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Everything posted by Belledonna

  1. Thank you iNowm Klaynos, DJbruce, Kyrisch, EdTharan, Foodchain, YT2095, Phil for All, CharonY and Lance.
  2. Thank you for your comments. I wasn't dazed, but I was confused thinking someone was throwing sand at me and down my clothes. I was surprised to hear everyone saying lightenig hit me,that is was so bright and so loud. I would love to find the exact spot on the ground to see if there is the molten sand/glass. I don't have any exit wounds that I can find.
  3. I doubt very much it was a joke, my friends were really upset and took me to the nurses office who called my mom, who called out family doctor. He said to keep an eye on me but if I seemed fine he wasn't worried. Some people have accidents and amnesia for the incident could that be a possibility
  4. I tried to post this once and it did not seem to work so forgive me if it posts twice. I was walkng across a dirt field heading for safety as a thunderstorm approached. I had friends around me. I felt the hair on my body standing up. It felt like someone was throwing sand at me and in my clothes. I turned around and no ne was doing it. A second later all of my friends were screaming terrified, and I asked what was wrong They screamed at me: "You were hit by lightening, didn't you see it, didn't you hear it, didn't you feel it." They said the lightening actually hit me, that it was blinding bright and thunderous (no pun intended). I did not see it, hear it and only felt the hair standng up on my body. Why didn't I see it ,or hear it, or feel it more than I did.
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