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Everything posted by LaurieAG

  1. Many companies have their staff sign Confidentiality Undertakings if they work in sensitive areas due to Information Privacy and Information Security legislation. If government regulations do not require reporting of breaches and there is no whistleblower protection then you will not hear about it.
  2. Actually Moontanman in those times men usually married when they could support a wife and family. The exceptions were when a woman became a widow and married a younger brother of her brother in law (married to her sister) to keep the property in the family.
  3. For LCR=1 statement B is added to the end of statement A and both are pushed through the same pipeline concurrently with other similar pairings that are not dependent on A or B. In the case where statement D was dependent on statement C which was dependent on statement B which was dependent on statement A and LCR=1 then the program would compile (A+B+C+D) to run on only one pipeline/thread. LCR<=1 is the minimum requirement for a program structure that will compile on a concurrent compiler.
  4. I have always thought that the first big tick, when the theoretical BB universe started going from a stable singular state to an expanding state, is conceptually like turning on a switch or pulling a trigger. While [math]t_0+\epsilon[/math] works but [math]t_0[/math] doesn't, there are implications for the gap. So I wonder if there is a critical threshold, that we may be getting closer to experimentally, that we should possibly be accutely aware of. That is of course only a concern if the BB theory is valid (and nobody seems the least bit concerned). At least the end would be mercifully quick
  5. Its a big world John, how's global warming climate change going in your neck of the woods?
  6. But the rebuttal leaves a few outstanding questions due to the assumptions given. (1) ' the circular speed is independent of radius in the mid-plane' (2) Moni Bidin et al. (2012) ' the mean azimuthal velocity of the stellar tracers is independent of Galactocentric radius at all heights' This implies that, at large heights above the mid plane, circular speed is dependent on radius while everywhere else circular speed is independent of radius. The dark matter appears to be the result of two separate 'systems', one averaged and one discrete, being conflated together. http://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/newsrel/science/mcquasar.asp
  7. Here's a quote from the foundation Chairman of the Australian Research Council that was published in todays Australian newspaper (about flawed science and the government owned Australian Broadcasting Commission) . http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/19/us/politics/house-gop-agrees-to-lift-debt-ceiling-for-3-months.html?hp
  8. I have reconsidered my position and, In a perverse lateral kind of way, I do certainly agree with you 3 that the current political solution to 'global warming' will reap excellent results within a very short time span, albeit with much collateral damage. I mean, who would ever have thought that by collectively trashing the global financial system to such an extent that the odds of recession in the EU and/or the US are almost odds on, with huge guaranteed profits waiting to be made on the down side, and the resulting emission reductions from the mass closure of industries and other losses being socialised, are already starting to pay dividends. I'll let you 3 tell everybody else the good news. BTW, there is evidence of continuous human occupation for the past 8000 years within 5-10 miles of where I live. During the recent 'heat wave' the average national maximum temperature was 40 degrees c while my local average was 30 degrees c during this same period. Several of the other state capitals went from 11+ to 11- average degree maximums over 3 days during this 'heat wave' period. My region has an anti mediteranean climate which means that it normally rains in summer and is dry in winter with similar temperature ranges. There are only three other areas in the world with similar climates, east Madagascar, Saudi Arabia (east side of mountains) and along the eastern side of the Andes in South America. The 10 degree difference between 30 degrees average temp and 40 degrees average temp was mainly due to a combination of humidity and wind that resulted in evaporative cooling with little rain. We seem to be having a problem with the water level within the Great Artesian Basin part of our national evaporative cooling system. With any luck a good top up from the coming monsoon will help sort things out.
  9. Political solutions are not real solutions, as many Australians well know. A Carbon tax that makes unclean energy profitable at the expense of clean energy actually causes more harm than good.
  10. EquisDeXD, it is clear from Swansont's post that what is being described is not a real world cable. Take for example a space based observation point at a comoving distance stationary with regard to the hubble flow. The observer could be consistent with the flow and be connected to earth via an inline chain of communication satellites. To keep our communications consistent you would have to send out satellites as the comoving point moved away from our soloar system. Would you really expect to vary the distance between the satellites as the observer moved away?
  11. If I recall correctly there was a 10 year moritorium on recombinant DNA research in the 1970's.
  12. http://www.google.com.au/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=china+blizzard&oq=china+bli&gs_l=hp.1.1.0l2j0i10l2.78.3210.0.6401.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.dGY&fp=806291c8bec8badb&bpcl=40096503&biw=1366&bih=714 So am I. BTW, you will be waiting for quite a while unless you start your own thread.
  13. Just build up a truth table of all of the different conversions and create a case statement that provides the correct translation for each conversion. You will also have to be careful where you place this statement in your code as you may not get a public variable from the declaration. The shortest path is really up to you.
  14. The pricing mechanism calculations for the Australian Carbon tax are an indication of the science involved. The carbon price (for the budget figures) as set out in the plan would increase Renewable Energy while forcing the worst polluting power stations out of the market. These dirty operators would be paid to stop polluting. Unfortunately all the economics only works when the exact carbon tax rate estimated is used. As a result of these modelling restriction there are 3 things that can be determined:- (1) On half the budgeted Carbon tax rate (a) electricity prices rise substantially, (b) polluting power generation plants become economic and (c ) the Renewable Energy Targets (RET) put pressure on electricity prices so business puts pressure on the government to reduce the RET. (2) On double the budgeted Carbon tax rate (a) electricity prices rise substantially more than (1), polluting power plants become uneconomic and RET becomes becomes viable. (3) The current Carbon pricing model as used in Australia will only work to promote the reduction of dirty power pollution and promote the RET when the market Carbon price is at least at its budgeted rate or more. Either way electricity prices increase but only one price range will give an environmental dividend. Sorry, this model does not work with the European rate and the market will do what it likes whenever it likes. That is why we need an integrated global system and people who think outside the self serving political square. You may not be aware of the 10% GST calculation where a 10% tax is added onto the price of most goods and services. While the actual calculation is based on the original amount plus the 10% tax, the calculation used is by back calculating from the end price to the pre tax price. The reason why this is done is that rounding (down) will not give you the exact calculation result without fractions so going from the after tax price and using normal rounding (up) is the easiest way to calculate the correct amounts of the original price before tax. While the 32% figure might be the politically palatable figure the real answer is a close to a 50% increase when compared with your bill 12 months ago.
