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Everything posted by HerbertSu
So basically scientists think this "dark matter" is what's pushing the universe to expand?
From to pov of the clock on the planet (or whichever is the stationary one), it will seem that the moving clock would have slower time, so yeah i think the person moving with the clock would seem to be in slo-mo. However, that same person wouldn't feel any different because to him, time is moving normally.
I know this may fall under the area of speculations but I just wanted to put this in relativity since it kinda has stuff to do with time. People say time travel (too the past at least) can never be achieved because it would mess up space time or because the universe will never let it, but what if we made distinct moments or places in time that allowed a person from the future to visit that moment without affecting anything. Would that work in allowing people from the future to visit their past (or our present).
Since the universe is expanding, does that mean that the fabric of space-time is stretching or that more fabric is being made? Or am I just totally out of the ballpark?
Can somebody explain to me why the universe is expanding? Or maybe just some speculations to why it's expanding. Putting the explanation in layman's terms would also be helpful. Thanks!
"Whether or not it really is enough is beside the point." How can you FEEL safe enough when you don't know what ENOUGH is? And you are missing my point, when calamity, i.e. a disaster, strikes you are no other ignorant but aware and is entirely not my point. Okay lets play this out, you know that an asteroid is coming to wipe out the Earth and there's nothing you can do about it, what are you going to do next? Have you been absent for most of this forum? Go reread some of it and most of your questions have been addressed. If there was no one around, then who would have heard it to acknowledge that a sound was even made?
- 35 replies
Well wouldn't not knowing a problem even existed beat the problem all together? Why live life worrying about every single outcome. Preparing for stuff that most likely will never happen. What is the definition of "safe enough"? Give me an example of "safe enough" and I promise you I can find a way around it. Your little example of an asteroid headed our way, do you really think the best thing to do is to tell 7 billion people that they are all going to die and there is nothing that they can do about it? Would it not be better to let them live what little time they had left in whatever blissful moment they can cling on to? I repeat the key phrase in my example was "BUT NEVER FOUND OUT ABOUT IT." An IRS agent coming to your door to NOTIFY you is, I'm pretty sure, FINDING OUT ABOUT IT. Here's one that has been around for a while and can convey almost the same message; "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_a_tree_falls_in_a_forest
The key phrase in my example was "but never found out about it". It may be a made up story but it contains a very real message. This is a novel of comparable literary merit and has been around for about 200 years and got up there for having a story that related to human society even back when it was published and up till this very day. If you don't agree then you can take it up with college board. If you feel ill you're certainly going to visit the doctor. Your argument only works if the person feels like they're dying but still doesn't go see a doctor. Even if this is the case, its not because they're ignorant but because they acknowledged an issue and decided to do nothing about it. Your other arguments are just examples of plain stupidity (the people in the examples not the person making them) but I will argue them anyways. For the person that was drinking antifreeze; they were happy, if only for a moment, from their satisfying drink; the person throwing javelins during a thunderstorm, that sounds like a pretty badass training tactic to me and if it makes him happy to run around throwing sticks than be my guest. 'carrying a metal pole around lightning would never have been the kind of concern that "keep a person from worrying about every little detail of their lives."' The EXACT same argument can be made for people that are ignorant of the situation, but what's different about this argument than yours is that its better! Thank you for agreeing! Have a great day ! I just had to add this, acknowledging an issue but not doing anything about it is not ignorance!!!!!!!!! You know that this is happening but choose not to do anything about it. Lets say you were to go on a dreaded vacation with your family or loved one. You turn out to have the best time of your life and was never as content as you were on your away time. On your way home you feel extremely blissful when, all of a sudden, you die from any random act of the universe (you get sucked in by a black hole and crushed into a an infinitely small speck if you want an example) but it happens so fast you don't feel a thing. Now we go back in time to before you hopped on that plane, boat, car or whatever to your vacation and have no idea about how happy you will be. You have just been informed that you will inevitably die (and remember this is just an example, I don't mean anything else by it) on your way home from this trip by this overwhelming force that nothing can escape. Now that you are armed with this information, what will you do? You are not ignorant any more are you? Food for thought .
