I live in Washington State, and attend a local community college. I wish to major in Mechatronics and as of right nowI have completed my general physics series as well as differential, integral, and vector calculus (as well as Gen Chem and other classes). This coming year I will be taking Engineering classes: statics, dynamics, and mechanics. In addition to these classes I will be taking Multivariate, Linear Algebra, and Differential equations. I am excited to finally be able to start the engineering series, but I am a little concerned about the math classes. I am confident in my math skills and study abilities, as such I am rather confident that I will succeed. But, I am going to be taking multi, linear, and Diff. Eq. with a teacher who only has 1 mid term as well as 1 final exam. Albeit, there are is more to his grading scheme than these two tests, I cannot underestimate their importance. Therefore, I would like to know if any one of you could suggest tips on how to study for such exams, as having only 2 large tests per quarter will be a new experience for me.