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Everything posted by Semjase
I'll make it clear from now on when it is my opinion or a known fact.
I not trying to convert anyone I'm just discussing facts.
God of the bible never said he was a nice guy how many people did the church burn at the stake? That's why I have a belief it in higher science, higher values and a higher God. The burning of Giordano Bruno a catholic priest is classic example of the church's historical contempt for new scientific ideas. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giordano_Bruno
The first question does God exist at all? If you don't ask that question the the rest is irrelevant. The next question then is the bible God's handiwork, or the work of men? God or no God is the question? I guess until the matter is finally resolved it will be a matter of faith.Then it becomes the question of the value of faith? Pascal's Wager might resolve this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal%27s_Wager
Science has already proven that there is fiction in the bible, but when science fully unravels quantum reality and comes up the entire picture of all science will fact from fiction, and the entire truth about the bible be accepted. The science of God kind of has a ring to it. When comes to evidence science has to start somewhere, biblical and religious prophecies that are verified can be classified as evidence that there is important verifiable facts in the bible. Religion is a murky science and it will take a long time before it's finally unraveled.
I think God has dishonesty problem you can't have 2 antichrists at the end times the bible refers to the antichrist singularly God needs a diversion to take peoples attention away from from the real one he doesn't want known and fabricates one. Just like Jmmanuel God couldn't live with Jmmanuel's background created a factious name, Jesus for him and changed his teachings and life story, deciding on the events he wanted out of countless possibilities in the future. On further research on the second coming I've found that it is after the prophesied tragic turn of events in this world, when Jmmanuel with renewed life and alien help will establish 1000 years of peace in this world.
I had channel opened to by an intelligence identifying itself as the Alien God so me being a scientific person looked for evidence to support their claim and that its not just an over active imagination I found plenty they showed me a factoring alogrithm that will easily factor RSA challenge numbers. It's a security problem so I really can't use it. I was curious if anyone brought forward information concerning the Alien God and then I found this He shall regard neither the God of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all. 38 But in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses; and a god which his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and pleasant things. 39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god [literally an alien god], which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain. that quote is right out of the bible next I looked for someone who might of brought an alien god forward in the public eye there was no one so I'm saying what the hell is going on here. So what do I think? I just found this an interpretation of the above quote Here it is apparent that the Antichrist will not only acknowledge the "aliens", the minions of the "alien god of fortresses", but he will also control their activities. He will be their "emissary" and spokesman.
I don't have direct contact with Semjase's people some their technology makes star treks look somewhat backwards. Do the math how many cities have 7 hills not many. I don't have access to information concerning that. This I know for sure events can be made real in the future, through time travel, which people are yet to experience and no matter what information is returned to the present you cannot change the outcome of that event no matter what you do. It has to do with quantum reality where things are made real from the future to the past. I have dealings with the most advanced God there is. God of the bible is not too happy about that so he made me into the fake antichrist, I work for the greater good. The real antichrist is the leader who starts world war 3. Just like God made the Jesus name it's faked. The real Jesus is Jmmanuel.
I have to start with the most accurate prophecy to date, the prophecy of the popes which is an exact short description in order of 112 popes, Benedict is the 111th pope , Peter the Roman is last pope mentioned and also it says that the 7 hilled city will be destroyed.This prophecy is an over riding prophecy due to it's accuracy so if Benedict is still alive then were safe. Other prophecies mention specific months but not years, and some prophecies tie the second coming, world conflict, geological upheaval and 1000 years of peace in that order. Bible prophecies being the most notable tie the first 3 in at the same time. What are the chances of all these prophecies independently being arrived at being all wrong? If there is a God it would be a good time for him prove his existence now and the second coming would be a good place to start.
Semjase is a contact person representing the Plejaren Race located 500 light years away from us time shifted in the future. Most of their contact information is available on a 14 mb pdf download at the link below http://www.helirods.net/apps/documents/ I used her name as my user ID to bring attention to her story. The bible didn't give an exact of an end time before a peaceful age it said that it would be at the time of the second coming Other people with the power of prophecy with a proven track record for being right have given exact dates. In revelation 20 the bible states there would be a 1000 years of peace following the second coming Other prophets totally unknown to each other said this time would be known as the golden age. The overall accuracy of the bible effects the integrity of God and concerns all believers in the bible. If key prophecies turn out to be correct it gives the bible more credibility. Prophecy can be reduced to a science the better understanding of this science and having the ability to access this science will make prophecy common place. Semjase's people use technology to access the future. A reality that operates under science can be reduced to a science I'm a believer in eye witness testimonies I'm not a eye witness to these events but other people are, if eye witness testimonies had no credibility why would they be allowed in a court of law? Science doesn't accept eye witnesses but a court of law does?
The life story of Jesus was recorded 2000 years ago on 4 scrolls titled "The Talmud Of Jmmanuel " they were found in 1963 in East Jerusalem the scrolls were translated, but then were accidentally destroyed. According to the Talmud of Jmmanuel Jesus name was actually Jmmanuel. Jmmanuel said he would be falsely known a Jesus and he clearly did not die on the cross he survived the crucifixion. This would clear up his contradictory statements in the bible. This is his prophecy about his second coming "For as lightning flashes and illuminates from start to finish, so will be my coming in the future, when I will bring teachings anew and announce the legions of celestial sons. At that time I will have a renewed life and will again be accused of deception and blasphemy across the entire world, until the teaching of truth will bring about insight and change in people." The entire Talmud OF Jmmanuel can be downloaded below talmud.pdf
Here's the biblical interpretation of the pole shift the six seal of revelations And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; 13 And the stars of the heavens fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. 14 And the heavens departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. Other pole shift prophecies indicate coast line changes, major earthquakes and tsunamis.
