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Everything posted by samsara15

  1. I'm samsara15 and I'm retired, 70 years old, got a Math degree long ago, but spent my working life writing accounting and logistics computer software. Am hoping to use this forum to find people who can ssatisfactorily answer, or at least discuss, some of the questions that sometimes come to my mind.
  2. Are you suggesting that Dark Matter particles might be huge, even Non-miscroscopic in size, even as large as meters in diameter?? I suppose there is no reason why that should not be feasible.
  3. If 83% of all matter is Dark Matter, then why aren't our bodies,and everything on earth, and in our Solar System, 83% Dark matter? IOW, why does current mainline theory posit that Dark Matter is only observable at galactic distances? If Dark Matter responds to gravity, then why is itdistributed so unevenly? My conception is that it is because most of space is empty,and the matter density of our Solar System, and Earth, is much higher than thatof galactic space, and Dark Matter is actually distributed somewhat uniformly.
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