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Science Noob

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Everything posted by Science Noob

  1. Hi - thanks for the tips, ecoli and CharonY. I appreciate your insight. I guess my question was how much of the omics would "make sense" to someone who just went into those courses with only p-chem and o-chem under their belt (if the subject would intuitively make sense at that high of a level, or instead, w/o the biochem and molecular biology courses in between, you miss out on the insights of how/why thinks work the way the do). I was asking because I want to get to the "good stuff" but don't know if it would be wise to jump ahead too quickly.
  2. Hello all, this is my first post on the board. I was wondering if somebody could give me a couple pointers. I'm extremely interested in the human genome - what information does it contain, how do you extract that information, and how useful is that information once you have it. I view this as an exciting "frontier" of science, and I'm considering pursuing a career in this subject. For someone who has taken general chemistry and organic chemistry undergraduate courses, what classes/curriculum would you recommend taking in order to gain a deeper understanding of genomics and bioinformatics? In other words, what does the "bridge" look like from taking those two chemistry courses all the way to genomics and bioinformatics? Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks! Science Noob
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