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Everything posted by Nobrainer
It is a scientific fact that when I drop two ping pong balls (1/4inch apart and 6 feet above the water into still water the two ping pong balls pop up and touch. There is currently no physics law that covers this. The closest thing is the Huygens principle but current belief is that the reaction to waves aligning is negligible. This simple home experiment shows that the reaction to wave amplitude increase in a medium follows Newton's laws of motion and has been missed and overlooked and is NOT NEGLIGIBLE. neg·li·gi·ble /ˈneglijəbəl/ Adjective So small or unimportant as to be not worth considering; insignificant. Synonyms insignificant - trifling - trivial - inconsiderable -reference google search engine negligible defination
Concerning the first video, the universe has been moving about 13.7 billion years and it is not considered a PPM. Friction will slow all machines down eventually.The second one probably has a hidden battery or energy storage. Not convincing but cool.
What if someone had the answer and yet you just let it slip by... Total universe potential energy = total Mass potential energy + total electromagnetic field energy + total space energy space energy increase = Total energy decrease As the universe is expanding mass and energy are shrinking, in the sense that total energy is decreasing. So the mechanism where gravity is overtaken by dark energy is not the mechanism, the way you think. Dark energy is a pulling of galaxies and superclusters by the byproduct of mass and energy decaying into the gravitational wave, creating space itself. This results in a constant velocity of space and a constant force on matter which equals a decreasing measured mass and an increasing acceleration. There is a mechanism of action in the universe in which gravitational waves emitted from all mass and energy align with other emitted gravitational waves AND created two forces, the first force is when waves come together they align creating an alignment of the sources. This is gravity. The second action is a dark matter action when the waves forming wavefronts join larger and larger wavefronts with creating a reaction that aligns and holds entire galaxies together. The third action of this is when galaxies form wavefronts with other galaxies in their expanding big bang section of the universe and the waves align with the waves in the overall section and as the waves ate accelerating outward bring the galaxies and suerclusters with the aligning wavefronts of space. It is too easy, 1). Mass and energy decay into gravitational waves which form wavefronts. 2). The reaction to wavefront formation is gravity The release and alignment of gravitational waves is the action behind gravity, dark matter and dark energy.
- 20 replies
Think outside the box for a moment. Imagine that there is only one substance in the universe and that is the singularity but that substance at 100% potential energy becomes critical and explodes. The bog bang transitions into three types of transitory matrer; mass, energy and space with three actions- forward time, expanding space and gravity. The hidden process is the constant transition of mass and energy via giving off the gravitational wave creating expanding space, forward time and by waves aligning into wavefronts, gravity.
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Death is necessary at 120 years because we become Godless the longer we live. Our free choice becomes s choice of selfishness. Why? I don't know. What I do know is in the bible, I summarize, is that through our ancestor's actions we tried to eliminate the true God from our lives and that would have lead to our own destruction, a spiritual snd physical death. Our lives changed direction, a few times because of major learning experiences but we never lost the spiritual life. In other words, we don't die, we become spiritually what you desire physically. It is not a metamorphosis but an actualization of ..... Let's just say it's cool... It's kinda funny that if God's word is not good enough, that some think man created God and not the other way around, the bible is just storys that they can not explain how man knew thousands of years ago that we could take a rib cell and make another human being, eve. We just figured it out this year that we can take any cell. Interesting how predictable.
The topic is expansion; how is the universe expanding at an increasing rate going faster and faster? Is more and more force added? I suggest the force of expansion is essentially constant but the total mass and energy is decreasing. To show evidence of the total mass and energy decreasing I believe that the results from the 1993 nobel prize in Physics showing gravitational energy loss in a binary star system is a good example. So if total energy is decreasing in galaxies (which by just knowing that a galaxy even exists you know that it is because the energy the galaxy gave up in visible light allows you to see it) and in superclusters then is there a way the force could be constant? Yes, here is an example of how a constant force on a decreasing mass causes gravity and dark energy (increasing expansion). Two balls of yarn = two separate masses placed 10 feet apart The unwinding string fro the yarn = energy being given off in the form of constructive interference. (Note; fact- constructive interference happens when emitted waves of the same energies have long wavelengths,) As the two strings are placed together, (constructive wave interference) and you walk away at a constant speed the two balls of yarn come close together, touch (gravity) and the two balls of yarn also move towards the constant force of you walking away( speed of the gravitational wave) and the balls continue to move faster and faster accelerating quicker and quicker until they match the speed of the string by becomming all string. This is an example of a reason behind the expansion of the universe which explains why we are held by gravity while the overall universe(space) is expanding at a constant rate yet the mass and energy within space are increasing in acceleration while they are dissolving creating more space. It is one cool possible solution to the possibility of the mechanism behind the universe.
