does anybody know what kind of charge the "q" stand for in the higgs mechanism?
I mean the mechanism between the weak force mediators: W & Z, and the higgs boson, which leads to them acquiring mass.
I've learnt about it from the text book by David Griffiths "Introduction to Elementary Particles". There in section 10.9 (2nd addition) or 11.9 (1st addition) he introduces the "q" along with the covariant derivative (first stage by Weyl to transform the Lagrangian into an invariant under local phase transformations), which leads me to consider it being the charge of the weak force, as was the case with implementing Weyl's procedure for QED & for QCD. However, in those cases the Interaction was electromagnetic or strong respectively, while in the Higgs Mechanism the interaction is of the kind needed to grant mass to the weak force mediators, and NOT a weak force interaction at all.
That's why I have a huge problem figuring out what "q" really stands for.
thanks in advance to anyone who might help, and thanks for spending the time reading my question.