could be convinced that men with ropes and logs quarried moved and stacked 100 to 500 ton stones. Not to mention the fact that it was drilled into your head since childhood. I'm absolutely an atheist, I believe all religeon is about ignorance and control and has caused 90% of the problems on this planet BUT I cannot still help but utter the phrase "Oh my god" or "Jesus F'n christ" when I get upset. I don't want to but its ingrained in my mind from childhood. It shows me how weak and impressionable to human mind is and how easy it is to make it believe something and hang onto it even when the person doesnt want to. To me this point explains the rejection of the ancient astronaut theory.
Ok. Are they wrapped around a perfectly square object all being almost mathematically perfect in size and depth? Once again no one is considering the precision of the cuts. I work on 3 to 4 floor massive homes on the ocean, I know exactly what it takes to build large structures. For example a 1mil dollar 87,000lb crane was needed to pull out and replace a 30ft palm tree. It had to be brought in from georgia. The tree was est 2 tons. It took a few hours to say the least. 99% of people have no idea what it would have taken to accomplish some of these things. The people claiming they know how these structures were built are taking "an educated guess" which is a sh*t statement. They have no experience in building. Take into account that it would take multiple mobile cranes to move alot of the smaller stones ancient man used. The thing is none of that matters. The truth is its speculation on BOTH sides. Allthough the facts are that all these different cultures say gods from other planets helped them build these structures. Mainstream historians take the same stories from history and decide which parts and ture and false based on what goes with the standard education. One of the best cases is the greek gods. The rest of their history is true and taught in school but the parts about so called gods that lived on top of a mountain and meddled in the affairs of men is case aside as myth because it doesnt go with our bible story. Poseidon living in atlantis with the demi god children he bred and it leaving this planet cant coexist with the bible so were raised to believe its all myth. You shouldn't even be on the science forums if you believe in supernatural beings. To be here is believe in the ancient astronaut theory, whether you know it or not. Its simply subscribing to logic and technology instead of magic gods.