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genetix guy

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Everything posted by genetix guy

  1. ^great advice ^ You make great points now if only I could get an interview ha
  2. ya being a volunteer/intern might be my only way into a Bio lab. Im just afraid they wont hire me and I will have wasted my time. But i might have to take that risk considering I want to do something that I enjoy the rest of my life
  3. I graduated from DU as an Environmental Science Major BS. I wish I would have chosen Genetics or Cell Biology at the end of my senior year. I have been working as a Chemist/Metallurgical Technician at a mining company for the last 2 years and amrealizing I am in the wrong field. I have tried getting entry level Genetics and Biology jobs but I have been turned down everytime for 2 years. Should I goback to school and get a degree in genetics or biology? Would that help? Advice would be appreciated
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