Haha, I do the final volume mistake allot too.
As I'm sure you are aware of, the reason you are diluting the stuff is so that you can compare it more easily to other strains. If you were to take only one colony and compare it with another at similar concentrations, you risk of growing too many or to little bacteria for comparison- plus its more convincing.
I see why this can be a little confusing: I would think the exponential growth of bacteria would, given enough time, overpower the small starting number of cells used. Try typing in numbers into your calculator:
n^t; while 'n' would be the amount of starting bacteria and 't' would be the time that has past.
This would sorta mimic exponential growth. For example if you compare growths with 2 cells and 5 time units: 2^5=32 AND with 4 cells and 10 time units: 4^5= 1024 there will always be a significant difference between outcome, given the same time past, and starting amount. You might find the Wikipedia article about Bacterial Growth helpful to understand the concept, especially the different phases; complicated stuff.