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Everything posted by Nobrainer
I agree with you and I quoted Wikipedia as a quick definition. I am stating that the reason the laws are universal and governed by local surrounds is because the local surrounds govern the laws of physics by a universal process of mass and energy decay into monopole gravitational waves. Spooky action at a distance, I believe can also be governed locally but that is a subset of a principle and a sidetrack discussion. From forward time to the universe expanding at an increase in acceleration there are two missed processes that explain everything in theory. 1). All mass and energy decay into gravitational waves and 2). All gravitational waves form wavefronts actions creating A contact force in which the reaction to wavefront formation is gravity. (copyrighted a long time ago). This overall process explains the actions of the universe by seeing the process we all missed.
Remember Einstein thought that gravitational waves were generated by acceleration, I am stating that I believe they are naturally generated by all mass and energy as the aether and the resulting constructive wave interference through wavefront formation creates a reaction to wavefront formation- gravitation. -----------Here is an unknown prediction-------- "If" this is the case "then" no particle will be found associated with dark matter. Forward time; "The question about the arrow of time has vexed physicists for a century because “for the most part the fundamental laws of physics don’t distinguish between past and future. They’re time-symmetric,” Carroll said. And closely bound to the issue of time is the concept of entropy, a measure of disorder in the universe. As physicist Ludwig Boltzmann showed a century ago, entropy naturally increases with time. “You can turn an egg into an omelet, but not an omelet into an egg,” Carroll said. But the mystery remains as to why entropy was low in the universe to begin with. The difficulty of that question has long bothered scientists, who most often simply leave it as a puzzle to answer in the future." - Sean Carroll Another component of time is relativity. Aging or decaying of a mass or energy can be slowed but not reversed with relative mass and speed differences. And then there is the inflation problem. Here is a possible solution; If time is a function of an emitted gravitational waves from all mass and energy then forward time, increase in entropy in the universe, relative time and the concept of inflation can be explained with this hidden variable process. Concerning the emission of gravitational energy- It has been shown in the research from the 1993 Nobel Prize in physics that it can be shown gravitational energy is lost in a system. Concerning the mechanism of relative time-
I believe we are moving with it by generating space, via the gravitational wave and through constructive wave interference, aligning with the existing space continuously generated from the time of the big bang.
But I do understand accepted theory and have originally added a framework of the process of the theory of Everything behind it showing the mechanism of action. When or where did i state that electromagnetic fields have a finite range, I did not state that. You decide what I think and then critize your mischaracterization. You assume wrong. By speculationg that magnetic fields decay into monopole gravitational waves which form wavefronts with reactions I do just the opposite, I explain how electeomagnetic fields have universal range. Gravity becomes the mechanism that allows electeomagnetic fields to have universal range and it also explains why gravity is so much weaker than the other forces. YOU need to get your story strraight and you mischaracterizing me is just an example of the crap that I have to put up with from you. Stop crediting me with your false opinions and statements.
On Sept. 20th he wrote, "I don't think I am being an ass. I was responding to that post and I even copied it. I used his words and stated that I thought he was being deliberate. The reason I stated such is because of no apology after saying I have no brain and not retracting after your warning. I do think that because he maked an out if the blue accusation for no reason. I hope you are seeing this as I saw it at the time. So Sept 20. Was the incident where he used the ASS word in referring to be having no brain. I believe you are picking on the wrong guy. But either way new people are baited here I have noticed and then you seem to unnecessarily chose sides instead of blaming the instigator. Either way I will only talk physics etc and I am not interested in anything else, especially the personal attacks. So the problem arose when you did not handle the initial personal attack, out of the blue with no reason to attack me, MigL did and you did nothing. YOU waited until I responded and then made your stand. Maybe, you should review the initial comment by MIgL and realize that it is your miscued response that is also at fault as much as MigL. When someone personally attacks you and the moderator does not respond adequately and then when you defend yourself he then says play nice, that is a small injustice.
