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numbers are an artificial human construct !
Semjase replied to tibbles the cat's topic in Speculations
Numbers are for theoretical modelling of things in our reality. whether numbers are behind our reality or visa versa is maybe the more important question. -
A black hole may be a gateway to another universe a National Geographic article below http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/04/100409-black-holes-alternate-universe-multiverse-einstein-wormholes/ There also is proof of outside forces tugging at our universe. a National Geographic article below http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/03/100322-dark-flow-matter-outside-universe-multiverse/
This universe may be a computer simulation, scientific evidence is pointing in that direction as German physicists are trying to prove if this universe is a computer simulation or not. Here's a link to their story below http://www.techspot.com/news/50468-physicists-may-prove-we-exist-in-a-computer-simulation.html
How much did ancient humans know and understand?
Semjase replied to cladking's topic in Speculations
The ancients had help, this documentary is the best documentary I've ever seen on the pyramids and conclusively proves that they were built with advanced technology not of it's day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooy2LTJoMVM -
Discovering new properties under our existing science is opening up the door for it's own super science such as serious work on time travel quantum teleportation antigravity reactionless capacitor thrust assist used on deep space explorer craft sending information at faster than light searching for theoretical faster than light tachyon particles faster than light space travel consciouness surviving death new energy sources that work on new properties optical invisibility
That's a far reaching question with far reaching implications, if the the laws of physics are the same everywhere and if that all there is and always has been, that would indicate a pure evolutionary nature of reality where everything here can therefore be expalined under these laws without exception.If the laws of physics are different elsewhere that would indicate a much more complex reality with many more unknown properties and a possible deliberate nature of these properties.
Everything here works under science including the intelligence that oversees everything that is here, the problem arises with our experience of real events it's an intangible you can't explain under scientific terms even though it works under science, it creates confusion in science, you have to experience it to know it. This realitiy we live in hasn't been this way forever it's evolved including everything that is here, even consciouness has evolved to be what it is today.
There are 3 cases here of human reptilian involvement this stuff is not for the faint hearted One of the earliest reports was that of Ashland, Nebraska police officer Herbert Schirmer, who claims to have been taken aboard a UFO in 1967 by humanoid beings with a slightly reptilian appearance, who wore a "winged serpent" emblem on the left side of their chests.[6] http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2010/04/indiana-man-abducted-by-reptilian.html http://naturalplane.blogspot.ca/2010/04/update-former-police-officer-recalls.html
Intelligence is never retreating who controls it is what counts. The one that has the highest intelligence is calling the shots as the way it should be.
Many alien contacts have been reported with reptilian alien species, their generally feared. They probably evolved form dinosaur type creatures.
When you apply the word hoax to information on moon structures, then all ufo information would also have to discredited, all photo images would have to be faked, all people who have come forward with first hand inside information of a coverup would have to be liars, all this would have to be true if moon structures were not possible, it makes no sense of any kind.
Nasa spend a lot money going to Mars on the opportunity, curiosity missions to Mars, Nasa went to the moon 40+ years ago, you would think that a thorough investigation of the moon would make logical sense first. With these controversial images, that could possibly be structures on the surface of the moon, maybe there's a reason why they didn't go back. Here's a news article about moon bases it's quite revealing http://news.exopoliticsinstitute.org/index.php/36960/
Maybe extraterrestrial life from another universe will find us first before our technology becomes advanced enough to discovery another universe.
If there's any possiblity of ruins or structures on the moon I think that people would like to know and it should be high scientific priority to find out. If they focused the most powerful telecopes on the lunar surface would they be able to resolve images of structures on the lunar surface? Maybe this would get better results than SETI in finding evidence of extraterrestrial life.
I agree even Stephen Hawking said that time travel was considered scientific heresy is now taking it seriously. I think that these photo images are an indication that there is possibly something.
What I'm saying is people who propose ideas outside of the mainstream ideas of the day grenerally come under attack and the crackpot label seems to be common, ufos are an example of that, their ideas are never fairly considered.
