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Everything posted by montekristo

  1. Prologue Nowadays it is hard to publish your ideas related with physics when you are notan accredited physicist. Also it is hard to make people find your ideasseriously, especially when your ideas intersect famous scientists' ideas or theories.And the funniest thing is that those physicians, who are not able to create oreven think rationally, are just all talk and no action, they can only mock and donothing. Conceited fools. Enunciation I thoughtabout some physical principles (in the philosophical sense) and exposed them inmy website – (link removed by moderator). If my ideas are correct, it is possible to create some useful inventions(which I described). Naturally, to proof my ideas/theories, I must invent them.Well, or at least try to invent them. However, unfortunately I cannot do it bymyself due to some circumstances. That is why I am looking for people who haveabilities, potential, willingness to experiment. Epilogue If my ideasare successful, I allow patent my ideas/inventions to people who constructed it. - I will not discuss my ideas personally. Try (disproof) or shut up. - My website has no ads, so there is no possibility to make money. Irepeat - I have nothing to advertise, so my website is not SPAM's tool and I'mnot spamming. Unless you think that sharing your ideas about physics in physicsforum is SPAM. The end.
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