Hi guys,
I am new to this website and have never interacted with sites like this before, so I hope you break me in gently
I have not been to collage or uni and didn`t even do that well at school to be honest, so I don`t speak the science languages.
Though I believe you don`t have to know how something works to understand it.
I have always had a fascination with the universe and have come up with many theories, but I have always reverted back to the big question(s):
What is beyond our universe and how did it begin?
I`m sure this is the one that no person can answer with hard evidence.
I have finally come up with my own theory that may come close and is in a simple form to help others understand it, as this is how Ialways look at the universe. I know it works for me and this theory hassatisfied and fulfilled my imagination, so that I do not have those sleepless nights any longer, wondering what might be.
I would hope for some feedback on this theory and it is away for me to know how far off the mark I may be, as I don`t have many people around me who can prove me wrong.
I know some of this may seem foolish and that I don`t have any hard evidence to prove it, but I want to share it anyway.
I have called this:
Cell Theory
Imagine the universe as if it was a singular cell or a cell that is part of a cluster of cells that is still dividing, forming other cells.Either way there had to of been something there before their existence and this something, must be beyond the cell(s) now. We can only look back through ourown universe to understand time and how it had begun; maybe from the so called "big bang" and that it is still expanding our universe in a gravitational field,from an energy force that had exploded billions of years ago. This may be only to see that we had come from another universe with the same laws as our own universe perhaps.
So what is this something I have always asked myself? I amsure it`s there but do not understand what it is. I think the answer to this is in our own universe but not as we know it. If we look back through the universe and ask ourselves what was there before time and what will be there after, I think the answer would have to be gravity. This may not be gravity as we know it, so I had called this "Magical Gravity". I have now concluded there is no way of trying to understand this as this was there before time had begun and we do not quite understand our own universe or gravity yet. Is it really worth our little time in existence worrying about, this "Magical Gravity" as the only way that may be possible to see it, is through a hole in the fabric of space that we may know as a black hole. This would be nearly impossible as everything we knowabout a black hole tells us that it evaporates anything that goes through it, to nearly nothing, so we would have no chance of seeing what would be on the other end. Though I do believe it is nearly nothing, then nothing at all, when these elements from our galaxy (stars, gases, particles, etc.) evaporate through a black hole. We should believe this from the evidence in our own universe, that every action must have a reaction regardless of how big or small it may be. I personally believe that all the elements that go through a black hole have to go somewhere and that this creates an unbelievably small, dark, dense object on the other side. This would be formed over the time it takes a black hole to evaporate nearly a whole galaxy like our own. Trillions of years I suppose.What I think is helping to form this object, is the super gravitational force on the otherside that is the opposite to the gravity being deployed from our universe and this is what I think might be the something I had called "Magical Gravity".This object that is being formed at the orther end of a black hole, by the tiny elements from our galaxy, eventually gets so dense that it creates a super massive explosion (the big bang) in which I think would be the birth of a new universe and so starts expanding outwardsjust like our own universe and perhaps, distinguishing the black hole in our universe. The extent of this explosion even makes the super gravitational force(magical gravity) weaken in so it expands with this new energy force within it. This universe would have the same elements that had made our own universe, most probably the mother of our universe, and so on. Just like us our universe evolves giving birth to other universes, not exactly looking the same but withthe same DNA so to speak.
So what created this first cell you would probably go back too, and my answer could only be that opposites attract and when they do things happen. What I am happy enough knowing in my mind is that in the beginning of it all, there was something and there still is beyond our universe(s), and this could be the magical gravity that I think is there. So I have given this something a new name that I think ties a lot of debates together at last.
I have named this G.O.D (Gravity Of Dimensions)
We may never understand it, but we will always respect it,as this is the greatest force of all and the creator of all as we know it.
John Read 2012,