What is the exact meaning of evolution? What is the exact meaning of perfection? What do we mean and want exactly?
You know, I think every single thing has 2 aspects: The bright side and the dark side. (You can either kill a person by a knife or save his life by a scalpel or just cut meat for cooking)
As an example extracting crocodile HB genes and transferring that into human RBC can make an ordinary person, a superman or a real monster which can stay under water for 20 minutes. So this person can save others or become a freaky blood splitter soldier.
But the genetic engineering is not the only danger. Artificial Intelligence, Cyborgs or Hybrids and other things that are just imaginations for now, can come true in the near feature. I'm afraid of the dark tomorrow. New slaves and masters may come to this world and one day we will find ourselves fighting things that we made by our own imagination. Should we limit our unlimited imaginations??? Should we make rules that can be broken??? what should we do!?
I don't know the answers, but I know two kings can not rule one country.