I'm brand new to this site, though have lurked somewhat within some interesting existing posts - it's apparent that there's an abundance of knowledge and expertise here, therefore I'm wondering whether any of you guys would be willing to give up a little time to lend me your veritable intellectual clout?
I'm in the process of writing a novel with a pivotal character discovering a sustainable energy source, essentially the genre is more thriller/mystery taking other plot developments into consideration but what I do not want to do is (Dan Brown style) create an absolutely ridiculous, infuriating implausible scientific situation - in truth, I'm not much of a scientist - at least not in the academic sense of the word - although I maintain a profound general interest in the why's and what's of my surroundings - hence why I'm seeking your assistance.
I've superficially researched the topic and came up with information relating to biomass/gas as a source of sustainable energy, am aware of traditional alternatives - harnessing the elements - though would like opinions on alternative theories - please be a little patient, what I may lack in the appropriate comprehension of terminology, I make up for in willingness to learn, I assure you!
Sincerely looking forward to any responses on this,