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Everything posted by Allmixedup

  1. Hi guys, I'm a newbie here and Maths isn't my forte, so please be gentle with me I have been thinking that if we took a string and marked points along its length, we would describe the position of each dot according to its position with respect to the length of the string. Yet, if we coil this up, it becomes a 2D shape, so that each point now has 2 coordinates, and similarly winding it up into a ball would give it 3 dimensions. What I am getting at is that if we knew function to describe 'winding' of a line into a sphere, could we use it to condense 3 (or more)- dimensional data into a single value for the unwound string? I'd really like to know whether I'm foolish for even thinking about it?! Thanks Peeps!
  2. Hi I'm Sam, I left university a year ago and am now realising how much I miss it! I never want to stop asking questions and learning about the world, and I want to explore new areas of interest. My main interest is chemistry, mostly physical, although I also like hearing new stuff about the sciences in general. I have an appalling memory, so anything which can be done to condense information into a nice neat theory is great by me. Looking forward to gritty discussions!
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