A proposed physical theory of everything. Here is a proposed solution of what Einstein missed and everyone else has also. The universe is dissolving in total useful energy creating space itself. There is a hidden process of mass and energy decaying into continuously synchronizing gravitational waves creating the actions of forward time, expanding space, gravity and dark matter. The gravitational wave, consisting of the essence matter, irreversibility bound is the singularity's substance in it's least potential energy form. A version if this Ghost Wave Theory is a three dimensional overview of the basis for actions of the universe. Once energy is exhausted in the universe, the lone 100% space that is left is finally at Absolute Zero and time has run it's course... Then the wave folds onto itself, it becomes condensed, rushing in on itself, the ultimate implosion until a new singularity... to be continued without metaphysics...
- 23 replies
I would like to throw a solution your way that I believe tweaks the constants by a new understanding of why the universe is the way it is. You will have to be able to open a closed mind up in order to accept it. Singularity- 100% particle Mass and energy in descending size- particle- wave duality Space- 100% wave interaction Currently, I have a swimming pool in which the water level never changes, the quantum world happens within it but the massive body of water always stays at a specific level in the pool, the water level never rises or falls. The tempature may be 90 degrees outside with no rain for weeks and the water level does not change. So is no evaporation going on just around my pool? No... The pool has a hidden variable, it has an automatic filler and when ever the level is below a specific line a bobber tips down and opens up a water source. My point is this; the process that allows the expansion of space to speed up, entropy to increase, is created at the quantum level. Life could not exist unless mass and energy are stable and the laws of physics are consistent. Could it be that relativity is different than quantum theory because although stable, by-product of the quantum world create the macro world in a hidden process?
And the current mathematical formulas which are accurately used will be a subset of the theory of everything. As Newton's laws in a single reference frame can be deduced from Einstein's general relativity.
Or the big bang created space as a monopole gravitational wave creation from the singularity through the big bang. Mass and energy still decay into the gravitational wave joining and creating more space. Stars energy replace magnetic fields as all mass and energy's magnetic fields decay into gravitational waves which in turn align mass and energy and join the existing aether creating a constant pulling force in the direction of the original big bang force. Gravity aligns mass through emitted wave synchronization and the gravitational waves combined to form a constant force in the original direction which was set in motion with the big bang. The reason time moves forward and is relative is because it is a function of decay of mass and it is hindered by the gravitational field energy density/ amplitude with in the local enviorment of the space that it is decaying into. Side note; The speed of light is constant because the small gravitational field of the photon synchronizes and obeys the laws of the emitted gravitational fields of the thicker enviorment the photon is advancing into. As long as a photon is plugged in, connected to it's source, it dies not appear to decay because the sources magnetic field continually replaces the magnetic field of the photon as it is decaying into gravitational waves.
It really surprises me how no one else can put all the puzzle pieces together. Within the singularity, initial conditions caused what we have today. So you can make up stuff and create new categories or you can reevaluate what we already think we know. To simplify the process tie two strings together which are connected to two balls of yard and set the balls of yarn apart 10 feet. Then walk away holding the yarn connected strings and watch the two balls of yarn come towards you increasingly accelerating and also the balls of yarn come together as they both unwind. Time is the change in the balls of yarn mass and space is the string unwinding from the yarn- mass. In the finite singularity, mass, energy and space existed and now space is increasing with common sense says that mass or energy or both (e=mc(sq)) is decreasing. ALL Galaxies will be losing mass/ energy as space increases. Dark energy is space expanding as it pulls mass with it. It really is that easy... Time is a overall measure of this entropic process and relative time is the change in decay rate due to a changing density of the medium, space itself/ the gravitational field. Dark matter is concentric wavefront formation and dark energy is constructive wave interference of a monopole wave.
