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  • Favorite Area of Science
    molecular physics

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I do understand the Maxwell equations but I believe you have interpreted gauss's law of magnetism incorrectly. It states that a magnet must be dipole and has a net charge of zero but an electromagnet does have an attraction to a charged particle ( which a proton is by definition ) instead of argueing your understanding of physics though I will simply state that all particle accelerators operate by using a strong electromagnet ( more accurately a series of them) to pull a charged particle in a loop until adequate speed is attained.
  2. I didn't want to do this ( I prefer to do my own research) but desperate times call for desperate measures. I just started my freshman year in high school and since I plan to take AP physics my senior year I should tie that into my epic senior year science fair project, and I have the perfect idea. I plan to build a particle accelerator capable of colliding sub-atomic particles to produce heavy elements OR producing low power neutron beams. Anyway I plan to use electromagnetism to rip asunder a hydrogen atom into free protons and free electrons as protons have a positive charge and vice versa. Unfortunately I ran into a speed bump in research. Here's my question. How strong of a magnetic field ( in Gauss) would it take to produce a force of 3.2077 * 10 to the 21st. Power between a point and 1 mole of protons with a net charge of 1 coloumb.as for distance I have yet to determine it so please include the equation so that I may augment it to fit my final design. P.S. I'm. Here for actual reliable advice so I don't need to get 40 pages of " it's impossible, you can't do that it would have to be the size of a small ccity and cost a billion trillion dollars, blah, blah, blah." Nothing is impossible there is only various magnitudes of difficulty. P.S.S force in newtons
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