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  1. You can't be GOOD without having an OPTION to do EVIL. If you have option to have evil and evil is POSSIBLE it will happend because, everything that is POSSIBLE eventually HAS TO happen. Otherwise if it wasn't going to EVER happen, it would not be "possible". That's how God could predict that, Evil will happen and could predict it.
  2. If F= mass * acceleration then, when you drop the same ball from different hight, it has SAME Acceleration. We know that, the same ball dropped from different height will make different DENT. Therefore we observe that, the higher the distance from which the ball is dropped, the bigger Force it will exert. The Acceleration of the ball doesn't change with the height of the drop. It's the SAME 9.8 m/s^2 regardless of the height of the drop. However, its the velocity changed. Therefore Equation for Force IS F=m * V In Newtons equation, the Acceleration is redundant and can be cancelled entirely according to principles of mathematics. So Newton's equation is wrong, because his equation simply states, that Force IS equal to Mass. And since Mass is dropping down toward Earth, it's WEIGHT, therefore Mass IS Weight. Therefore, I just disproved Newton's equation for Force. PAWEL KOLASA p.s Fear is the biggest intelligence killer. People fancy themselves to be intellectuals, but they fail to think because they are not. If they were intellectuals, they would not be affraid to think and form their OWN opinion.
  3. INSANITY - inability to tell truth from falsehood (Pawel Kolasa) Insane people don't know that, they are insane. They know that they make no sense, but they still insist on being right. They have NO evidence to support their theories. If I tell them truth in short and logical terms, they still will deny it. If for every action, there was an equal an opposite reaction NO ACTION WOULD BE POSSIBLE. Now, too hard to comprehend? Nothing would be possible. No action would succeed because it would be countered with an equal an opposite reaction. Now, tell it to children, they DO understand. They are NOT hypnotized yet! cheers.
  4. Sorry mooey, but according to CONSERVATION OF ENERGY LAW, moving something TWICE faster doesn't require TWICE the energy. it's the same work, the same energy. Moving the SAME weight over the SAME distance TWICE faster doesn't require TWICE more energy. It's just FASTER. Where would the ENERGY GO just because, you move something faster? It's puzzling, how you try to desperately prove wrong theory using WRONG equation. Mind boggling. It's like saying that there ARE pink elephants because... Wizzard of Oz told me so! Lol.
  5. Newton said that for MY action there is an EQUAL reaction. Period. You are just desperately trying to make sense of his incorrectly worded "law", which makes no sense. When I push box, the BOX is supposedly pushing me back with the SAME force as I do, therefore I wouldn't be able to push it. The principle is actually that for every action, there is an OPPOSITE reaction. That reaction VARIES from minimal, to maximum of the ACTION. e.g physicists, not being able to get out of this confusion, only insist on collision of balls with the same size and weight. All other situations make no sense, because it's mathematically impossible for a fly to resist a TRAIN with the SAME and OPPOSITE action that the TRAIN DOES. 300 years of shameful testimony to human fear of reasoning... I criticize Newton because I DO UNDERSTAND the Law and therefore I am able to tell you that, in its wording it's incorrect. Yet Fear of Ridicule is working like a hypnotic spell, preventing people from standing up for what is TRUE. Truth always wins, because it's what really exists. Truth is not imaginary. Even if Devil was the last person in the Universe, HE would know the truth anyway, lol. So you do know that Newton's Law is incorrect. .... Not to mention that his law for "work" contains "time", therefore a mover that moves your fridge twice faster than you, performed MORE work. Try to sell this idea to people who get paid for "piece work" lol.
  6. Gravity can't BEND AN EMPTY SPACE. Gravity can't BEND TIME BECAUSE, TIME IS A CONCEPT. lol. Pawel Kolasa
  7. Newton's "Action-Reaction" Law is mathematically incorrect and logically INVALID. If for every action there was "an equal an opposite reaction", no action would be possible. A force countered with equal and opposite force would cause NO net result. Newton's law is only true for ONE specific situation of collision of equal-mass balls. This law is actually: "For every action there is an OPPOSITE reaction that, varies from minimal to equal". E.g train hitting a fly will experience minimal reaction. A fly hitting a train will experience equal reaction. Do you understand that, a train hitting a fly is NOT encountering AN EQUAL reaction? Cowardice is an enemy of science. Most people are mediocre and therefore follow established "authorities" in science, regardless of merit. Grow up and spread the news. It's YOUR responsibility to expose ignorance and defend the truth. When you die, dies as heroes. When ignorants die, they die as swines.
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