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  1. I'm not attempting to convince you, I'm posing a question which it seems several members are also interested or concerned about. Seeing as you're just another user like me, feel free to ignore my query so that it can be answered by someone more appropriate who isn't just another user like me. But remember: No. Public. Site. Is. Private.
  2. If that's the official position of scienceforums.net then I suppose that is that, then, isn't it. As you hold no corporate interests or responsibility in that sense, it may not be in your interest to provide your users with peace of mind or the option to opt out of being associated with your site. I can think of many reasons as to why somebody might no longer want their email address attached to one of their old accounts. The reason as to "why" someone wishes to leave seems redundant from a user-friendliness perspective. Also, if it is possible then "why not?" also comes to mind. Too much effort, I guess? Just seems bizarre that people can never leave.
  3. Surely it would be an option to allow users to delete their accounts without deleting their posts and answers. I'm sure other websites manage this; it just means said user's profile is no longer viewable and their email isn't plugged into the website and linked to the account.
  4. You're a mong
  5. Evil is a subjective term, but by no means a default emotive. There's nothing wrong with my use of a subjective term in there, because I interjected a new point, clearly expressed as my opinion. You are the one who's erected a straw man here. Consider revising your definitions, before throwing them around wrongly and at random, and wrongly dismissing others' arguments purely on that basis.
  6. Absolutely correct. You caught me, please keep this discussion as Islamophobic as possible and let's hope you geniuses don't catch on.
  7. Quite, and I agree completely. The problem is far from just Islam, and far from just religion. The reason I wanted to discuss Islam is because at present Islam is as radical as Christianity was generations ago. So I'm looking to discuss how it will integrate with modern Western society. As for the rest of what you've said, I completely agree also.
  8. Nope, I'm trying to explore the effect Islam has had in those countries, to do with the way they are. It's different.
  9. It's clear this discussion can't go on any further; other than what I've said there's nothing else for me to say. As I said before, I politely retire from this topic. Not angrily or lashing out as iNow sees it.
  10. You don't want to look at the original topic, as I suggested. Fair enough... I'll bring it to you: Now, stay with me here. I did mention "Islamic population", but I assure you, the factor is Islam. That was my intent. YES, my intent may not have come across, that happens. Yes, you might not accept Islam as a factor as I'm trying to, if not, just say so. Now I hope not to cause offence here, as you're one of the members I regard highly and respect on these forums; but just in case you missed that again: Islam.
  11. Look at the original topic for a second please; it's calling for a discussion on Islam... 'per se'. Just because others have changed it from that, and I've had to reply to them, doesn't mean I made that the new topic. I never boiled it down to that. Someone else introduced it, I merely responded to it. That was in no way my discussion. The problem is every time someone throws an argument my way, someone else sees my response, and out of context sees my response and makes a million assumptions about what I've said or believe. By ALL means have a much more in-depth discussion, it's other people narrowing it down to specific points I've made. I started a very broad topic, which others have chipped away and narrowed down with their wild assumptions. Stop looking at individual examples, the teachings of Islam and implementation of Islamic teaching is what I'm asking to be considered. Stop picking out individual countries, individual practices, and saying "well Islam isn't the only factor preventing women's rights"... So what!?!?!? My discussion's whole purpose is to discuss the factor of Islam. I don't assume there aren't other factors, it's just I'm not discussing them right now. I'm not distilling it down to one factor, I'm FOCUSING on one factor. If you don't see the value in that, by all means explain why, but don't assume I haven't considered other factors. It has to be said this is the most exhausted I've been on these forums trying to get a simple discussion started. I retire from this discussion, not out of anger; because it's not going anywhere any time soon. I fell into the trap of responding to people who went off-topic, then everyone else fell for the trap of reading my responses, instead of the original topic. Madness. I'm done ladies and gents, feel free to carry on discussing, but I won't be, because I feel discouraged to do so.
  12. Well I see why you're confused. You've assumed when I say Islam that I mean "all Muslims" or when I refer to a particular Islamic state that I mean "every Muslim in that state". When I say Islam, I mean the teachings of Islam, the governments under Islam. I'm stunned at how quick and comfortable everyone feels- assuming that I have some vendetta against every Muslim and that I'm trying to throw Muslims in one category, even though I haven't stated or implied anything of such. Suspect me of doing so- that's fine. But when you instantly jump to the conclusion that- that's what I'm doing, you're being rather ridiculous. Can we just put forward our opinions on the discussion topic and stop trying to accuse me of generalising and having some sort of vendetta against all Muslims, based on your whims? I welcome criticism of me or my arguments- I don't welcome what you're doing right now.
  13. Sure enough there are those trying to impose Christian law, but Christian law isn't by default or without question the system in place in the US. Nor has that ever been the case in the US, thanks to your Bill of Rights. Whereas in UAE and Dubai the opposite is the case. Fair enough, however; 'by how many generations the US is more advanced or enlightened in comparison' wasn't my point. It's comparing each country as it is today, with particular focus on the key variable of this discussion; Islam, which was my point. The legal system is always going to be unjust, in any country, but I'm obviously talking about the Islam's part to play in that; my point being that if our legal systems jump back to the current Islam-style courts of justice, seen in these Islamic countries, it'd be a jump back, not forward. Oh sorry, in that case: no.
  14. Don't expect citations for something which I've clearly expressed as an opinion. Make note of the words I've highlighted in bold, I've done that for you. So take not of "on the whole". I never said Islam was exclusive with that respect. In summary, read what I've said before emptily attempting to debunk everything I say based on technicalities, as though you're achieving anything besides derailing this discussion by doing so.
  15. A very good point. I agree right-wing nuts are probably more dangerous and common, but I welcome neither to my discussions, and I've possibly encountered the left-wing of the scale already; hence my mentioning of it. Well then I simply disagree, Islam, on the whole, is far more radical today than what Christianity is. Christianity is still benign in comparison to Islam. Christianity originates predominantly in Western, progressive, advanced cultures and societies, like EU, USA, most of the commonwealth. On the whole the harm caused by Christianity is belittled are far less shocking than Islam. If you disagree, then I simply have to disagree in return on that point. Yes I guess I haven't stabbed at the core root of the real problems with my question, but I'm looking at what's happening right now, and whether it's realistic in the short term to integrate Islam in with Western societies, given its rapid growth in such areas. I don't see capitalism being overthrown or a widespread revolution coming, so as for the poverty matter, I don't know. But I can't see it improving a great deal. As for a lack of education and among other things these countries are deprived of, I personally think it's fair to blame Islam in part for that; where little girls wanting an education are being shot in the head, and the very nature of religion in its ability to deter people from learning and advancing, instead clinging to the fixed dogmatic views of their interpretation of holy books.
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