Assuming a completely sealed garage of the size 5 x 5 x 3 m --> 75m3 or 160.72cubicfeet.The activity level of the person should be stated.
Daily : 3 consecutive hours of anaerobic exercise --> lifting / 2 consecutive hours of anaerobic exercise --> lifting / 1h30 of aerobic exercise(i.e boxing) / 9 hours sleep. ( Total : 5 hours anaerobic exercise + 1h30 aerobic exercice + 2 hours at rest + 9 hours sleep)Part of the garage door can be opened(1.50 x 2 m), giving on a parking lot, and there is a big entrance giving on the outside air on the same floor several meters away.(about 5 x 5 m) There are very few cars that ever go through this parking lot.(2-3 daily passages)The garage is in Paris where the ground altitude is 45 m. The garage is on the first floor hence maybe approx 50-55 m over sea level.If the garage is kept closed, how long would a person with the described activity level last before having to open the 1.50 x 2 m opening?How long would it take for the garage to come back to it's original air concentration and hence be "ready" for another "bout" of the person's cycle? Do tools exist/methods to reduce time for air to return to it's original concentration?
Thank your for you time,