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To summarize; Time is a forward process because.... Time, space and gravitation are are actions of a forward process of mass and energy decaying into the gravitational wave and these waves forming fields by aligning and creating the reaction of gravitation by translating the amplitude action to the tension reaction of closing the distance between the wave generating objects.
Only space appears to be expanding. Currently, no one knows exactly what is going on. Assume the universe was compact to something very small before the big bang, the size of a nutshell as Stephen Hawkins book, "the universe in a Nutshell says". That means that even space was confined. Now I do not believe the universe is like a clown car so only a finite amount of mass, energy and space existed, packed tightly into the nutshell. Probably as one substance I assume. Now if the normal laws of physics apply and space is increasing in size, then mass and energy should be decreasing in size yet because stars give off all spectra of electromagnetic fields then they fill the missing mass and energy as a pool automatic filler fills in the evaporative swimming pool water. So mass and energy should not appear to increase or decrease even though in a isolated system you should be able to see the law of conservation of total energy violated until space expansion is taken into account. If you take two balls of yarn and tie the strings together and set the balls of yarn on the ground and walk away from both balls evenly you will see the balls of yarn come at you unwinding as they increase in acceleration and you will see the balls of yarn also move together. This could be the mechanism that simply explains the nature of dark energy and gravity, two actions of one process. Could mass and energy naturally decay into space itself via decay into the gravitational wave, space itself, and when waves combine they create a reaction called gravitation. This explains everything.
When the James Chalis' and Christopher Huygens were working on the nature of the universe, it was a given that the universe was infinite, lasting forever, and therefore the criticism was based on a eternal universe and any energy given off would have been used up long ago or there had to be an infinite source. Today we know the universe is finite as in it has a finite starting point. This changes all the criticism involving a need for infinite energy. Energy is used and not infinite and therefore the universes expansion is costing finite energy to expand with a constant force. With this new way to rationalize the universe, overall time is a snapshot measure of this forward process.
Time exists/ time does not exist... Funny that it takes time but never gives time to write an answer to the question of time. And they read taking time and that does not exist... It takes time to bake a cake, to breathe, to live and die. A lifetime to conclude there is no time in lifetime, ironic isn't it. The question is, In our universe, how do we measure the actions of the universe? The answer is time. We create and use time to measure actions but is there a beginning middle and end to our measurements, a hidden process? Could a hidden process create fhe stage of time? And if it does, what is the mechanism and did it start at the big bang or later and how does it work?
Gravity has been misunderstood, the giants of old were essentially correct, there is a mechanical aspect of gravitation. 1). All mass and energy decay into gravitational waves 2). And these continually generated waves collide creating actions of amplitude increase with a different overall cebter of fhe wave abd and a reaction of the sources traveling to the least tension and move together to meet in the new 360 degree wavefront center.
Let's start from the beginning; Current thinking says the universe started out as a very compact, small, finite universe; "the universe in a nutshell", as Stephen Hawkins says in his book title. Now the SPACE of the universe is expanding at an increasingly accelerating rate and had a finite beginning and currently consists as mass energy and space and space is increasing in size, then logically mass and energy as a whole should be decreasing, shouldn't they? And if the universe is changing from mass and energy to space itself and space is the lowest potential of energy then let's say a wave of non absorbable released gravitons but acting as 100% wave and the waves being released combine with other released waves then the overall shape of the universe should look a little like a galaxy flattening at the boundary between the outermost galaxies and empty space. The shape of the universe should be slowly transitioning to a flatter and flatter space aligning all mass and energy. As a ball could be stretched out to a disc, the universe might be flattening as it is expanding...
Question; If, as Stephen Hawkins believes, the entire universie was contained in something small but finite, smaller than a nutshell and today we have mass, energy and space and out of these three things one of them, space, is getting larger, expanding, then it does not take a genius to understand when there is a total of three things, finitely ordered and one of the threee is becoming greater then the other two somehow must be getting smaller. It is just common sense does it not? If not then why? If humidity is increasing around a puddle on the sidewalk on a sunny day then it makes sense that the puddle of water is decreasing as a function of evaporation. The evaporation rate is dependent upon the molecular actions, tempature, and the density of the humidity. If space is increasing in the universe then it makes sense that the decay actions of mass is causing it and the rate of decay is dependent upon the density of space around it. When eventually more and more physical evidense shows more and more abnormalities with space itself, then out of desperation physicists will finally become humble and realize their mistake.
