paul gilpin
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Everything posted by paul gilpin
Hi Bignose, I think there is a difference in the properties of high energy neutrinos and low energy neutrinos. As you know the sun produces mostly low energy neutrinos and the background super nova neutrinos are mostly high energy. Both seem to be 65 billion per second per square centimeter.
I believe that gravity is a push force caused by neutrinos. At the point of the big bang there would of been three fundamental particles that would cause this. Many other particles doing other stuff. Particle one. Neutrino. ( can travel through matter with little loss of energy ) Particle two. (probably hydrogen?) Neutrinos interact weakly with. Particle three. Neutrinos interact completely with and can not pass through. At the point of big bag there would have been trillions of neutrinos traveling through every square centimeter (in every direction )of space every second . Any fundamental particle unable to let them pass through would have to absorb the total mass and energy off every one of the the trillions per second hitting it. These particles would rapidly be pushed together by neutrinos. As the clumps of particle number three got bigger they would create a shadow for particle two and it to would start to be pushed to these growing clumps of matter. Eventually there would be clumps of number three surrounded buy number two. Number three particle can not interact in any way with number two so a kind of status quo would set up. the large clump of number three particle would creating a complete neutrino shield in all directions .all matter is pushed towards it and is compressed to the point of fission . As soon as these clumps spark up they produce there own neutrinos and nearly counteract the cosmic pushing neutrinos. The cosmos would be held in a kind of suspended animation at that point. Any way, I have worked out an easy way to prove this wrong but have hit a google wall. If neutrinos are behind gravity the tensor force tides would have a very particular shape. Especially when sun and moon line up. I am asking if any one has info on tensor force tides. Many thanks.
I am trying to find reliable research infomation on Tensor tides. Does anyone have any info on this? Thanks.
At the time of the original event(big bang) there was a breakdown of original matter. This consisted of a massif release of neutrinos and one hydrogen atom from each atom of original matter. This event may be along a plane as opposed to a single point. The neutrinos are able to go through the hydrogen but unable to go through residual original matter. The neutrinos have mass and energy. All of their energy is transfered to the residual original matter that they hit, pushing it in the direction the neutrino was traveling. The residual original matter will clump together very rapidly as it is bombarded by neutrinos. the larger the clump the bigger the deficit of neutrinos pushing from opposite direction. The hydrogen is affected weakly by the neutrinos. The neutrinos only loose a tiny bit of energy as they travel through hydrogen. The hydrogen will start to be pushed towards the large clumps (dark matter) of residual original matter(black holes) The hydrogen will be compressed to the outside of these clumps of residual original matter to presures high enough to ignite.The hydrogen can not interact in any way with the residual original matter. Neutrinos are produced when the hydrogen breaks down to other elements, this counteracts the neutrino deficit from the clump of residual matter(star) This sequence will eventually produce for instance our solar system.
Can Silver halides detect Cherenkov radiation?
The inventory idea for a bookshop is not to bad, but why not design a bit of software that a customer could bring with them to the shop that would highlight the type of books they would be looking for.They would swipe a card on entry that could have info from Google searches and Amazon buys for instence. The bookshop would then have a software setup to guide the customer to the appropriate sections.
Hi Janus. You are correct in thinking that I do not understand conventional gravity thinking. And thank you for enlightening me. I am not sure I think my idea is better. The variation in Neutrino output from the sun is a dilemma for me at the moment. I think the background levels of neutrinos apparently are a kind of constant, irrespective of gamma rays and supernovae. The area they are coming from is so big and the number of of neutrinos involved is so big I think relatively small happenings are put in to perspective. Some times an insurmountable problem a 100 years ago could become something else with our deeper knowledge of the very smallest particles. Finally, at some point someone who is fully qualified in physics has to stand by current thinking on gravity and explain it in terms of the standard model.
Hi, Thanks for the link.
Hi, It could explain how black holes work. I believe that neutrinos traveling through a star will be almost completely weakened or stopped. As the star will be producing as similar number of neutrinos it will counteract the deficit. In a dying star that stops producing neutrinos but still has the type of matter that can stop them you would get a huge gravitational pull towards center of dying star. I prefer this explanation as the dying star does not have to increase in mass to increase its gravitational pull as it would in conventional gravity thinking. I prefer the idea that the moon is acting like a neutrino shield and causing an area of weakened neutrinos directly below it and on other side of world for that matter.
Hi Bignose and thanks for your response. It is true that all stars are a massif source of neutrinos and the closer the star the higher energy of the neutrinos. In my speculation there are no stars near the reaction going on. Stars interact in a very different way with the neutrinos.I have a third rule that explains this that I should have put up at same time as other two rules. Sorry.
Gravity theory ruls. 1/ All neutrinos have a very slight reaction with all matter they pass through giving the matter a tiny push or pull in the direction the neutrino is traveling. This reaction is proportional to the mass of the matter. The greater the mass the bigger the reaction. 2/All neutrinos are very slightly weakened by this reaction with matter.Again the greater the mass of matter the more energy lost by neutrino. Example. I you have one solitary fe atom in deep space not close to any stars this atom will be bombarded by a vast quantity of neutrinos from all directions. They will effectively cancel out the push pull effect. I you have two fe atoms in the same area you have a similar result, as even though you will have weakened neutrinos hitting the surface of both atoms is will be an equal weakening. If you introduce a third fe atom the one in the middle will appear to attract the other two towards it. This is because the weakened nutrinos hitting the middle one are only weakened by traveling through one fe atom and the weakened neutrinos hitting the outer two have traveled through two so creating a deficit in energy.