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Everything posted by LaurieAG

  1. Hi Ken, welcome to ScienceForums.net. You probably need something like a digital hydrometer. The following link has 2 products that might suit your purposes but they are expensive (prices on the link). WG-902122 - CPVC Submersible probe head only, operates on 5 vdc and provides 0-5 vdc linear output proportional to liquid density, with 10' PVC Cable WG-9033A - Optional analog output board (4-20 ma) https://gardco.com/pages/density/electric_hydrometer.cfm
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d'état Whatever happened to "do unto others as you would have others do unto you"?
  3. One thing that hasn't come up in this thread yet is the individual factions within the left and right political spectrum and how they play ball with each other. From an Australian perspective we have a left wing that has a right wing that is stronger than the right wing faction of the right wing itself. This left wing right wing faction also seems to prefer attacking its own left wing faction much more than it attacks the whole of the other right wing party. It seems that if you take the right wing and the minority interests out of the left wing parties these days you don't have that much left. Admittedly Australia, and particularly my home state, is effectively ground zero for the news empire of Rupert Murdoch and both left and right wing governments have benefited from this over the years while no tax is paid to the public coffers. This severe problem with left wing parties is quite apparent when you consider the election of Donald Trump in the US, Boris Johnson in the UK and Scott Morrison in Australia. Basically the right wing of the left wing parties have disenfranchised their traditional left wings (bigots and racists) and have replaced them with LGBT etc and Greens so the traditional left wing left factions have no choice but to support the lesser of 2 evils, i.e. the right wing parties who are less right wing than the right wingers of the left. As this degradation of the left continues world wide I don't see that voting patterns will change either.
  4. As somebody who has worked extensively with internal and external auditors in a technical capacity, intimate knowledge of the whole process being undertaken is essential to prevent quality assurance lapses that can have large impacts on data quality. Here are a couple of concerns re Australian Climate data collection. https://jennifermarohasy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Marohasy-to-Finkel-20180504.pdf https://researchonline.jcu.edu.au/38584/1/38584 Parker 2015.pdf I have actually read a report that audits and compares the Australian ACORN 1 and 2 data sets and comes out with similar results to A. Parker above (not by a scientist). It stated that 12 data locations were removed from ACORN 2, due to them being 'heat islands', although the rising trend in ACORN 2 is severely reduced when the data from those 12 locations is included in the data set. I think science has become too politicized to be able to provide the correct results without adequate quality assurance procedures or regular auditing by technical people who know what they are doing.
  5. Yes, what they don't say is often more important these days. There are also concerns for other road users and pedestrians due to its current stiffness and sharp edges.. https://thedriven.io/2019/11/27/tesla-cybertruck-may-be-unsafe-for-other-road-users-says-australian-safety-chief/
  6. Pity nobody has net weights for the different models as I assumed the range differences would be due to a standard battery pack being used for all engine configurations.
  7. https://www.businessinsider.com.au/tesla-cybertruck-pickup-truck-pictures-info-details-price-2019-11?r=US&IR=T So the single engine 2WD has a claimed range of 500 miles and the 3 engine AWD has a claimed range of 250 miles. Would the 3 engine version be the fastest or would the single engine beat it as it has to pull less weight (2 less engines)?
  8. https://youtu.be/UXA--dj2-CY If what Trump did was wrong how can this be ok?
  9. Where do you think Steam Punk sci fi fantasy came from lol.
  10. Just wait until the politicians change Science Technology Engineering Maths (STEM) into STEAM by adding Arts into the mix. https://theconversation.com/explainer-whats-the-difference-between-stem-and-steam-95713
  11. From Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Council_of_Nicaea#Biblical_canon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Council_of_Nicaea
  12. The agreement seems to refer to a Tontine agreement between 2 people. Tontine's are usually made between a group of people where the group ownership of something reverts to the last surviving member of the group. My father had a tontine with my late mother and when she passed away all of her assets were immediately transferred to my fathers name. The local council tried to charge rate penalties and transfer fees on their house and land but this was thrown out of court and my father was determined as being the legal owner of the property immediately after my mum passed away. It might be an idea to find out how your country treats tontines, especially if you are from the US. From Google:-
  13. Descriptive comments and structured programming techniques are probably the best things that all programmers can do at all times but comments are a little different. If you have worked on much legacy code you have probably already seen extremes from both ends of the commenting spectrum. From those who think that comments only induce people who don't know how to read code to stuff up programs to people who comment on every single line. I can see the benefits of both extremes and tend to go for a happy medium where comments are used as necessary/sparingly to describe the tricky bits and the garden variety code speaks for itself.