The prophecy of the last pope, the Islamic prophecy concerning the sun rising in the west in the month of October, psychic Nikki forecast for major Earth changes in 2013, Nostradamus letter to the king that say there will be a major geological event in the month of October and military action, and other prophecies that talk of coming major world conflict and the beginning of a new golden age. All the revalent prophecies shown below In his letter to the King the prophet has this to say of the last years of the twentieth century: "Then shall begin the great empire of Antichrist in the invasions of Xerxes and Attila ('one who will revive the King of the Angoumois,' and the Oriental invasion) who will come with a countless throng, so that the advent of the Holy Spirit, from the 48th parallel, will make a great change and chase away the abomination of Antichrist that made war on the sovereign Vicar of Christ (the Pope) and against his Church for a time and to the end of time. This will be preceded by an eclipse of the Sun, of denser darkness than has ever been seen since the Creation and up to the passion and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and from that time until the coming one. There will take place in the month of October a great translation made so that the earth will seem to lose the weight of its natural motion in an abyss of endless darkness. There will be premonitory p. 415 signs in the spring, and there will be extreme changes, overthrows of kingdoms, and earthquakes." "In the last period all the Christian kingdoms, and those of the infidels, will be shaken for twenty-five years. The wars and battles will be more injurious. Towns, cities, castles, and other buildings will be burned, laid waste, and destroyed, with great bloodshed of vestals, violation of wives and widows, and children at the breast dashed and broken against the walls of the towns. Satan, the prince infernal, will commit so many evils that nearly the whole world will be afflicted and desolated. "After this has endured for a certain length of time, Saturn will almost renew his cycle (twenty-nine years), but God the Creator will bring an age of gold. He will heed the affliction of His people, and He will bind Satan and throw him into the abyss. Then shall begin between God and man a universal peace, and Satan will be bound for a thousand years. Then the cycle will return in grand power, Satan will be once more unbound against the Church." Matthias Stormberger (1830) "Two or three decades after the first war it will come a second war still larger. Almost all the nations of the world will be involved. Millions of men will die without being soldiers. Fire will fall from the sky and many great cities will be destroyed. And after the end of the Second Great War, a third universal conflagration will come. There will be weapons totally new. In one day more men will die than in all previous wars. The battles will be accomplished with artificial weapons. Gigantic catastrophes will happen. Overnight it will take place -- in a pub in Zwiesel many people will be together, and outside the soldiers will ride over the bridge. The people will run out into the forest. Those, who hide themselves at the "Fuchsenriegel" or at the "Falkenstein" remain spared." Anton Johansson, Sweden (1858-1909) [Regretfully I have no literal version of his predictions, but he is quite well known for accurately predicting the sinking of the Titanic and naming one of its victims, millionaire John Jacob Astor VI. Johansson foresaw the events of World War I, accurately predicted San Francisco's earthquake of 1906 and a volcanic eruption in 1902 that demolished the city of St. Pierre, Mertinique. He said the Third World War would break out at "the end of July, beginning of August." Her further added: "I do not know the year." http://www.examiner.com/article/nikki-foresees-major-earth-changes-2013-part-3-of-3 http://heavenawaits.wordpress.com/siener-van-rensburg-visions-of-the-future/
Looked what happened to Galileo for defending heliocentrism, that was claimed to be heretical. Isn't that true of anyone who goes against the prevailing ideas of the day.
Your right looks can be decieiving but listen to Richard C. Hoagland an expert in this field has to say, he wrote a well respected book called Dark Mission the inside story about Nasa. He's interviewed on this link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eJJpwTy95Q
Your correct evidence is too strong a word, I'll correct it by saying if these videos are real, there appears to be structures on the moon that are not of a natural origin.
There's lots of unexplanable photos of what appears to be bases on the moon definitely an interesting subject below is some Japanese moon surveyor video showing structures This video is particularly interesting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wf8TjxV9Vw
The evidence that I that I am presenting here confirms that there are strucutres on the moon. http://www.educatinghumanity.com/2012/02/alien-moon-base-china-releases-photos.html http://www.educatinghumanity.com/2012/07/Moon-Structures-Massive-Building-10-Miles-High-Video.html Who made them for what purpose? Any other thoughts or other evidence?
Contraction of length under relativity proven wrong
Semjase replied to Semjase's topic in Speculations
I don't buy into Eisteins explanation for Ehrenfest's paradox any 3D motion can be made up of x,y and z velocities with respect to the observer and the length contraction should be applied to the x,y and z axes velocities accordingly, a spinning disk shouldn't be treated any differently. -
Is there heat generation at the center of the earth?
Semjase replied to cosmos0's topic in Earth Science
There's another potential theory of the Earth's heat source is gravitational heating, this is when the surface energy of earth is amplified through the work done by gravity to the moving molecules of interior of the Earth as you move to it's center. A German researcher used this theory to describe change of temperature due to altitude change. He also tested a colunm of air in a sealed container isolated in a vacuum and found a temperature difference in the air was continually maintained between the top and bottom of the sealed container. -
Here's an example of contraction of length of a moving object proven wrong. If you have a ring with a radius of 1m spinning at a velocity of (.75)^.5 of c, under relativity it's radius should appear to be .5m to a stationary observer. Now if you have a clock hand with a radius of 1m with it's outside tip spinning at at a velocity of (.75)^.5 of c then the clock hand should also appear to have a radius of .5m to the stationary observer. If you take an instantaneous snap shot of the moving clock hand, taking into account the x,y velocities of the clock hand when the clock hand in line with the x axis, the clock hand should narrow and shrink radially very little. Taking the ring into consideration the with the same logic the circumference of the ring should half. In reality they would both have to shrink radially the same since the are in essence one in the same. So why does relativity predict this difference in radial shrinkage in the clock hand and the ring?