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Everything posted by PatrickGarrow17

  1. If I'm following correctly, your saying that changing G would take the character pi out of the equation, but pi would still be present as a factor within the alternate G? Thanks for the reply.
  2. Holy Christmas Batman. Interesting, although doesn't that value apply only on Earth? Looking for answers on a larger scale. Did a bit of reading today, a book called New Theories of Everything by John Barrow. Last chapter is called "Is 'pi' really in the sky?" Ended up being a disappointment as it relates to pi specifically, but was a nice argument for mathematics in the quest for universal formula.
  3. Thanks, I'm trying to get a handle on this type of stuff.
  4. Was pondering gravity as it relates to orbit... Since, most orbits are circular in nature (or better, elliptical), wouldn't it follow that somehow the ratio pi is inherent in the force of gravity. I've seen pi present in the equations for general relativity and the cosmological constant, and was hoping to get some insight on the significance of the number as it relates to the structure of the universe. The cosmological constant: Einstein's field equation of general relativity: A circular rotational motion and spherical structure seems to be a pattern from the atom to the star to the galaxy... Can anyone here tie this all a little tighter for me?
  5. As newly interested in quantum mechanic, I found this highly helpful. I'm wondering what the medium of exchange is in entanglement. How can an interaction happen faster than light? Wouldn't it follow that generally, the majority of interactions are happening faster than light? Also, I'm assuming that these clocks are superior in terms of measuring time as well as tracking it. Any time based statistical analysis should be refined. Once wrote a poem with this line: Light is nice and it might suffice, but my goal is the speed of soul. Maybe the soul and mysticism are just immature vocabulary for what is actually a scientific process with mechanical laws regarding the way matter in the world interacts.
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