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Everything posted by LukeElevenNine

  1. Quick question. Is there a general consensus in the community as to how many human biological systems there are? A quick search on google yielded me 10, 11, 12, and 14. Thanks. ...and wikipedia lists 13
  2. Can anything but death exist outside of life? First man found the molecule, then the atom, and then finally the subatomic particle… each time believing we had finally reached the end of the line. Today we have looked even further into the microscope, unearthing what the most modern science now calls elementary particles, many believing once again that further substructure likely will not be discovered. Yet again as we speak, theorists unite and new theories have arisen, that would focus us even further into mankind’s great microscope. What if life is the same? What if biologists, like physicists, cannot yet see the end of the line from where they stand? What if that line never ends? It is believed by the biological community that life arose from inorganic, non-living matter. One may beg to differ. The human system of biology has sought to define conscious life by certain fundamentals, by observing matter for all or most of what we call 7 “phenomena” (the capacity to reproduce, the capacity to grow, the capacity to adapt, etc.) But what if life, like matter, needs to be put further under the microscope to truly observe the infinitely shrinking substructure of consciousness, the line that never ends? In other words, what if all things are alive? Here’s a thought… Just as a microscope made entirely of matter is needed to observe the infinitely shrinking substructure of matter, the microscope that one would need to observe the infinitely shrinking substructure of life would itself need also to be made entirely of life.
  3. That's right, mass can't be created or destroyed either. Thanks, and bump.
  4. So it is believed that before time all things were one, a singularity. What exactly were the very first branches to sprout off of the "universal vine"... the very first thing(s) to exist outside of that singularity? From what I can see: 0) Singularity (and some law of physics allowing for plurality) 1) Division of forces (gravity / electronuclear) 2) Presence and absence (energy and space)
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