I have explained their physical process of alignment is the direct result of waves of long length physically, mechanically bump and rearrange, read the quote. As a reminder James Chalis's theory on gravitation was based upon the observation that generated Long waves attract other objects that also generate long waves. The rest of the mechanism is just speculation, photons, fields, (magnetic field decay) decay through change in momentum interaction within the photon clouds ( spin interactions) into gravitons which bind permenently into a wave of used up energy driven initally from the big bang and now through the process of expansion (negative energy) the overall wavefront force following the density dependent force of wavefront formation. I believe any other questions would be a repeat now.
I have answered it. The principle is the Huygen's- Fresnel principle. Huygens ignored this gravitational mechanism of his own 1/2 of the principle, the reaction to waves forming wavefronts and the kickback. . The photon (electromagnetic field) is emitting a low density long wavelength gravitational wave field which is in turn colliding with the black hole's emitted three dimensional high density monopole gravitational wavefield and as the photon's gravitational wave combines with the high density monopole gravitational wavefront in which the wavefronts then create a stress back to the photon and changes the position of the photon. This is gravitation, the force of gravity. The photon and the black hole's emitted waves are of the same wavelength. There are two types of wave interference, constructive and destructive wave interference. So the constructive mechanism is a contact force where long waves adapt and align with other long waves increasing the amplitude. It is a collision with the path of least resistance of long wavelength waves correcting to overlap the gravitational waves from the black hole. It is a physical alignment of waves and by the nature of the shape, they align because it is least resistant to constructively align. So again, it is a physical alignment for wave overlap by the nature of the structure of emitted long waves of both the photon and the black hole that allow for this alignment. It is preferred over destructive wave alignment.. Initially created at the big bang as a wavefront of space itself. There is a whole new world of wave action once you understand that wave alignment is a contact force. As a contact force, Newton's laws of motion are followed and for every action there is an equal and opposite collinear reaction. So again, the very nature of wave alignment short vs long with monopole generated waves created destructive or constructive wave interference. With dipole magnetic attraction, when two magnetics attract both magnetic fields want to be at there lowest energy state and therefore overlap and align causing the spins to stay in the same position north to south, current physics calls this an energy exchange, which is true it is, but that is not what is drawing the magnetics together. It is field orientation that is the driving force in both cases. With gravitational waves field orientation is physically limited by the energy within the field. Higher energy more destructive, but there are no high energy gravitational waves so the two dimensional fields, being given off are all long waves of the same quality. Does that answer it?
I quoted you from James Challis in the 1800's "He calculated that the case of attraction occurs if the wavelength is large in comparison with the distance between the gravitating bodies". Reference- http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_explanations_of_gravitation#section_5 Large wavelengths = attraction gravity waves are generated by the photon and by the black hole. They inherently create alignments by being large so they can rearrang into constructive waves easier than destructive waves by being long and large. So the photon is giving off energy... Your next question is; what don't we see a decrease in the photons energy over distance? Are you with me yet? also with the same reference; "Robert Hooke speculated in 1671 that gravitation is the result of all bodies emitting waves in all directions through the aether. Other bodies, which interchange with these waves, move in the direction of the source of the waves. Hooke saw an analogy to the fact that small objects on a disturbed surface of water move to the center of the disturbance.[17]" Man has been trying to make a non action universe, for ever looking for a fundamental static substance, an Atom, a proton, a quark, a boson and eventually will realize that the process of an action of decay does not allow even a field to be permanently static, only transitionally static.
In the case I was describing, you have a black hole with a strong gravitational field being given off and a ray of light. a photon, traveling in a straight line past it outside the event horizon. The decaying gravitational waves, which have been forming with space in the direction it is traveling enters a space that is forming wavefronts from the black hole abd therefore the photon's field combines with the black holes generated field abd the two fields together weakly effect the angulation of the photon's path. It is the tendency of waves to constructively interfere while traveling through a field. Too close and the photon!s complete field is aligned abd the photon is absorbed as the photon abd the black hole become one dipole a d the wavefront formation becomes the other. Wavefront formation plus objects connected by gravity becomes a weak dipole within space itself. The momentum of the photon outside of the event horizon creates a form of resistance to constructive interference related directly to the size of generates gravitational fields creating the angular momentum. I have been waiting for the next question, you are almost there. Give up?
