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Elshan Aliyev

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About Elshan Aliyev

  • Birthday 12/18/1988

Profile Information

  • Location
    Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Interests
    Chess, swimming
  • College Major/Degree
    Bachelor of Science
  • Favorite Area of Science

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Elshan Aliyev's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Piezoelectricity is the ability of certain materials to generate the charges on surface of itself under application of stress. Lets take the quartz sample. Apply force to it, make it compress. According to piezoelectric effect minus and plus charges will generate over the opposite surfaces of crystal. Thus we can measure the voltage between these charges in an open circuit. We can make several thousand of volts via corresponding high compressional force. My question is related to closed circuit. If we take quartz sample and apply stress to it in closed circuit then what would happen??? It is obvious that the current will flow through the circuit and voltage will disappear. However, might there be any small quantity of stress that the voltage generated by this action would not be enough to make current flux?? I was wondering might there be any saturation value of stress and voltage that the current flux does not take place until this value is reached….. Many thanks, Elshan
  2. thanks for great information. Is it possible to bulid up the graph of stress & electric charge or pressure & voltage in a coordinate sysytem? I am talking about piezoelectric material for instance quartz
  3. Yes there is...But it is difficult to visualize the dependence from the source of Wiki...It would be better to see graphical relationship in order to fully understand the process. I never encountered such a research in internet. Have you ever seen like experiment or data?
  4. Piezoelectricity effect generated by compression of certain materials. Due to compaction crystalline material releases electrical current. Is there any relationship, dependence between the quantity of electrical charge or current and stress applied to crystalline? I understand that piezoelectricity is the property of some materials. But there should be measure of amount of charge because of pressure applied to material. For example in all compaction pressures quartz mineral generates certain amount of charge or it depends and changes. Which of them is true?
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