your right, (alcohol flamable) slipped my mind. no i was going to use an open container, that is why i wanted it to drive out the regular atmosphere, but i don't want it to catch fire, and i was worried about that i might take away too much oxygen. because it would be difficult to use C02 pistol bottles or paintball tanks to drive out the regular air (and the fire hazard from alcohol), that idea will remain just that, thanks for the reminder (can't believe i overlooked it..... duh.....)
my chem is not. i remember things like don't touch phosphorus, potassium, sodium, or take them near water in pure form from HS (cool ball of fire, greek fire, willie pete grenade, etc).
i think i see where you are going w/wiki on fehling's solution. not sure if they are all able to be gotten w/o a license, i'll have to look. skimming it looks like what i want is precipitated when i add something that meets the test requirements to the solution though.
CaptainPanic, why i want copper(I) oxide, i want to do some experimenting in making some a solar panel i am designing in my head. the old "burn one copper plate" cell explains the use of the copper(i) oxide, but i don't want to make that one ( and it is hard to harvest that oxide correctly from the plate ), just use the Cu2O for its properties (semiconductor, light slows down to speed of sound) in the design in my head. trying to use carbon and some different substrates (i can't grow the specific silicon crystals needed / too expensive to buy). when used correctly carbon can also demonstrate semiconductor properties. I thought this could be the case (pyrolitic graphite is conductive accross a layer but not between, and it resists all magnetic fields). so i wanted to tinker, maybe if i get lucky, i can come up with an efficient alternative to Si cells. if i did i would give it to the world ( i think gnu has hardware gpl's that allow personal use and retain royalty rights for commercial use like they do for software. )
if i could make it at home and it does well, think what would happen if someone actually RESEARCHED and MANUFACTURED it.... and if it doesn't work, it will be worth the time for the fun and learning. besides, if we all left the science to those employed as scientists, Einstein would have remained a patent clerk............ ( no insult to scientists intended )
sorry, that was long. i hope it didn't sound rude. i am happy and thankful for any hints or help i can get. and if i can get it, and the solar cell stuff working, i will be more than happy to share it ( and how to make it ) with you guys ( and the whole world ). if the cells work, i just don't want to see them get real expensive, especially since it would be an answer we've been looking for.