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Local physics laws- "In physics, the principle of locality states that an object is influenced directly only by its immediate surrounds."- wikipedia Concerning the speed of light being constant, independent of the speed of the source; It is my opinion that one way the speed of anything, light, coming at an observer at a constant velocity even though the source is at a different relative velocity is that there is a hidden variable. Here is a possible solution, if photons give off gravitational waves and the observer gives off gravitational wave and the waves of each are in-phase waves then the density differents in wavefront formation has a greater effect on the photon than the observer and the local laws of the observer are overwhelmingly obeyed. This is a hypothetical example why the Michelson-Morley experiment failed to detect the aether, because the aether never would have shown to exist in this example. This example, or the possible underlying process of electromagnetic fields decaying into monopole gravitational waves could be responsible for forward and density dependent relative time. I could not care any less if you just say no with out a reason, at least have an intelligent reason behind your no. Who said it isn't detectable? I said they never thought of the concept of generated from within. Just off the cuff 1). I think dark energy is indirect evidence. 2). Gravitational energy loss in an isolated system is evidence as demonstrated by the research behind the 1993 Nobel prize in Physics. 3). Black Hole evaporation 4). A descrepancy in the intensity dimmer than anticipated) of radiation from stars that have ceased but not shown such yet as their light reaching us still exists yet the star is actually gone. 5). Constant speed of light in a vacuum 6). Understand man's continued preponderance for trying to make things conceptually stationary. 7). It fits everything 8). Predictions on extensions of when local laws are universal 9).
And that is exactly what I am asking I was using his word not mine, so get me for plagerizing if you think it is appropriate but the "ass" word was his- go back and read his text
The Aether; Michelson and Morley proved beyond approach that they could not find the aether, period. They did NOT set up any experiment to determine if the aether is generated from within all mass and energy. This is fact, not word salad.
I believe I understand the accepted theory, just like I understand the reasoning as to why many scientists thought the world was flat. I do not believe that the speed of space should be an exception to the laws if physics. There is a better explanation. I believe that I have painstakingly found it. It involves two newly understood actions of matter and an easy way to show me wrong is to show that one of these two actions are false. Show this and I am wrong. I can so that there is evidense that I am correct. 1). A system does not lose gravitational energy over time as the 1993 Novel Pruze in physics has shown or 2). Wave interaction is a non contact interaction. That is it. If you can show any of those to be valid then I am wrong. I can show that they ate valid and that a system does lose energy over time and that wave interaction is a contact force. It's not about personal attacks, it about understanding what exist. I don't have any holes in my theory if you care to look. I have discounted negative pressure and that bothers you, sorry. I have simple found two mistakes in current and past thinking and corrected, explains it all. Mistake 1- assuming no aether Mistake 1 - assuming wave interaction is a non- contact force. By understanding the relationship between the actual process of the universe Everyrhing fits. I can not help it if blindsided people what to pretend to critics me superficially I have corrected there misunderstanding each time. I can not be responsible for others being wrong, I an just pointing out the mistakes that have been made in the past and how it has affected, slanted, current thinking. I did not see one error pointed out that I had not addressed. Magnetic monopole- answered that easily. You see, until you understand that all currently unknown phenomenon are explained as I have, I do not see a better explanation. If you really want to know what is going on in the universe you should pay attention because science really did miss two fundamental interactions in operation of the universe. Negative pressure is your only way to understand the universe and that is too bad. Yiou are missing what is right there UN fornt of you. And if other scientists that were so great, they would have seen what the added evidence has led me to see. It is easy but it does wipe out all other theories on gravity. I can't help that, the correct theory is supposed to do just that. -CMT. I have found that when someone is Stuborn and self absorbed in there own little world of thinking and a new idea, a new person cones along, they, as you do, create a aura of personal attacks. Please stop. Again, In order for me to be wrong, one of two things would gave to ve shown to be incorrect. 1). A system does not lose gravitational energy over time as the 1993 Novel Pruze in physics has shown or 2). Wave interaction is a non contact interaction. That is it.
