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Everything posted by Drogin

  1. I got blood type AB, and I've read in some newspapers and publications online, about pros and cons of the AB bloodtype. Though please note I'm not talking about the japanese personality mumbo jumbo, or the "eat right for your blood type" scams, I'm talking about scientific and statistical experiments hinting of blood type actually having a relevance at certain health issues. From what I can gather, the good sides of blood type AB is: + Often very good protection from Cholera, and the Norwalk virus. Some bad sides are: - Risk of stroke, and various artery diseases are skyhigh(I've read values ranging from 20% to 40% higher than those with blood type O), because the blood clots easier. - Possible weakness towards malaria, dengue fever - Increased chance of certain types of cancer Now, I live in the western world, were we have clean water, a developed sewage system, anti-biotics, and what not. Cholera and norwalk arent any issue at all... and it's actually true, I never get infected by the norwalk or stomach bugs...but really, this doesent make up for having 40% greater chance of having stroke, malaria and what not. Stroke kills you, people infected with the norwalk/stomach issue just gotta suck it up for a few days and be good as new. I'm sure people with blood type AB and B have an advantage among poor people in Zimbabwe, India and countries with poor sanitation, where cholera and norwalk actually kills a lot of people... But in the western world with our clean water, people like me, with blood type AB seems at a huge disadvantage...?
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