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LS George

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  • Location
    Great Britian
  • Interests
    Physics, Football (or soccer if you're American), Moral philosophy, Politics
  • Favorite Area of Science

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Wow, i wasn't expecting such enlightening responses, I guess dark matter does play an important role in the universe (unless something else comes along, obviously). Learn something new everyday, but how would dark energy come into this? (my current understanding is that dark energy is what causes the expansion of the universe [based on current experimental evidence])
  2. Astronomy isn't one of my big areas, but none the less i find it interesting. One thing I particularly enjoy about it is dark matter, and how we really don't know that much about it. But do we need dark matter? From my understanding, we use the dark matter to help explain why galaxies are able to remain the way they are, as there isn't enough normal matter present to be able to hold the shape that they are seen to hold. But are there alternatives to dark matter that could still predict a stable galaxy in the way dark matter does? All response are appreciated!
  3. Yeah If that is the case, then that greatly suits my learning style/pattern.
  4. I guess it would be nice to know what perquisites are required to study general relativity.
  5. Right now I'm applying for a masters degree in physics with photonics. It is an area that I find very interesting, and I've seen other options that are in the physics degrees (e.g. applied nuclear physics, advanced quantum physics) that are also interesting and I'd plan on taking when I'm on my degree. I'm also very keen to study General relativity, but I am also very, very aware that you need to be pretty damn good at maths to be able to do general relativity. What I'm wondering is if I'm able to study areas of maths and physics after I've completed my degree so that I will be able to tackle general relativity. Just as a side note, I am applying to British universities, just so you're aware if there are any differences in the way the university system works where ever you are from.
  6. So in this instance I'll talk about photons. As light passes through a gravitational field its path is bent/deflected (however you want to phrase it). I can accept that. What bugs me is the how the particle will view its motion through space. From its perspective, is it travelling in a straight line? Or not? If it is, does the same apply to non-zero mass particles? (Protons, electrons etc.) All help is appreciated!
  7. How do reference frames affect experiments, and how do they come into play in general and special relativity? I'm doing A-level physics, so I have a general understanding of certain aspects of physics, but this is an area (all be it small) that makes my head hurt. And thank you in advance for any relevant explanations or answers given.
  8. This would work in theory, and I completely agree with it. Probably won't happen in countries such as the UK or USA as it isn't in their best interests. One problem would be getting the funding for this. Taxes would be obvious, however in the UK we are trying to sort out our budget deficit. Borrowing won't sort this, and will only make the problem worse. What we need is more economic activity so that we can have more people in jobs. That way we can get more people paying income tax, which helps deal with the deficit. If more people are in decent paid jobs then that means they will have more disposable income. Buy products with VAT, more money to the government! Also the trading between businesses from other countries will probably incur some sort of tax. So really we need some more taxes for this to work properly.
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