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There is another answer that allows the big bang to be correct and yet the light we see from the most distant galaxies to be dimmer than one would expect. As long as the photon generating star is producing electromagnetic radiation the photons electromagnetic field is being continually replaced as the electromagnetic field is decaying into monopole gravitational waves. Once the System is gone, the photons no longer have a way to replace their field and it decays noticeably as evidenced by the descripency in the brightness. This observational difference can lead, in the future to be able to mathematically predict when a galaxy will be no more. If you want to pay attention for a paragraph or two, it is possible that the expansion rate is constant and has always been constant but the measured mass and energy in the system is increasing in acceleration. At the big bang, the singularity transitioned into mass energy and space( via the monopole gravitational wave ), as mass and energy stabolized into the forces and continued to decay into the gravitational wave, measurable time began. This solves the inflation problem and keeps the laws of physics unchanging. As mass and energy still decay adding to space via the release of the gravitational wave space, expanding at the speed of light continues constantly as mass and energy Lose overall energy and continue to increase in acceleration until all of mass and energy convert to space itself continually shaping the universe. By understanding this simple concept of matter decaying to it's least potential state, space, everything fits and things become very predictable... Black hole evaporation, dark matter, dark flow, star dimming etc.... In my opinion..... All of Theoritical physics made two wrong turns. 1). There is an aether, space itself, continually given off from all mass and energy. 2). There is a reaction of the sources generated wave production which creates a feedback to wavefront or field formation which causes gravity, This simple path of forward time explains the very nature of the universe from the beginning to the end. Time, space and gravity are actions and reactions to this process. It's makes me wonder why we as humans like stationary ideas so much? Time moves forward because it represents a forward and changing process, why is that so hard to understand? The solution is right in front of everyone and and yet they ignore it out of the same stubborn thinking that tries to find something stable in life, either a stationary universe as yesteryear or fundamental particles being fundamental as today. If, initially, the singulartity was close to solidly dense then everyrhing was one particle, now it is decaying becoming one interconnected wavefront. If you look at the objections to mechanical aspects to gravitation in the 1800's and look at what we know now the objections are no more, outdated. The dismissing conclusions were bases on false premisses that are no longer valid in a closed universe with a beginning. Without the universe being a continuing perpetual motion machine, this is the only correct answer that fits all observations. The density of the humidity, saturation point, of water in air modulates the evaporation rate of a puddle of water on the ground in a conceptual way like the density of space modulates the decay rate of mass and energy. Traveling faster in space increases the density rate per unit time of the object traveling and relative to the density of the original object before it traveled, it's decay rate slows as a function of space density. This explains why time an space are relative, because mass and energy decay into the medium they are traveling through and modulated by the density changes of the medium. As the medium density increases decay rate slows, Example at the beach run ton the sand hrough air from point a to point b then run again from point A to point b on the sand but through 3 feet of water. Your time from point a to point b is directly related to the density of the medium that you are traveling through. This applies to all decay rates of matter. This leads to a proposed unknown phenomenon; the gravitational wave should travel faster than the speed of a photon and that is the baseline speed for the universe.
Thank you. In general, I do believe someone who initiates a personally attack on another has a deep seated problem with personal self esteem issues. Informed consent is possibly a different story...lol I appoligize for any role I have played in personal attacks, sorry MigL The missing Monopole problem is the absence of magnetic monopole yes. In my opinion, I stand by both statement.s I 100% agree with you but I am not contridicting your statment but rather claiming space is the action solves the missing monopole problem. From a monopole a monopole wave is generated. It's action is a measure of energy transfer into a monopole gravitational wave eith measurable relative acrtions of time, space and gravity.. You see, any dipole with decays into gravitational monopole waves at both ends solves the missing monopole problem. If the dipoles continually act as decaying monopoles also then that the primary reason why the stronger magnetic fields have the effect of a stronger gravitational effect, i.e. time delay. Before you argue that there is no proof of that remember this connection. A stronger magnet has a has an increased energy and e=mc2 therefore an increase in mass. I am suggesting that mass is mass as a result of this relationship, not the way the Higgs field operates. There is no higgs field, instead there is a monopole wave field created at the big bang and continually created by each quanta of mass and energy. As space increases overall mass and energy decrease. I could be totally wrong but I can not figure out where becaue it solves everything so far. So to recap, I believe the framework of the theory of everything is fundamental at the point of magnetic dipoles which act in two categories, one magnetic dipoles and two gravitational wave monopoles, a process of decay or energy transfer creating the basis of time, space and gravity. Thank you for the opportunity to clarify.
