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Everything posted by w0rld
Like Phi said, the real issue is need. I have 2 "need" reasonings: 1: At some point we will need to leave. I don't know if humanity will be around long enough for it to matter, but the Sun will begin expanding, and everyone in the solar system is going to have to abandon ship. At that point, the population of the solar system will far surpass human imagination: hundreds of billions of people need to leave, and it would take possibly millions of ships to get everyone out. So instead of building all those ships, the Sol system populus decides to build a massive Dyson ship. Massive in scope, everyone can get on board, and the sphere could support life: plants, animals, all that good stuff. Being self-sustaining, propulsion really isn't a problem. You don't need to be anywhere in a certain amount of time if you can take care of yourself. So, if humanity hasn't expanded outside the solar system, the shpere could float forever, and become the new cradle of humanity. If humanity has expanded its reach, another planet could be waiting to recieve the sphere, and that would be the end of that. 2: There is a problem on a galactic scale, and we need an escape. You could fix it by building a generation sphere, like mentioned above, and launch it out into intergalactic space. The other option is interdimensional sphere. In the Halo books, the authors go into detail to describe the Ark, as well as the Dyson sphere the group ends up in at the end of Ghosts of Onyx: they were designed to support an entire galaxy, and could be accessed through portals, leading to a parallel dimension which contained the sphere(s). This would solve a galactic threat, such as a malicious alien race (like the Covenant) or any other galaxy wide extinction event. It would require more resources than we have now, so mining extraterrestrial bodies would be required. Building and designing wouldn't be impossible right now, but would be an interesting event to watch. If it does happen while I'm alive, I'd be honored to work on it.
I'm becoming a DJ and before I start, I need to make a decision: should I use a Small Form Factor PC or a Laptop? I've been considering this, and I can't decide. Please give your input.
Thanks for the opinions, guys. We'll see how things go.
Oh yeah, we share a lot of intrests. She's a fellow nerd. One of the few female ones around where I live. Also, she might know I like her. And about the spending time alone together (Phi for All) isn't that why Facebook messenger was invented? I would do quotes, but it's hard to do that stuff from my tablet.
I have never skydove before, and I'm terrified of heights, but for some reason, I feel like I want to be the guy to break Felix's record. I don't know why.
Can you help a high scholler out? Okay, here's the deal: I like this girl. She's a senior, and I'm a freshman. I don't know if she likes me back. I don't really know if she has a boyfriend or not. Her facebook says no, but I figure she does. I don't know wether to tell her how I feel or not. I'm always in perpetual fear of being rejected. I figured I'd ask fellow nerds, because most think the way I do. Please help.
Thanks, spyman! I forgot abot the parallel wiring! I'm using 5 sets of 2 leds each with the same color. I completely forgot! Thanks so much! Now I can stop looking for that damned transformer!
Okay, so I'm trying to make this helmet, with LEDs in it. The total voltage for all the LEDs is 29.2 DC. Now, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get enough power to these 10 LEDs to get them to work! I've looked at transformers, but none of them seem to provide what I need. (Read: Input: 9V Output: 30V Current: 20mA) Please help!
I was once on a forum when someone posed the question why most hackers are atheists. What followed was an onslaught of anit-christ remarks almost 15 pages long. Some people, including me, tried prove the existence of God to these people, and were hopelessly outmanned. So, In conclusion: -There are a lot of atheist hackers -Don't try to convert people on forums, -And you don't find atheists, atheists find you.
Hi, I'm w0rld. I like anything that has to do with computers, physics, and gaming. Read my blog on www.dexsquared.blogspot.com , and if I find there is a sudden influx of visitors, I'll post more stuff.
No, God clearly played poker, as was pointed out by Brian Green in "The Fabric of the Cosmos." Just joking thhough. Interesting topic. Nice speculation.
Hi. I was reading the book Ready Player One, and the idea of Aech's "Basement" Chat room sounded pretty cool to me. I got thinking, and decided I wanted to make a simple one for myself. A (comparitively) simple program, in first person, where I could boot the application, go into the basement, and mess around. Hopefully, I would be able to embed some emulators in it, so I could play Atari, Commodore 64, NES, MAME, and other things, as well as listen to music, and a fwe other things. This would not be available to the public; only to me and my friends that I give a copy to. Come to think of it, it could be top down, since it would be much easier, and would kind of work the same way. So, since this is one of the few forums I am on, I figured I'd ask here: How should I make the basement? Coding languages, programs, what-have-you. Hopefully I'll get some replies. Suggestions for the "Basement" would also be helpful. PS: If you haven't read READY PLAYER ONE, READ IT!!!!
I must ask any professional on the subject, who will probably on this thread, is there any chance of this bacteria being weaponized? A suicide inducing weapon would most certainly be a very dangerous possibility.
Yes, that is very true, but the unlikelyhood is so infintismely small that people often forget about it, including me. Thank you for pointing it out.
So, I was sitting around after reading Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku (a must read for any scientist,) specifically the chapter on extraterrestrials. I was thinking: If the universe is infinite, there are an infinite number of worlds, stars, nebulae, etc. So, it's kind of like having a relatively easy equation in an infinite amount of time. It might take you a little bit of time, and a number of screw ups (screw ups: Saturn, Mars, Venus, etc.) until you get the answer (Earth.) Even if the equation of making a planet is nearly impossible, you will eventually solve it. So, you get one planet with life, or even one that supports life, and a quadrillion worlds that don't, you start the equation over agin, as you have an infinite time to do it again (we live in an infinitely large and ever expanding universe, so that is your time to do it.) So, what I'm trying to say is, in an infinite universe, the qualifications can't only be met one time. Also, from a different perspective, the "Many Worlds Theory" of quantum physics. If you think about it, all of the infinite number of Universes could fit into this universe, because one universe is a "smaller infinity" than the thing that holds them. So, if in a parallel universe extraterrestrial life exists, that entire universe will fit into ours, hence extraterrestrial life exists in our universe. Please, if you have an opinion, or you have thought the same thing, please reply.