A ray of light traveling straight past a black hole fives off a long wavelength gravitational wave, the black hole producing a long wavelength gravitational field combines with the ray of light's gravitational wave altering, changing the direction of the light by creating an angular momentum on the ray of light through constructively interfering with the generates space between two objects. This follows James Chalis's calculation that long wavelengths attraction occurs because it is an inherent property of long waves generated at equal speeds. It is an inherent property- long wavelengths = attraction. They have a property to align. When a wind blows a vibrational rhythm can create a vibrational synchronization creating resonation. If all mass and energy in the universe decay into the same long wavelength initially tied to the big bang as space was created, synchronizing with all other space, clumping mass and energy through vibrational wave synchronization creating weak dipoles from a wavefront to two or more separate wave generators and the attraction between them is uniquely like the other dipole is split between the different masses, and the mass dipole is clumped together. So mechanically, I believe this works by experiment too. On a side note, I am talking about the creation of space itself being generated into the combined total of all space, generated past and present. So with a ray of light, a small amount of medium is being generated into the very dense fabric of space itself, of course the light will bend, it has no choice but to be effected by this dense fabricated field. The photon's small generated field has to align with the greater field of a black hole, or any observer and the photon, like a camellion, adapts to the greater field, and thus this is the reason that the speed of light is always constant. It is also responsible for the gravitational effect, relative space, relative time (density of the density of the baseline field/ /acceleration effecting decay rates), the expansion of the universe, the difference in strength of gravitation, a by-product of electromagnetic fields. It smells a litle like, it tastes a lot like ---- the theory of everything--- watch out! Don't step in it... You never know...
Yes, all waves align causing wavefront formation. Take a dipole magnet- think of the poles as ends that give the magnetic field a structure that shows the difference between constructive and destructive interference. Two magnet attraction is constructive interference and two magnetic repulsion is destructive interference as the waves can not align. Traditionally, There is a medium displacement in the same direction (up-up) in constructive interference and a displacement in the opposite direction (up-down) in destructive interference. This is with free waves, not with dipoles, dipoles are attraction and repulsion, the repulsion is because the waves at full destructive interference and attraction is because the waves are at full constructive interference because the waves are bound to mass at both ends. What happens when mass is bound at only one end? Let's look at some odd historical facts about waves. Remember that as the least potential energy, the gravitational wave will have the longest wavelength that exists. Shorter wavelengths have more energy. "A similar theory was worked out mathematically by James Challis from 1859 to 1876. He calculated that the case of attraction occurs if the wavelength is large in comparison with the distance between the gravitating bodies. If the wavelength is small, the bodies repel each other. By a combination of these effects, he also tried to explain all other forces.[18] Criticism: Maxwell objected that this theory requires a steady production of waves, which must be accompanied by an infinite consumption of energy.[16] Challis himself admitted, that he hadn't reached a definite result due to the complexity of the processes.[17]" Reference- http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_explanations_of_gravitation#section_5 For this discussion; a monopole wave is a wave that is generated from mass or energy but can not be reabsorbed. It's energy level is below the absorption level. I believe that gravitational waves are monopole constructive interference waves in part because they are long wavelengths and have the ability to constructively fit with one another exactly because the length gives them the ability to correct alignment. The above is a reference to this argument that there are no destructive waves. Back in the 1800's it was thought that the universe was infinite and therefore an infinite amount of energy would have been needed. Since the universe is finite, it has a beginning, that objection is mute. So if long waves attract bodies together through experiment, and I have proven it to myself, then by a natural function of long waves having the tendency to align there is no destructive wave interference. Exception; when you jump, you are disrupting the tendency for constructive interference (ie destructive interference). Resistance to gravity is disruptive (destructive- like) interference in the sence that the waves are dis- aligning. Since you are especially nice, I figured I would be straight forward and not give elusive answers. Opinion so far?