No, I do not think the "quantum theory can unite the physics of Mankind because without God the universe has to somehow be involved with a perpetual motion machine and that violates the basic laws of physics. Multiple universes, multiple dimensions something from nothing one of these things have to exist for there to be no God. Remember that science taught the universe existed forever and that was a main reason to say the bible was wrong, because the bible said there was a beginning. Einstein had insight when he said that God does not play dice. It is our limitation to understand that Bohrs dis not understand. God does not play dice, he plays billards, pool, and the big bang was his break. - CMT Let's look at something else the bible says. The Earth is circular in form and the universe glorifies God. Funny how that works. The universe Glorifies God? How? Well let's look at God's image in which we are made says the bible. In Christianity God is a father, son and holy spirit (comforter) who exists outside of time, forever. God is his own family and the human family exist from generation to generation as a minimum of three where the mother is the comforter to the child. Each individual to contribute to continued existence is a child, spouse( comforter to your spouse) and parent. Each role demonstrating unselfish love. God created you personally as his image through the roles you experience and within the marriage covenant for the Indvividual personally and within their family to understand unselfish love. Now turning to the universe, for life to exist, we ha one universe which is three dimensional, and on the periodic table the elements come in three forms, solid, liquid and gas for life to exist. The atoms also consist of three things protons, nutrons and electrons. Protons and nutrons also can be broken down into three quarks each. Water on Earth naturally comes in three forms, solid, liquid and gas and God used that for baptism in the name of the Father, son and Holy spirit. Again science has proved science wrong when they found out there is no big crunch and the universe will expand forever and not be a rubber band perpetually motion machine. So then, how does gravity work? Let's look at the errors of science again. God shows that waves need a medium and yet we think there is no medium in space because science can not find one. It the bible and history, the Temple was considered a microcosm of the Universe and the universe a macrocosm of the temple. In the new testament, Jesus Christ made YOUR BODY THE TEMPLE. You are the center of God's spiritual universe. The one place that Michelson and Morley did not look for the aether was within all mass and energy. Even Stephen Hawkins believes the singularity contained everything, including space itself. So according to Stephen Hawkins, mass, energy and space were contained in the singularity. I suggest that space, mass and energy are the three forms of matter. I further suggest that time, space and gravity are actions of measurable wave interactions as mass and energy continue to decay into the monopole gravitational wave, space itself. So imagine a universe that decays from particle to wave and as space increases, mass and energy decrease. Any evidence? Yes- review the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physics. I suggest the overall actions of time and space are wave actions of this process. So the first error I mentioned was the Michelson and Morley aether detection experiments which never took into account the possibility of the aether generated from within all mass and energy. The second error actually happened first around 400 years ago, the Huygens principle. It is a principle and not a law because Christopher Huygens could not explain a missing back action reaction of wave formation from expanding in phase waves of different sources. With the Huygens principle, each point on a wave becomes a wavelet with a forward and backward motion. Here is what he missed. When you have a wave generated in a forward direction the forward aspect of the wavelet expands outward and is visible but the wavelets inward are continually trying to reform because the sources are closer and closer a stress tension developes and the sources move closer and closer to reduce the exerted force between the sources generating the waves. This is the mechanism of Gravity, it is a contact force. Waves, of the same energy, to each other, act as solids. Time, space and gravity are three actions of this process. This is turning everything upside down by clarifying the laws of physics. For example, with this understanding you could take two balls of Yarn place them on the floor 20!feet apart and tie the two attached strings together at 10 feet between the two. This represents mass, the ball of yarn and the gravitational wave, the strings. Holding both strings as a representation of the wavefront formation and walk away at a constant VELOSITY and watch the two actions. 1). The first action is the balls of yarn move with you as it unwinds, this is dark energy. They will continue to accelerate increasingly until they become all string(space). 2). The second action you will notice is that the balls of yarn come together as the waves form the wavefront. This is gravity. So in simple terms dark energy is a constant force on a decreasing mass. Gravity is the opposite reaction to the action of wavefront formation. So does God play dice? No and God is the one who told Einstein to pass it on, he wasn't telling God, God was telling him. Quantum gravity is false because the fundamental aspect of space is a wave and not discrete packets of anything. One universe, three dimensions. -CMT