  14. Don't forget about Nayirah. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nayirah_testimony
  15. H.J.Keisler "Elementary Calculus an Infinitessimal Approach" PDF link : http:// https://www.math.wisc.edu/~keisler/keislercalc-03-07-17.pdf
  16. The ratio of calculated universal matter (per the LambdaCDM model) verses visible universal matter (from WMAP or PLANCK data) equals 2*Pi +/- 1.1% (for both).
  17. I flick through all the global cable news stations around midnight GMT on most days and all I can say is that obsessing over trivial BS and endless partisan speculation that is neither here nor there won't get an impeachment nor be a hindrance to re election.
  18. You can disable the device in Device Manager (under Control Panel then System) if you have access to them.
  19. Well it definitely doesn't mean what it meant even 10 years ago let alone 50 years ago. It seems that the extremes of both political persuasions are now considered mainstream. https://youtu.be/hUBAx8jbYNs
  20. Get CCleaner Free and clean out your IE/Edge cache etc when you clean up whatever browser you are actually using as they pick up crap even if you never use those browsers. https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/download.
  21. Here is a standard 2 string kite and harness for your reference. This is how you'd see the kite and harness if you were flying it. It is unusual to see that the bottom spars don't go straight through on yours considering both kites share a similar plan shape.
  22. Hi Moontanman, The 737 MAX issues and more recent problems with large batteries discharging suddenly in electric car accidents are just two examples of where our current technology has developed faster than the quality assurance processes that will guarantee safety to all users (passive or otherwise) of those technologies. Apparently many birds are 'plucked' by communications towers according to Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode/communication-towers-pluck-birds-13-01-29/?redirect=1 Presently they turn off most of the equipment on communications towers when maintenance is being done to stop the technicians/riggers from getting fried. Most of the danger is from point to point microwave transmitters that have a highly focused beam and not the equipment used exclusively for the mobile network. Around 10 years ago I lived 3 houses up from a Telephone exchange that had a communications tower at the back. I would sit on my back verandah and watch the Sulfur Crested Cockatoos chew up the plastic insulation on the cabling that went to the attached phone network and microwave transmitters and then watch the technicians come out a month or so later and replace multiple pieces of damaged equipment. While correctly operating 5G network transmission equipment will not produce harmful waves there is no telling what will happen when these systems aren't operating as they should due to storm or animal damage. While the following is not in the 5G band I was surprised what can be done deliberately through manipulating/pulsing and wondered what could be done unintentionally. https://www.nrl.navy.mil/news/releases/nrl-scientists-produce-densest-artificial-ionospheric-plasma-clouds-using-haarp Also, as mobile phone networks have only been around for 30 years so far we can only wonder what bandwidths 6, 7 and 8G etc networks will use in the future?
  23. Sphere? The version I heard was told to me by a friend who had taken the relativistic math option at university in the mid 70's.
  24. That sounds very much like part of a 'multi dimensional disproof of god' I first heard of around 40 years ago. Basically if you 'pick up' a 'house' from the 2D world and place it in a different location the 2D people would only see it disappear from one location and then reappear at another location in their 2D world because they don't have access to the 3rd dimension. If I recall the argument correctly 'god' is supposed to be 'everywhere at once' so it could be regarded as existing in a higher dimension. The crunch comes when the listener is asked if they have talked to any 2D people lately or even know if they exist. This implies that any higher dimensional 'being' could not be aware of 'people' in lower dimensions, let alone communicate with them or even know if they actually exist.
  25. In Australia in the mid 70's our courts revealed that there was no requirement for truth in political advertising. This was pre Australia Act 1986 so there was no rule requiring truth in UK political advertising either, unless one has been introduced since then. Around the same time the wrestlers from our 'World Championship Wrestling' were all required to join the Actors Equity Union. Just to be consistent, why not flush your double jeopardy laws down the toilet along with your constitutional values and what little remains of your political integrity and honesty.
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