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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Nanotechnology and electronics

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Solar panels exploit photonic momentum to propel objects. If instead of a plain "sail" we place a solar panel (that harvests light for electric power) would that reduce the efficiency of the propelling action? If so by how much?
  2. Alright Guys thanks I think I got what i need
  3. What about the electric field distribution , especially of the fringing capacitance part ? isnt having a higher conductivity something that will upset the electric field distribution, since more charges will accumulate on the metal than on the silicon ?
  4. hello every one I was wondering about an issue i thought about while attending a masters thesis discussion earlier Does the material of the plate (not the filling dielectric) affect capacitance (even if in the fringing level) ? Check the attached picture , for a better explanation
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