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The big bang set it all in motion A critical mass explosion of the singularity from particle to wave, space itself, the monopole gravitational wave (this solves the missing monopole problem) creating three forms of matter, space, mass and energy. Space, the lease potential form of energy, the gravitational wave is the aether. Mass and energy, potential energy still decay creating more space. As mass and energy decrease, space increases. As mass and energy decay onto waves forming wavefronts continuing from the event horizon of the big bang where separationand stabilization of the forces started time of mass and energy decay started. As you measure how long it takes to bake a cake after the ingredients have been mixed so to the clock we use to measure the universe started when the forces separated and stabilized and continued to decay.( inflation solved) As the force of the big bang continued it became constant because the mass and energy carried along also create space, via the decay into the gravitational wave adding to the direction of force feom the original bog bang. Time and space and dark energy and dark matter are actions of this process. Time and space have characteristics of relativity, sound, the Doppler effect, has characteristics of relativity because the same fundamental process is in place. Generated waves with constant speed, frequency and wavelength are fundamental characteristics of all format of source to observer relativity. A monopole wave being generated into it's own medium has density dependent qualities and therefore affected by the change in density of the medium.. This is not hard to follow and everything fits the current universe. An unknown phenomenon which may bw discovered in our lifetime is that the universe is flattening, decreasing in dimensional degrees of freedom. Just an idea that is the core of the framework to the theory of everything. Yes to me it is a NoBrainer, migL I reciprocate and dedicate my name in your honor haha, crack myself up. Not really not worth this words...sorry
I disagree because it doesn't explain something as simple as time moves In a forward direction I assume you understand the limitations of General relativity such as it doesn't account for the actions of dark matter or an "increasingly" accelerating universe, or inflation ( it may not rule it put but it doesn't account of it) Black hole evaporation, the reasons behind entropy, the beginning time at the big bang, the relation with quantum theory, quantum entanglement,,, and on and on... proton decay... The true reasons behind local laws and spooky action at a distance. So by extrapolating the results of the 1993 Nobel prize research in Physics. 1). There is gravitational energy loss with everything which is the aether itself. 2). When mass and energy decay into waves, as predicted by the Huygens principle, there is a reaction to wavefront formation and that reaction is gravity. Now, only one process explains everything in three dimensions agreeing with the principles of general relativity and the standard model, combining all unknown, previously unknown, actions by demonstrating wave theory is a contact force theory using Newtonian mechanics and you call that more complicated? Get real, the only other current option is M theory with 10 spactially configured dimensions. I hope you realize that you can never dissect, physically, three dimensions onto anything other than three dimensions not one, not two and certainly not 6-10 dimensions. No matter how small a substance, if it exists it may have a directional force but always exists as mass or energy. If I could demonstrate an unknown mechanism of force, a reaction to wavefront formation, actual physical evidence, the put up or shut up example, would that get you thinking? Remember, Einstein was quoted as saying he did not know the true mechanism of gravitation but he thought it had something to do with electromagnetism. As Einstein opened up Newtonian mechanics and fine tuned it mathematically, I am just fine tuning the mechanism of how the universe works conceptually. Recently, two physicists have taken General Relativity and added a field that accounts for dark matter and energy, I am just explaining the mechanism that makes it possible.it is nothing fancy,
You are making two assumptions that are not correct I believe. You believe that Gravity is a direct attractive force and dark energy is a repulsive force. There is another possibility that erases that thinking and replaces it with one process which includes wave emission and wave synchronization. For example; if two balls of yarn represent mass and the strings that can unwind represent the gravitational wave given off of mass and those strings constructively interfere then if you walk away from the balls of yarn holding both strings you will notice two actions 1). The balls of yarn travel towards you at an increasing acceleration until they match your speed which is when they are all string. 2). The second action is they move towards each other as they are increasing there acceleration. This is gravity. Gravity and dark energy or your attractive and repulsive forces are actually one process with wave interactions. Now this concept happens to fit every observation and experiment and it clarifies GR and fits with the standard model. Ps MIgL - the no brain comment seems very stupid now does it not? Denial becomes u too
Did you read my post- I gave you the article- 3 posts back
"In the new paper, the product of nearly two years of work, the team have re-examined all the arguments against the Integrated Sachs Wolfe detection as well as improving the maps used in the original work. In their painstaking analysis, they conclude that there is a 99.996 per cent chance that dark energy is responsible for the hotter parts of the cosmic microwave background maps (or the same level of significance as the recent discovery of the Higgs boson). "This work also tells us about possible modifications to Einstein's theory of General Relativity," notes Tommaso Giannantonio, lead author of the present study. "The next generation of cosmic microwave background and galaxy surveys should provide the definitive measurement, either confirming general relativity, including dark energy, or even more intriguingly, demanding a completely new understanding of how gravity works."-science daily I have come up with a new and easy understanding of how gravity works. Gravity is an emitted wave synchronizing reaction as wavefronts form. Time, space and gravity are by-products of mass and energy decay.
