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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering

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  1. My goal is to have it done buy 2024. I have much computer and mechanics experience. I also have several design concepts that are awaiting testing along with a sensors I have made and tungsten I have waiting to be tested as to see if it makes a good radiation shield against cosmic radiation. I am here to show the world up. I still need data on the wind forces of solar winds and high atmospheric winds. The designs I have challenge modern space rocket designs. I have conponets that need testing. The test will start unmanned using a computer than connects to gps and turns it into fully 3d data. I am stuck on propulsion. If there are no minds to speed up the process I will discover or have to revolutionize space propulsion methods my self. It saddens me that you would consider it scifi or that no one has the ambition, drive, or intelligence to do something like this on there own. When I am fully finished I wish to make all my findings and discovers open source after I get them patented. My great fears are in 2029 a asteroid is scheduled to fly by earth. It is believed to be close enough to fly under satalites but isnt believed to hit earth. I wouldn't want to take the change that life will die. In 2023 a mars one program that is privately funded is going to settle people there slowly but there progress will be at a snails pace. Don't do it alone? I am not the average sod. I will pay workers to build if needed but I cant rick fully sharing with some one who could put the program at risk. I have made amazing progress alone so far. Do you think Galileo or Davinchi needed help for there concepts? We all have with in use the ability to do great things but some people where raised under different constraints and environments.
  2. I am in the research process of planning a single person private mission to mars and space. Money is an issue but Can be sacrificed to the mercy of working methods and science. I have little experience in the field and that is wear your ideas and thoughts come in. I am looking for a propulsion system that is the most Physically effective and compare the costs and output to other methods. The most important factor is actual amount of force that the system displays. The second most important is the amount of force comparable to the system or fuels own weight in earth. The third most important factor is the amount of force after weight of the system is subtracted and the cost per unit measured in. Any help is greatly welcomed and will further not just me but also science and the human race as a whole.
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