I agree that knowledge can be power but it can also be fatal. In Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, Victor Frankenstein acquires the knowledge to make a collage of various human parts come alive. This knowledge then proceeds to ruin his life. Knowledge about an issue is not always good. If you had a million dollars but you had no idea that you had it, would you really have a million dollars? Better yet if you were a million dollars in debt but never found out about it, would you actually be in debt?
I think you are confusing ignorance with stupidity but I will argue that even if I somehow were to happen upon a bottle of antifreeze and just chugged it (because we all know that everybody in the entire world always drinks any type of liquid they find), for that brief moment I would be happy because it tasted so good. And the rest of my argument has already been made by the person above me, whom I thank. When people KNOW something it doesn't mean they're ignorant. It in fact means the total opposite of ignorance. Just because you don't know something doesn't mean you don't care about it, it just means it hasn't crossed your path. When you say "living like they're not there" you are implying that the person acknowledges the problem but chooses to not do anything about it, which is not ignorance but denial.
Wow sure got a lot of intense people on this forum. Sure there could be a God. God could be the randomness of the universe and how every outcome is due to the fact that the universe doesn't want to undo what it has already done. To those that said God is a superior being, what if it was? It all depends how you define the term "superior" for all we know it could just be a force that keeps everything going.
"so space and time are different realities of the same thing" can you please elaborate on what that means?
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "negating the effects of the white hole" but yes, I'm basically saying that a black hole is sucking in space-time. White holes are the things that push things out and black holes are the ones that pull stuff in. I'm saying that our universe is on the side of a white hole. We are expanding because space-time is coming out of that white hole. This space-time is coming from the white hole's other end, which is a black hole.
I don't think space-time is neither matter nor energy. What I'm basically trying to say is that the white hole is spewing out space-time from the black hole's side.
Hi, just out of curiosity I'd just like to know how people define the idea of a human soul.
Well I might have used the wrong word to describe it. Lets just call it a speculation, will that make it better for you?
It's just a theory.
Well I'm pretty certain that you know what black holes are, you know those giant things that suck anything that comes nearby and nothing can escape it? Well a white hole is where the items that get sucked exit out. It's like a black hole is the mouth of a vacuum and the white hole is the part of the vacuum that deposits everything into a bag. What this theory is saying is that the vacuum bag is actually our universe.
Can somebody explain the Space Twin Paradox (the one where a twin goes into space and comes back younger than his/her other twin) in a simple, layman-like way? Thanks.
If I didn't see it coming then I'm sure that death would have been quick and painless, therefore allowing me to die while on a nice stroll down a secluded area with my mind on nothing but my music.
Religious men and women wear sunglasses, atheists and realists wear prescription ones. One large reason that atheists are atheists is because they just don't like how religion has affected human history and how it can turn any person into a bigoted a**hole.
The people that believe to be smarter than ignorant people are just ignorant of others that are way smarter than themselves. Ignorance is bliss because what you don't know can't hurt you. It doesn't put a face on an overwhelming problem and it allows you to enjoy everything else. Being ignorant is not always a horrible thing, it can actually keep a person from worrying about every little detail of their lives.
First of all time is not 3 dimensional, it exists in a 4th dimension called space-time. Secondly, time can be viewed in a number of ways, not just in one. Here are a couple. Time can represent the amount of decay ore chaos. One could argue that entropy is a measure of time because everything deteriorates and gets more chaotic as time passes because the universe loves to increase its entropy. Ergo time is just a measure of chaos. (This next segment is just my own wondering) This could also show how time started when the big bang occurred; first there was total-nothingness, then an explosion and here we are. Time could also be seen as the measure of an object giving off light. Since light is the fastest thing in the universe (or at least we think it is), it is safe to say that time travels at the speed of light.
So I came across this theory about why the universe is expanding and I wanted to run it by people to see what they think about it. According the the Vacuum Bag Theory, our universe is expanding because there is a gargantuan sized white hole somewhere in space (or maybe there's a bunch of them). As we all know, white holes are just the opposite ends of a black hole. Now the black hole that is on the other end of the white hole has run out of matter to suck through and now there's nothing left to suck but the very fabric of space-time and that is why our universe is still expanding. Just a theory, tell me what you think!