Could the very basis of forward time, time generally moving in one direction, be part of a mechanism that underlies the universe? Here is how simple I believe it is and I call it the ghost wave theory. Given As accepted, the big bang singularity was one with itself until it became what is now known as mass, energy and space accelerating at an increasing change. Is it possible that the energy transfer from matter to space continues and space, created at the big bang, continues to be created by the decay of mass and energy? Could this process of mass and energy decay creating space, if it is happening, be the framework to the future shape and size of the universe? Could this process be the very nature of the aether in which electromagnetic waves need to propagate? Did Michelson and Morley's experiments in the 1880's imagine and test for an aether generated from within mass and energy? The physics laws are local laws mostly, could it be because the laws are generated locally? Could the speed of light be constant because the light arrives at the observer who is somehow governing the speed? If so how? Could by understanding an aether show that the Galaxy clusters are are moving at an increasingly accleratingly rate? If so how?? Could the term what goes up must come down" be a dimensional statement? If so how? Time, space and gravity have relative changes. How?
Very funny migL, I do have a hard time with stupidity And I have done nothing to you, you like to be an ass to people? I will follow your lead.
And for your real bummer story of the day "World’s Most Powerful Digital Camera Opens Eye, Records First Images in Hunt for Dark Energy ScienceDaily (Sep. 17, 2012) — Eight billion years ago, rays of light from distant galaxies began their long journey to Earth. That ancient starlight has now found its way to a mountaintop in Chile, where the newly-constructed Dark Energy Camera, the most powerful sky-mapping machine ever created, has captured and recorded it for the first time. Share This: 105 See Also: Space & Time Dark Matter Astrophysics Astronomy Matter & Energy Physics Energy Technology Nuclear Energy Reference European Southern Observatory Astrophysics Galaxy formation and evolution Large-scale structure of the cosmos That light may hold within it the answer to one of the biggest mysteries in physics -- why the expansion of the universe is speeding up."
And background space-time does not explain forward time nor local laws. Back to the drawing board And it will be interesting to watch time go backwards in the big crunch. Way to many holes in this speculation. It is the denial of evidence of expansion and increase in expansion that really is convincing that there is no merit here. Again, it happens, we have an idea and it's ours but it contradicts reality so we ignore reality and live amoung the invisible pink bunnies.
Instead of being in denial because you can not logically believe the universe is expanding at an increasing acceleration, or as other people do and look for a repulsive force to counter act gravity, you could ask this; " Is there a mechanism that creates gravity and also creates an increasingly expanding universe?" That mechanism would also have to agree with GR, all observations, standard theory and show the limitations to quantum theory. If you do not understand the very nature of time, space and gravity then you just are spinning your wheels. For example gravitational lensing in empty space is factual, I predicted that and a whole lot more because I understand the mechanism. Mathmatically, fields have been added to General Relativity recently which takes dark energy and dark matter into account as actions of Gravitation. I get it and you are not listening to the glaring holes in your arguments. Show a prediction of an unknown phenomenon and write a paper. Your approach will not stand up. The evidense behind the 1993 Nobel Prize in physics shows you are naive in thinking there is no evidence. Again, direct view in a telescope shows the evidence that you are wrong.
Like I said, your fundamental mistake is the concept of "what goes up must come down" is not accurate with the evidence. Now if you has the insight to understand that there is a mechanism that explains what goes up must come down is a dimensional statement as I understand, then you would have been nearly correct. Your way the universe is a perpetual motion machine and violates the fundamental laws of Physics, free energy. Try unbaking a cake and show me. Lol
The simple fact is that Edward Hubble saw galaxies traveling away from earth and total convinced Einstein. A simple telescope convinced Einstein that his cosmological constant was wrong. His General relativity equations which have been proven correct over and over also show that the universe is expanding and George Lemoure a physicist in the 1930's realized this which lead to physicists being wrong about the universe having no beginning. Then in 1998 two labs that disliked each other found the same startling result, our universe is expanding at an accelerated rate. All the standard model predictions that are 100% proven accurate are based on the big bang. No evidence-- or in denial. You are plain wrong and closed minded to criticism that is factual... End of story