If I had a spare 1000 pounds lying around I'd bet you but if I won I wouldn't be able to collect considering the predicted world trouble ahead.
Science ignores religious information that does not work within the scientific knowledge of the day. The bible is a poorly written a divinely inspired manuscripts relating archaic ideas of the day. The second coming will likely be modern and futuristic it could involve off worldly advanced civilizations and their historical connection to us. There is no creator of this reality, something always had to be here or there would be no existence at all, The chance of an unexplainable organized structure being here forever seems highly unlikely so this leaves evolution left to explain every structure that is here, a creator may be evolved to be here, who possibly may have put some of the complex structures together If you follow the prophecy sources that have the best track record for getting prophecies right and do prophetic detective work you come up with an approximate time for the second coming which is this year sometime followed by a possible world conflict then a pole shift causing geological upheaval in the month of October this year.
Coriolis effect - angular momentum not conserved?
Semjase replied to Semjase's topic in Speculations
A reporter from BBC went to the equator and had the Coriolis effect tested for herself in a draining funnel and found the same results as the other video she said that even physicist don't believe the results here's the report http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/fast_track/9758180.stm Is the whole thing a fraud whats going on? -
I agree but science and religion are hopelessly intertwined from the standpoint what role a creator might of played in the structure of the universe or universes or the creation of life it's self. Religion needs scientific credibility maybe fulfilled prophecies may give them some.
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I'm a science person not a religious mental case. Religion is also a science, since it is taught at universities. Mainstream science has yet to figure out or come to terms with the science behind religion. If the second coming occurs as been widely prophesied by the bible in particular, it would give religious material a certain amount of scientific credibility.
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Coriolis effect - angular momentum not conserved?
Semjase replied to Semjase's topic in Speculations
This video of the Coriolis effect at the equator and at 8 feet on either side of the equator requires a valid scientific explanation to what is going on here concerning conservation of angular momentum of the water draining from the sink on either side of the equator. -
May Immortal wasn't so wrong Hinduism predicts a similar event to the second coming in the same time frame as you can see below. When the practices taught by the Vedas and the institutes of law shall nearly have ceased, and the close of the Kali age shall be soon, a portion of that divine being who exists of his own spiritual nature in the character of Brahma,and who is the beginning and the end, and who comprehends all things, shall descend upon the earth…. He will then reestablish righteousness upon earth; and the minds of those who live at the end of the Kali age shall be awakened, and shall be as pellucid as crystal. The men who are thus changed by virtue of that peculiar time shall be as the seeds of human beings, and shall give birth to a race that shall follow the laws of the Krita age, the Age of Purity. As it is said, “When the sun and moon, and the lunar asterism Tishya, and the planet Jupiter, are in one mansion, the Krita age shall return.” - Vishnu Purana 4.24 (Hinduism) It is said in the Hinduism that the Kalki (the savior) riding a white horse (similar to the second coming of Christ according the Bible which also says that the savior will come riding a white horse) will end the darkness age of the goddess of destruction Kali and restore the age of purity of Krita. We can see that this prophecy says that the Messiah will come when the evil reaches its peak, at the end of Kali age (or the age of the darkness). It also says that the coming of the new age of purity will arrive when the sun and the moon gather together. The era of Kali finished officially in 1948 according to the Buddhism and with no doubt this is one of the more disturbed times of the human history. In the 20thcentury, along with two world wars, several revolutions and local conflicts happened; plus crimes, terrorism, corruption, diseases and moral decadence. This is for sure the time described in this prophecy.
Coriolis effect - angular momentum not conserved?
Semjase replied to Semjase's topic in Speculations
If you do this experiment at the geographic north pole the angular momentum of the water in the sink before it was emptied is negligible. The angular momentum of the water exiting the sink is easily observable not to be negligible. -
Coriolis effect - angular momentum not conserved?
Semjase replied to Semjase's topic in Speculations
I agree with you but the problem is the net angular momentum of the water from the Coriolis effect in the sink is less than than the net angular momentum of the water leaving a small circular drain in the center of the sink which can easily be confirmed from a simple visual inspection. I think this should be more thoroughly investigated by the scientific community to find out whats going on. -
I would like to discuss prophecies concerning the second coming and the outcome on the credibility of religion if these prophecies were to come to pass. Here's some relevant information Much of the Bible is dedicated to the theme of the Second Coming. There are over 1500 prophecies of Jesus’ Second Coming recorded in the Bible. For every prophecy of His first coming mentioned in the Old Testament, there are eight predicting His Second Coming. Christ’s return is also mentioned once in every five verses in the New Testament. Jesus discusses the events prior to His Second Coming. He intermingles His warnings about the destruction of Jerusalem with the destruction of the world at the end of time using the events surrounding the destruction of Jerusalem The coming of Christ will be instantaneous and worldwide. "For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." —Matthew 24:27 The coming of Christ will be visible to all. "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." —Matthew 24:30 There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." (Luke 21:25-28) These bible prophecies could be tied to other prophecies signifying an end of times coming this year which would indicate according to bible prophecy that the second coming would be this year some time this would definitely change the way that we perceive religion if the second coming happened as prophesied. Science could no longer ignore religious information.
The Coriolis effect causes water to spiral down and out of a draining sink. Maybe someone could tell me how angular momentum is conserved when circular sink full of water is drained and the draining water leaves the sink with unaccountable angular velocity?
God is the question and only when science has evidence to who and what God actually is will confusion and ignorance surrounding God disappear and then God will be accepted for for what he actually is and will no longer just exist in the mind of believers.
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Something has been here forever or there would be no existence at all, therefore there is no creator there's just evolution, a powerful God could have evolved long before our universe was even here.
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