Newton said that for MY action there is an EQUAL reaction. Period.
You are just desperately trying to make sense of his incorrectly worded "law", which makes no sense.
When I push box, the BOX is supposedly pushing me back with the SAME force as I do, therefore I wouldn't be able to push it.
The principle is actually that for every action, there is an OPPOSITE reaction.
That reaction VARIES from minimal, to maximum of the ACTION.
e.g physicists, not being able to get out of this confusion, only insist on collision of balls with the same size and weight.
All other situations make no sense, because it's mathematically impossible for a fly to resist a TRAIN with the SAME and OPPOSITE action that the TRAIN DOES.
300 years of shameful testimony to human fear of reasoning...
I criticize Newton because I DO UNDERSTAND the Law and therefore I am able to tell you that, in its wording it's incorrect.
Yet Fear of Ridicule is working like a hypnotic spell, preventing people from standing up for what is TRUE. Truth always wins, because it's what really exists. Truth is not imaginary.
Even if Devil was the last person in the Universe, HE would know the truth anyway, lol. So you do know that Newton's Law is incorrect.
.... Not to mention that his law for "work" contains "time", therefore a mover that moves your fridge twice faster than you, performed MORE work.
Try to sell this idea to people who get paid for "piece work" lol.