  15. I wouldn't expect anything John, if you can't actually think for yourself and cannot ask pertinent questions then no explanation can change your opinion.
  16. Hi John, While NZ is just as far away from Brisbane as Hobart is NZ was experiencing much cooler weather than southern Australia. From 2004 to 2008 Queensland had the heatwaves and now the heatwaves have moved 2000 kilometers south. No tax system is going to prevent what happens when these hot flows of air actually get down to antarctica so we should probably be doing a bit of forensic meteorology and working out exactly where these hot flows come from and target the sources. The forecasts for Australian capitals today compared with yesterday are:- Melbourne 25, -16 change Adelaide 32, -12 change Hobart 25, -16 change Sydney 29, + 4 change Perth 37, + 12 change Canberra 39, + 3 change Brisbane 29, no change
  17. While I am sceptical about Global Warming I really think the current problem could be better described as some sort of Global Temperature Imbalance and human heat generation has something to do with it.
  18. And if you take 32% off you will have 68% remaining meaning that your original bill (68% of your current bill) is close to 50% higher (32/68) now than your original bill. Basically if you pay $10 for a product that has $5 tax you are being taxed 100% not 50%. Right now in Brisbane the temperature is around 29 degrees centigrade while the current temperatures for the other state capitals (and the ACT) are:- Melbourne 41 Adelaide 44 Hobart 42 Sydney 25 Perth 25 Canberra 36 This heatwave is being caused by a flow of hot air (it's not el Nino or la Nina but neutral patterns) being funneled down the center of Australia between highs on the east and west coasts. Have a look on google earth and see where the hot cities are with respect to antarctica. Brisbane is sub tropical and the majority of the remainder are temperate. Kevin Rudd, the previous Australian PM took an integrated global carbon credit trading system to Copenhagen and dropped it after the rest of the world failed to jump on board. He was then rolled by Australias current PM, the person who promised that there would be no carbon tax under a government she led, who then introduced a carbon tax. Incidentally these heat waves have been going on like this down south for the past 4-5 years and Brisbane has failed to get much over 35 degrees c during the same period. Victoria has a large brown coal burning power station industry that supplies the deficiencies in the power grid for most of the other states. Why are the heatwaves mainly ocurring where they do and, considering that the most long line power being transmitted to other states is lost in the generating state, what does the Victorian power generation industry have to do with it? Economically it probably has something to do with some dodgy financing many years ago. Basically if you factor off the net present value of the depreciation of the power asset you are buying/building into the purchase package you can not use the depreciation of the asset (compensation for loss of value of the asset over time) to maintain the asset and you must run your operation as hard and fast as you can to optimise profits.
  19. Hi John, I heard a very interesting article on ABC Radio National about 9 months ago. A US professor was working out of one of the Sydney universities and he was an expert on power networks. He said that since Australia had introduced its National Electricity Market (NEM) in 2000, on average, 45 % of Australian electricity was delivered from another state and 65 percent, on average, was lost before it reached the receiving states borders. That means 65 percent of 45 percent, 30 percent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of our national electricity generation is wasted into our atmosphere from long line transmissions. So, how did Australian politicians solve their collective neglect to actually build power stations remotely close to where the power was going to be required??? They introduced a Carbon Tax and the figures have come in for the first 3 months of the tax with a 15.6 percent increase in electricity prices. When you add that up with the other 15% increase in the six months prior to the introduction of the tax, our electricity bills are 50 percent more than they were 12 months ago and very little has been spent on clean energy. And to top things off we are now linked to the European system which has a much lower carbon credit and as a result our most polluting power generation plants will not be closed because they are economically viable on the European rate (but weren't on the original Australian rate).
  20. That's a good one Semjase, and its probably one of the main reasons why the BB theory is out of favour, apart from those who have already taken a leap of faith.
  21. Tres Juicy, it looks like you've seen the episode.
  22. When the majority of the global elites have more in common with each other than they do with their own people and the majority of the worlds people have more in common with each other than their elites, the peoples 'god' dies. Pausanias, a greek doctor wrote circa 200AD in Book VIII of his Guide to Greece, When 'god' loses the plot and becomes a handmaiden to the elites and their endless lust for wealth and power at the expense of uncountable numbers of innocents most honest moral people reject this neo 'god' because it has become their slave master on behalf of the elites. This is what religious people refer to as the anti-christ while most non religious just refer to them as shit kicker politicians, the bane of humanity.
  23. I saw this one in an anime. The enigmatic giant blocked the bridge and said:- What do you have to say to cross this bridge?
  24. Time goes on both ways forever, despite all mortal human endeavour, infinity will be reached, never ever. Chaos is purely nature in action, first find that correct butterfly, and you can make anything happen. Anti chaos is also quite easy to do, first find that correct butterfly, and then say boo!
  25. Has anybody done any research on what happens to childrens teeth if they have flourine in the water supply for their first 5 years or so and then the supply of flourine is stopped?
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