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Everything posted by Oceantx

  1. I had hoped there would be some clue via names also, but it appears he may of went by a pseudonym. My grandmother who is still alive indicates he was very secretive about his past, refusing to answer any questions. I was also told he wrote a collection of memoirs that he destroyed shortly before his death. Of course all of this just adds to my curiosity. Genealogy efforts so far have reached a brick wall with his side, no record of his birth/census info/military service. I wonder if I were to purchase the genetic test would the results be better from me or my grandmother? or would it not matter? Thanks for the replies.
  2. Thanks for your reply, this is actually the first thing I looked into. I was informed that looking for the more specific ethnic/political origins (Chinese/Japanese/Korean/other) through DNA testing services available, is not always as reliable as advertised. It was my hope that someone familiar with the subtle differences in race may able to help steer me in the right direction. Although I fully intend to still have testing done.
  3. Image Here is the image.
  4. Howdy, I am looking to determine the (geographic) race of my great-grandfather. He unfortunately hid his past because of political pressure at the time and I only know he is east Asian. Unfortunately all I have to go on is a couple pictures. Now that its no longer a taboo subject my family would be immensely grateful if anyone with the expertise would be willing to give it a shot. My first guess would be Chinese but I'm no expert. I'd be happy to PM a picture. I apologize if this is the wrong place. Thanks
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